

@nerfbedsurfer / nerfbedsurfer.tumblr.com

This is just a blog. Expect a mix of things. Details are in the about tag in the Nav bar. Welcome, and enjoy.

I went and rped on my old blog today and it's the happiest time I've had on this site in literally 3 years. I can't stop smiling.

My Kura was waiting for me, and old friends were there, and it's been fun. I needed this, and I'm going to keep doing it. Which means I won't be here that often anymore. If you want to come over the URL is bakura-the-changed-spirit.


I’m not crying you’re crying 

Always remember the 9/11 Search and Rescue dogs. 

So many of them became depressed and distraught because they were trained to find live bodies, and when they kept finding remains, their handlers and other rescue workers began to hide in the wreckage so the dogs could do live finds. 

These dogs provided immeasurable help to those that were working the scene, bringing great emotional support just by being around the rescuers. 

I’m not saying I’m sobbing…but if you don’t cry or catch feels something is wrong with you.

Always reblog this very good girl. 


Okay okay okay. So I’ve seen Star Trek: First Contact about a hundred times and I can’t believe I never noticed this.

So first contact with the Vulcans happens, right? The Vulcan ship lands…

Ooh look an alien. Pointy ears!

He offers what we as Star Trek fans recognize as the traditional Vulcan greeting.

Zefram Cochrane tries to copy…

Haha he can’t do it.

So he of course offers what he knows to be a traditional greeting, namely a handshake.

And ah yes, what a wonderful moment. Two cultures are exchanging greetings, learning about each other. It’s awesome.

Until you remember that Vulcans kiss with their hands.

So basically, this Vulcan offered a nice polite “how do you do” and Zefram Cochrane offered smoochies.

I really hope this came up in conversation later.

The Vulcans did a Kirk on the whole human race.


The person above was right, Vulcan’s kiss with their hands. But typically, the way they kiss only involves their index and middle finger being pressed against another person’s. That is a kiss.

In, “The Search for Spock,” you see that in the Vulcan culture, just running your fingers against someone else’s can be considered sex (the scene is super strange, but it’s heavily implied, forgive me if I’m wrong).

So, going on that thought, this isn’t just a kiss.

This is like, a make-out session, or at least a long, passionate kiss.

I just, I just can’t get over it because:

1. There are are other Vulcan’s watching these guys, but the Vulcan in front just fucking accepts the kiss.

2. This takes a second right? Like, Zefram can’t do the Vulcan salute so he offers his hand and this Vulcan just gives him this face like, “oh, um, alright? I guess I shouldn’t refuse.” And he just ACCEPTS IT.

The best thing over all is, after they connect, this Vulcan just gives this guy bedroom eyes. It’s like he’s thinking, “well, bold of you sir, bold. Such a strong grip. Perhaps we can do this again in private.”

I just…


I love the beat after the human sticks out his hand.  Where the Vulcan looks down and realizes what he’s expected to do and just internally goes “Humans are fucking WILD” and fucking goes for it, full on macks on the first human he’s ever met.

The whole Vulcan deal is logic, so they’d be super forgiving, or should be, of social faux-pas with other species. 

After all, manners are essentially in-group/out-group tests. Everyone already knows the alien is in the out-group, so the test is pointless. You gotta get in there and find out with observation, interaction and experimentation. If science says to find out what’s what you gotta go to fifth base with the dreamy savage that just went to warp in a garbage missile, well then its time roll up your sleeves (literally) to start combining some diversities. 


“I can’t be vegan, I love cheese”

Dairy industry is as evil as meat. No less harm for animals. Does it look natural that calf can’t drink milk so you can taste your piece of cheese? 



That calf is wearing a nose tag. Nose tags are put on calves so that they are able to stay with their mothers longer, but are unable to nurse. They don’t NEED to nurse as they get older, they just get greedier and pushier and will bash up the cow’s udder and bruise it with their noses.

This nose-tag is so that calves can stay with their mothers, their mothers can remain pain-free and healthy, and nobody is stressed.

Educate yourselves you ignorant fucking tarts.

…really? You don’t think it might have anything to do with the milk being stolen for human consumption? At all? Not even a tiny bit?

Militant vegans can fuck right off

Based on fur texture and face shape, that calf is at least six months old, probably older.  Calves can survive without actual cow milk even at three months, though older is better (calves weaned that early are usually fed a sort of formula for another couple months).

Also, nose tags like that one don’t go through the cow’s septum.  They basically work like those fake septum rings for humans.

In addition to weaning the calves, another use for nose tags is protecting non-lactating cows.  Sometimes weanlings or even adult cows will suck on themselves or other non-lactating cows; this can cause internal teat scarring bad enough to prevent that teat or teats from ever working.  I’ve seen this happen, and it’s ugly, probably at least somewhat painful, and, if bad enough, would lead to the cow being slaughtered at a very young age because she can’t produce milk, has chronic mastitis, and/or can’t be milked with automatic milking equipment.  So, nose tags actually prevent animal cruelty.

Also, calves will suck on anything remotely oblong (and attempt to eat literally anything), even if they are being adequately fed or overfed.  Often they will suck on other calves’ ears, and, since ears are longer than teats and cows have upper as well as lower teeth in the back of their mouths, many calves get bites on their ears, which often become severely infected.  I’m not sure if nose tags would work there, because physics—a non-toxic but bad-tasting ear paint would be better—but yeah, letting a calf put anything it wants in its mouth is not always a good idea.

reblogging for educational purposes.

reblogging for people being schooled

This was the funniest argument about false cruelty I have read.. Thank you. 


I love this for 2 reasons: Most people don’t realize that in farming areas agriculture/horticulture/animal husbandry is part of public school education from as early on as 7th grade. (Though I remember dissecting cow eyes in 4th grade science sooo) I assure you fifteen year old farm kids know more about what constitutes animal cruelty in farms than thirty year old vegans with, or without an agenda. 

Also that if you really want good quality beef/pork/eggs/milk/etc you don’t abuse your animals. Ever. That’s not the point and if you want to make any kind of money off your career choice, you are going to treat those creatures better than you treat yourself. You’ll call a vet five times for an infection in your herd before you visit the hospital for a missing foot on your own leg. 

So. Yeah. Watch out, because we’re getting internet access these days. We’re on tumblr too. 

P.S. The immigrant workers farming your supermarket produce have no health care or legal protection, and the Bolivians farming your 365 Organic Quinoa can’t afford to eat it. But PLEASE won’t someone think of the poor baby cows who won’t get off the tit?!

Also this is a LOT nicer than what mother cows do to calves that won’t be weaned. You know what mother cows do to calves that won’t wean? kick them in the head. Now I don’t know about vegans, but I’d rather have a nose tag that discouraged me from injuring my mother (because calves that don’t wean tend to chew on udders and make mother cows bleed) rather than being kicked in the head. Source: I grew up on a fucking cattle ranch. I have seen chickens skeletonize a mouse I KNOW SHIT.

“I have seen chickens skeletonize a mouse I KNOW SHIT.”

I’m sorry, what? What??? WHAT??? you can’t just leave it there please explain @thehornedwitch

Happy to explain! See, chickens are omnivorous. They eat bugs, plants, and meatstuffs. Y'know how crows and ravens and things eat meat? Well, chickens too. Ours had a particular fondness for ham when someone accidentally put it into the bucket of good scraps we set aside for the chickens. A bucket we tried to keep as meat-free as possible, because few things are more terrifying than a chicken looking you in the eyes as it scarfs down ham. Anyway, back to the mouse. One day i was doing Chicken Chores, like gathering eggs, putting out grain, emptying the bucket of greens, etc, when a mouse runs across the pen. All at once, eight or so chickens stop dead, look at it, and SWARM. Now I’m six at this point in time and developing a healthy fear of chickens, and so do nothing. By the time the chickens are done, all that is left of the mouse is its bones. I left the chicken pen very, very quickly. Chickens crave meat. They were dinosaurs. They did not forget that they were dinosaurs. They will also cannibalize each other with reckless abandon. Sometimes we just had to remove one chicken to its own private pen away from the others because no matter what we did, that specific one always tried to eat the other chickens. We had one that really liked other chicken’s eyes. Bear in mind, our pens ensured each chicken had about five to six square feet all its own if you managed to space every chicken out evenly, we never locked them in teensy pen things, and fed them LOTS. These chickens just really, really wanted to maim. Chickens that are not Buff Orpingtons are the devil. Buff Orpingtons are sweethearts. If you must have chickens, have that kind. And never get Guineas. Guineas are SATAN INCARNATE. THEY SMELL FEAR.


Holy shit, I dont think I’ll ever use chicken as an insult again. 


Holy Shit, same here that is terrifying


Will I’m using it as a compliment

I love farm animals.

“Chickens crave meat. They were dinosaurs. They did not forget that they were dinosaurs.”

If you’ve ever looked a chicken in the eye you know that they don’t just remember; they’re patiently awaiting the day they become dinosaurs again. 


I have reblogged this before because watching farmers school vegans is always hilarious, but now we’re into birds, specifically fowl, and I have got stories.

I had to give my turkey an antibiotic injection once upon a time, and she turned the needle puncture into a six inch by three inch hole in her back overnight as she attempted to eat herself because apparently turkeys find themselves to be delicious. She had to spend 3 months duct taped into a tea towel (the bandages underneath cleaned and replaced daily, mind you) until it healed because she would not stop ripping the bandages off to continue consuming herself.

Your chickens strip a mouse to the bone? Mine draw and quarter them and run around with the parts shrieking. My peacocks grab mice, beat them to death on the ground with this insanely fast back and forth head twisting motion, and then swallow them whole. You would not think an entire adult mouse would fit in their face, and you would be wrong.

I knew a guy that used to regularly post photos of the 5-6′ long Copperhead snakes his peafowl would destroy. And I don’t mean kill, I mean destroy. These venomous snakes would get into the pens and the peas would just peck them into oblivion like nbd.

Fowl didn’t just used to be dinosaurs. They are still dinosaurs.

Thankfully they are small dinosaurs

and we can just tape them into tea towels if we have to


BEGGING for a Jurassic Park reboot where farmers run the place instead of brogrammer scientists, and the raptors frequently get scolded and taped into tea towels

Now I feel less guilty about eating chicken. It’s just pre-emptive self defense.


Guys there is actually a german ripoff of Aladdin by this terrifying “animation company” (I use that term loosely) Dingo Pictures and I wanted to share Aladdin’s song b/c it is funky fresh


My new morning JAM.


…you’re lucky I’m a stubborn asshole because these took way longer to make than I’d like to admit.

holy fucking shit

did you just gif the whole fucking movies






My childhood in one gifset 💜


You might struggle with auditory processing if…

- Your catchphrase is “what?”

- You ask someone to repeat their question then finish processing and respond halfway through they’re finished repeating it.

- You somewhat processed what someone said but your brain won’t take it.

- You mishear what people say wildly wrong. Like, wildly wrong. Then you process it and it makes wayyyy more sense than whatever you thought someone originally said.

- “Wait, what?”

- Default face is a perplexed, confused look.

- You have to deal with rude people who refuse to repeat themselves and act exasperated at the suggestion, than proceed to get angry when you won’t respond to them and/or remember what they just said.

- You can hear a car door open down the street but you can’t hear someone talking to you in the same room.

- Talking is weird.

- You’re constantly seen as a bad listener (which, maybe isn’t that far from the truth- but they assume you’re not trying), unfocused (which I tend to be, but it’s unrelated), and so on. Nobody stops to consider that maybe you have processing issues.

- You were tested for hearing issues as a kid because you didn’t respond to people or talk much, but every test came back negative and your parents were told you have perfect hearing.

- The idea of talking to two people at once is terrifying beyond imagining.

- Responding to something someone said ages ago, even with a different conversation still going, the topic has moved on, and everyone forgot about it.

- “Huh?!”


bonus round: we can watch TV or talk. not both.

And no one without auditory processing issues understands any of this.

- you watch tv with the subtitles on even though your hearing is fine

- listening to podcasts makes your brain tired like you’ve been doing big scary math

- in a chattering crowd, all you hear is white noise


People talking over each other is a source of constant anxiety.

Lip reading helps, to the point that talking on the phone without that input is really annoying.


OH MY GOD I thought I was the only hearing person who can’t focus on a show / movie unless there are subtitles.


Having one person talk to me in one ear while I’ve got the phone to the other ear is like… rage-inducing. Like. I will not make phone calls around other people specifically to avoid this. 

THIS!!  OMG all of this!!  I didn’t know there was a name for it!  Every single addition to this post is me, and it’s even worse for my daughter.  Teachers keep telling me she’s not paying attention in school, that she has difficulty following instructions.  No, she just can’t focus on the words coming out of your mouth.  Having a name for it is liberating!

Oh, also: when your brain checks out after trying and failing to focus on someone who speaks too quietly or not clearly enough. (I hate mumbling lecturers, especially if they have a mustache, so I can’t read lips.) That’s why I keep falling asleep in class.

Omg I didn’t know this was a common thing, I just thought I had maybe add or something bc I can’t pay attention to long stories

Also the fucking phone thing!!!! My mom does this all the fucking tiiiiime and I hate it!!! Let me talk on the phone, don’t talk to me!!!


Sometimes I’m glad I became deaf in my right ear, it gives me a built-in excuse to tell people to leave me alone when I’m on the phone. 

what the hell??!?!? i thought everyone had to deal with that!!

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