
Alisha the Smiling

@alishathesmiling / alishathesmiling.tumblr.com

Independent Alisha Diphda RP Blog
(Sideblog; followers will be followed by @resplendent auras)

((I am genuinely sad to say this, because you guys are so awesome, but my tumblr hiatus is going semi-permanent, even on my personal blog. It has nothing to do with RP at all, just sort of tumblr in general. Between that, and my RL just being so busy, I won't be on tumblr much. I will still be on my personal blog from time to time to post my fanfiction, and cosplay/convention related activities, and all of my RP blogs here will remain up in case I do reach a point where I am ready to return (which has happened before when I've taken hiatus), but until further notice, I will only RP in small private sessions on other sites. If you want to keep interacting with me in RP settings (or just in general because you guys are so awesome!), then please let me know by messaging me at my personal blog ( @dragoonalisha )! I have many other social network presences, and will be happy to keep in touch with you all! My time here with Tales RPers has been such a joy, and I truly appreciate all of you guys, and have made so many great friends this way! So you all just keep doing what you do and being awesome! ❤️ Noelle~))


(Berseria is out, and my copy is here, so now is probably a good time to announce that I’m taking an all-around tumblr hiatus for a little while. I was hoping to be back to RP by now, but alas, it just isn’t happening. I’ve got a heavy cosplay load this fall, and with playing Berseria, and fanfic writing, I’m trying to play catch up on everything I couldn’t do the past few months! (Which is a LOT.

If any of you guys want my alternate contact info, please don’t hesitate to PM me! (I do have Skype, but I’m on it only once in a blue moon, but if you want Facebook info, that’s probably the best route to go!

XO~ you guys are fabulous, and thanks for being patient with me darlings!))

(P.S.: I AM still role playing (just Alisha, Sorey, and Jude atm), but only in small private chats, and it's kinda hit or miss when those happen (you guys who I've been RPing with in those chats know who you are xD). If anybody else wants to RP with me in those group chats, please let me know. I don't want to exclude anyone who wants to RP with me! So please contact me if you want in! I am the mod/owner of the chat room we're using, so you're cool butting in if you ask me (or OJ xD).)


(Berseria is out, and my copy is here, so now is probably a good time to announce that I'm taking an all-around tumblr hiatus for a little while. I was hoping to be back to RP by now, but alas, it just isn't happening. I've got a heavy cosplay load this fall, and with playing Berseria, and fanfic writing, I'm trying to play catch up on everything I couldn't do the past few months! (Which is a LOT. If any of you guys want my alternate contact info, please don't hesitate to PM me! (I do have Skype, but I'm on it only once in a blue moon, but if you want Facebook info, that's probably the best route to go! XO~ you guys are fabulous, and thanks for being patient with me darlings!))


(Hiya guys!

I am slowly trying to come back from my hiatus before my next con in July.

I’ll be working on my Armatus Sorey cosplay, as well as wigs for both Yuri and Estelle, and finish making Mikleo’s staff, so I will still be busy, but I’m gonna try to churn out a few replies here and there.

I will probably be on my Sorey blog off and on for the next couple nights, but will be slower on returning to Alisha and Mikleo.

I hope everyone’s having a great summer so far! You’ll all see more of me in the fall, so I’m not disappearing completely. Spring and summer are just the busiest times of year for me. I miss my RP friends!



(Hiya guys! Just popping in to say hello! My next convention is next weekend, and after I’ve recovered from that, my hiatus will be over! Finally, right? XD 

Life’s been SUPER busy, but I’ve got my cosplay for Alisha’s swimsuit done, and am working on Sorey’s swimsuit for my fiancé (all those details on the swim trunks are a pain in my ass XD), and I have awesome yukata for us as Sorey and Mikleo, so I’m excited for next weekend! :D I didn’t have time to make Mikleo’s swimsuit yet, but I have all the materials, so I’ll get around to it eventually ;)

Once I can get my sleep schedule back to something somewhat normal, I’ll start resuming all the replies I have left in my drafts… (which aren’t too terribly many… at least I think… O.o)

I may end up deleting my Edna blog (or at least making her indefinitely on hiatus), so that I can concentrate on my OT3 babies (Alisha, Mikleo, and Sorey), and so I can finally get my Jude and Milla blog up and running.

(Psst: I was able to get ahold of a cheap secondhand Xbox, so I’ve been playing Vesperia whenever I get a chance, and I’m thoroughly enjoying it so far. Good goddess, Yuri makes that game, and Estelle is just perfection. I’m already planning cosplays for my fiancé and I of them, and want to make a Repede cosplay for my dog, too. <3) Wellllll that’s all I have time for now. My sleep schedule has been totally wrecked all week, and Memorial Day weekend at work has been kicking my ass, so I really must sleep (I work 6p to 6:15am on Monday, so I’m praying I can actually get enough sleep to get through that :/)

Anyways! I miss my RP peoples, and I’ll be back from hiatus in a couple of weeks ~

<3 Noelle-mun)


Touch my muse! Touching is a quiet way of conveying your feelings, so tell me how you feel with your touch!

Top of head: Sibling affection/parental affection
Hair: Yearning
Ear: "I want you to hear me out."
Nose: "You're so cute."
Cheek: "I want to tell you I love you."/Deep affection/Devotion
Neck: Dislike/Hate/Disdain
Shoulder: Worry/Concern for other/Fear
Waist: Possessiveness/"You are mine."
Over the heart: "I love you."
Butt: Sexual attractiveness/lust
Hip: Interest
Back: Wanting to kill/will betray you one day
Stomach: Fun!/Silliness/"Wanna go cause some trouble?"
Forearm: Indifference/Don't particularly care for
Biceps: Aggravation/Irritation/"You are an idiot."
Fingers: Friendship/amicable
Wrist: Fear of losing you
Knee: "Don't worry, I'm here for you."
Chin: Beauty/attractiveness
Thigh: Sympathy/empathy
Calves: "I will cause you pain."
Feet: "I will serve you forever."/Deep devotion and and feelings of servitude/extreme fealty

(Sorry for being so inactive! Convention season is in full swing now, so my activity will be sporadic here until late August/early September. I made 3 cosplays over the past two days [Sorey's school uniform, Alisha's swimsuit, and Noctis from Final Fantasy XV, and I have a con next week, and I need to try to make Mikleo's staff for that and fix Sorey's sword] SO I am a busy bee! A workaholic just like Alisha! ;P (When you know you picked the right main muse XD). If I get any random time these next couple weeks, I'll try to reply to a few of you guys though! I do miss you guys! ;3)


(Sorry i’ve been so inactive the past few weeks guys. Work has been busy/hellish, and now I’m going right into training (another) new person, and I’ve been sick off and on… So yeah. I’m just pretty much… exhausted. My activity levels will pick up again once I’m less exhausted again. <3

P.S.- if anybody wants to friend me in Tales of Link, here’s my friend code #: 374,781,089)


✩ Interview with a Mun ✩

➊ How many ships do you have on this blog?

➋ Have you ever roleplayed with someone that just left an unforgettable impression on you?

➌ Which of your ships on this blog is the fluffiest?

➍ Would you say you’re a decent roleplayer or do you have any self doubts?

➎ Have you made lots of friends on this blog?

➏ What’s the one thing you especially love about roleplaying your muse?

➐ Are there any people you’ve been to afraid of approaching?

➑ Give us a rough estimate: How much time have you spent on your graphics? (icons, theme, banners, promos, etc)

➒ Got any memorable threads on here? Care to mention a few?

➓ What were some of the most frustrating moments you had with your muse’s interaction with another muse?

❂ Wild card! (Ask a question of your own!)


(I should try Skype RP someday. *shrugs* I've never used Skype for RP before, so I dunno. It might be nice to try for when I'm stuck on mobile, which is like 80% of the time XD Ehhh. We'll see lol)

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