
Night Furies

@night-fury-trainer-blog / night-fury-trainer-blog.tumblr.com

Aspiring concept/storyboard artist! I'm also a big ball of social anxiety! This is my art blog, by the way. c:

Now that marching band season is over I have nothing left to do with my life

except tumblr



It’s sad that I can’t even enjoy being on Tumblr, or in some of the fandoms I love anymore, because of the fact there’s just so many douche-bags that like to hate on ships, artists, and people who have other opinions that they don’t agree with. I thought being in fandoms was supposed to be fun- Where you could share the interests you have with others, and enjoy yourselves... Not a place where people are just so terrible to one another. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ guys; one of the fandoms I’m in had people that drove a girl to almost fucking killing herself! Over art of a character they don’t even own! (Steven Universe, icymi) 

 And then we have people who disrespect others and how they feel about certain things. If someone ships a ship you don’t ship, respect their fucking opinion and move on! If someone doesn’t like a character you absolutely adore, respect their fucking opinion, and move the fuck on! (You get the damn idea.) Just fucking respect how people feel, and don’t be such a douche-bag! I used to love going into the tags of the fandoms I’m in, of the ships I ship, to talk to people that had the same interests, but I can’t do that anymore, because of how immature, pathetic, and just plain rude a lot of you are. I’m very sure many people feel the same way about how you certain lot of people act... Especially when you raid the tags of things you don’t like, to spam your hate across everything. Then, strangely enough, you get furious that no-one respects your opinion... Hypocrite much? 

Why should people respect your opinions, when you go out of your way to bash the fuck out of everything you don’t like?

How about you grow the fuck up, and let people like what they like. And you, like what you like. To each their own, but you don’t have to be such a piece of shit. ( c: )

(This has been a PSA/rant from a really pissed off blogger. Thank you for the time you have spent reading this. Just needed to get it off of my chest. c’:)


If you praise Laurel Lance for overcoming her depression and drug/alcohol addiction on her own but condemn Oliver Queen for taking steps to start his recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder (or worse, dismiss his struggle with trauma and mental illness as “man pain”) then you need to take a good long look at your own views of masculinity and ask yourself whether you’re still adhering to the expectations of a patriarchal society when it comes to what men should be like.

Because ultimately the dismissal of a man’s mental or emotional problems still comes from a place of misogyny and sexism since it is rooted in the patriarchal idea that men can’t show any weakness.

This is a feminist issue

That is all. 


My dad is always so mentally and physically abusive for some reason

idk why

but I hope he dies from one of these health problems he has c’:


i still cant fathom the fact that a 15 yr old kid came up with a video as powerful as #LittleGame

 Tumblr I dare you to make this video go so viral that CNN has to talk about it

Lets play a little of game of our own, everytime we see this post we reblog,NO MATTER WHAT OR HOW MANY TIMES YOU SEE THIS POST REBLOG!

I love this video so much and I’ve shared it everywhere I can. I’m tempted to reactivate my Facebook so that I can share this amazingly inspirational video.

I love this so much


Hey my little 13 year old cousin is missing and I’m really worried. She was last seen just after midnight Tuesday morning in her home on Madison Street in Portsmouth, VA. Then she stormed out after having an argument with her brother and we haven’t seen her since. She is a black female with brown eyes and black hair (that’s her in the pics). She’s about 4-foot-4 and 105 pounds, and was last seen wearing a hot pink t-shirt, blue pants and black shoes.

If you know anything please call the Portsmouth Police Department at (757) 393-5300 or the Crime Line at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP and even if you don’t know anything could you please reblog this to help get the word out.

This has way too little notes! Spread the word!!

This is still pretty new guys so if you’re worried about reblogging an old missing person post don’t.. It was posted August 18, 2015 around 8pm EST


Amazing. I haven’t seen any posts on Tumblr about this yet. How is this equality? You strive for no discrimination, but yet you say that it’s okay to harm cops, and make them fearful of doing their job? That’s bullshit. If you want equality, you shouldn’t be acting like the modern feminist, wanting to obliterate white people and cops like they want to obliterate men. It’s so sad to see that people are actually supporting the beating of this officer. What has society come to?

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