

@kaoticspoonie / kaoticspoonie.tumblr.com


Jean jacket quilt panels! And pockets! My first time making pockets.

I have one more kids size to do! And I have multiple friends on the lookout for adult sizes in local thrift stores


Broke a needle and I still wanna do a decorate stitch on the outside but I'm pretty happy!

Trying to embrace imperfections and feel proud cause I so often can only see the flaws.

The question is should I add an interior pocket or anything to the front? I feel like it's boring without but I don't want it to be 2 much either?

Also kids jackets r so tiny!


Let him chill in his car kennel while we did some yardwork and he was a fan!

He also got to meet my pharmacist today and got a lil whip cream from Mischief's cone!

I thought he had an issue with dairy but it looks like it was actually the probiotics so now we are doing small tests


This article was super long-winded so I screenshat the important part

the fact we’re responsible for getting doctors to “lower their defenses” in order to literally just do their jobs is ✨INFURIATING✨

This literally leaves me shaking in rage

Yeah, while I was actively in the throes of dying, I had to politely hedge my way around asking doctors if they thought it might be XYZ that was causing my totally weird symptoms because so-and-so told me I reminded them of their mum's friend who had a similar problem.

If I tried to be direct or disagreed, I was politely rebuffed with the suggestion that I might benefit from "prolonged psychiatric care," i.e., fuck off, or we'll put you on a psyche hold. And I knew on some level I would not survive that. I just knew my time was running out, and I was still having to be polite to these fucking assholes who looked at me and saw a mad woman who'd somehow escaped her attic.

I remember the exact moment I was sitting in the hematologist's office, politely trying to float the idea of MCAS past him by talking about it in abstracts in the desperate hope it might connect some dots for him and make him think he came up with it by himself.

And he just looked up at me, and I could see that he knew what I was doing. That I was feeding him breadcrumbs. I also saw the moment when he realized I was likely right, and he put his ego aside in favor of helping the patient in front of him. He was frank; he told me he didn't know how to help me, but he had a former colleague who specialized in mast cell disorders, and I should talk to her.

But before that, he wanted to look at my blood more closely because he had a gut feeling and oops, look at that. I was literally hours away from organ failure because the lifelong pernicious anemia I'd been afflicted with had been misdiagnosed as a mood disorder.

I'd been living on borrowed time for so long my body had been shutting down in front of him, and I'd still dragged myself to the clinic, dressed nicely, and put makeup on because failure to do so made me a Bad Patient who didn't take care of myself. And all the while, I was still playing fucking 4d chess with doctor's egos because God forbid a patient know their own body and have thoughts about it.

Anyway, shout out to U of M hematology department for not being filled with egotistical cunts and saving my life ✌

We shouldn't have to jump through these hoops, but this is the hell world we live in.

So my go to when looking at new doctors is to call and ask them some questions.

"does the doctor allow patient advocates in the room?" It's a red flag if they don't. Sometimes there r legitimate reasons like during COVID. And some docs will want to speak privately for some concerns.

My other favorite is "what are your policies on not wanting to have a weight taken?" My best doctors have been okay with not having compulsory weight taken. And it's a good way to see if the doctor is willing to listen to patients!

I'm currently searching for a new primary cause my dream primary doc no longer takes my insurance, and I'll say the number one thing she did was her referrals! She asked what I wanted from a doctor then found one that would help! My cardiologist who I wanted someone who was young (not gonna retire as soon as we got a treatment plan) and collaborative! And that's exactly what I got! The wrist surgeon she sent me to called ten different physical therapists! To see who was familiar with my joint condition and willing to work with me!


There's just 2 many quilts I wanna do and not enough time to do them!

Good news is I think I finally decided on a quilt pattern for a quilt for a friend! Ive been collecting fabrics for years now!

Still working on my stained glass crumb quilt.

And getting started on a bunch of things for upcoming shows.


buck: i'm an ALLY, you know

tommy: oh thank god, i was really worried you kissed me in a homophobic way


“Call Me Maybe” with every other beat removed






my gf crafted this with lots of care for yall. pls enjoy:

losing my mind over this



I love her so much that most days I don't even know what to do with it.

Everything finally is starting to feel ok again now that she's feeling better! Just a little hamstring tightness but first time since August that there wasn't any back tenderness!


I don't want ai to write my emails I want places to have vendor application forms so I don't have to send these awkward emails


I wish atmospheric phenomena did not GIVE ME MIGRAINES EVERY DAMN TIME. God put the sun AND moon inside my eyeball today. no THANK you


Wait wait wait is the goddamn eclipse the reason I'm down for the count??? FUCK

yeah apparently the temp drop/pressure change/atmospheric whatever can have the same effect as other pressure changes that fuck with your body I guess? so it's possible

Me letting my migraine meds run out the week of the eclipse was not my best..

Changes in barometric pressure can also trigger seizures in epileptic individuals btw.


Kaz anxious paced for ten minutes today cause Mischief was napping in the fabric kennel. He didn't want to nap, but his toy was in there. Not his favorite toy, just one of them.

He also dove thru the wire trellis today cause he tried to catch an outside toy and hit it over the garden fence.

I love him


Very excited about the weather being nice enough to throw but it was already almost to hot :(

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