
@dementedvampiriczombie /

There is no theme, there is no order, there is just me, a twenty-eight year-old girl reblogging whatever strikes her fancy and occasionally posting her own thoughts. Please don't expect it to make a lot of sense.

i think a society failed its youth if they feel old (derogatory) at 20


perhaps a society has failed if it’s people ever feel old (derogatory) rather than old (complimentary)


YOU. YOU GET IT the issue of tying youth to desirability, whether sexually or culturally, doesn't go away when you expand what youth is youth worship isn't just beauty standards, it's saying that only the young have ideas or creations that have worth. that age means withering and decay. don't expand what youth is, dismantle the idea that aging degrades your value as a human being


love how sometimes i’m like “oh, i should put this somewhere safe so i don’t lose it and know exactly where to find it later!” and about a month later i’m standing in my ransacked room trying to get into past me’s mindset like some kinda amateur historian on one of those history channel treasure hunting shows trying to get into the mind of a nineteenth century pirate to figure out where they hid some possibly nonexistent apocryphal loot

having memory problems is like being an archaeologist of your own life and it isn’t nearly as exciting as it sounds


I swear I saw a tumblr post on here that said ‘horses have over 4,000 bones’ and i don’t know where it came from because its totally wrong, they have 205, but what kind of fucked up horse has this person seen out there because I’m absolutely terrified of it 

extremely thankful this creature exists slightly to the left of our known reality

it sounds like a bowl of cereal when it walks

just because it has 4000 bones doesn’t mean they all must belong to it. you see where I’m going?



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