
a smile better suits a hero :)

@minfiliaryne / minfiliaryne.tumblr.com

Jace|23|she/they| Let me know if you need anything to be tagged Paypal - paypal.me/harmonya

Every time there's a big writer's strike or whatnot it becomes starkly clear how many self-proclaimed leftists think that only people who perform manual labour which results in a physical product that you can hold in your hands count as workers and everybody else is a parasite of some description.


holy fuck it's so beautiful out today i think i'll go on a long walk after work to enjoy the warm air and bright sky

ⓘ This post was raised cruelty free, lived a long and healthy life on a robust diet of thoughts and memories, and was never subjected to the drafts cage.


this is simply the greatest video i have ever seen

I'm going to reblog this a million times so be it


Reminded of that time the xkcd guy was trying to research what sports equipment would be most effective for destroying enemy drones in flight and he looked up a bunch of stats about pro tennis player accuracy against stationary targets like 40 feet away, and figured that a really high level tennis pro might be able to hit the drone in 5-7 shots if they had the time and even then probably wouldn’t do enough damage to disrupt it more than momentarily.

And then Serena volunteered to test this theory and just, killed it instantly.



lawnmower meat is rich in protein and relatively low in saturated fats due to their diet consisting primarily of grasses, leaves, the occasional branch. though they have been known to be carnivorous at times when the opportunity arises. therefore it is perfectly fine to consume as a main source of protein daily, unlike some other popular fatty meats such as inkjet printer and pork

Zelda is right. Return the rights. They're taking off all this shit for tax purposes and so that they don't have to pay residuals but worse than that, for a great deal of projects, they also own the rights meaning these projects can never be available anywhere else.

btw if my hatred for streaming services wasnt apparent enough the fact that infinity train is being deleted from every platform and all its music taken down from spotify and the fact that there is not a physical copy of the entire series and it got cancelled before it finished despite being one of the most beloved and well crafted cartoons of our generation

if it wasnt evident i think its time we realize that streaming services and corporations will literally run actual art into the fucking ground if it saves them a few dollars and why i will never, despite loving the craft, willingly go into an industry that does this shit

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