
literally a PERFECT video


false. the one on the left side of the seesaw weighs roughly five to seven pounds less than the one on the right. look at their legs. the one on the left has his legs bunched underneath him to focus maximal force on his action point. the one on the right has his legs extended, to disperse the force he’s creating on his action point.

this is the same technique one uses on a swing to create centripetal force.

we are being bamboozled with playground logic and i won’t stand for it.

no they weigh the same because they ate the same food their whole lives.


I love this so much

The idea of a pregnant couple posting about a gender reveal party only go to "PSYCH IT'S THE OTHER KID" is hilarious and also these are some fantastic parents


Sorry to say, but they do the exact same thing for humans too.

It’s amazing how people in the notes and comments are absolutely FURIOUS at me for the included Frozen comparison. Special shout out to everyone trying to prove that real people look like this.

Not to mention that when people edit these characters to have better facial proportions, the originals look like bizarre fish people.

How humans draw themselves is always fascinating to me

op why are you speaking like you aren’t human i’m scared

Eh…perhaps read my blog description.


this post has EVERYTHING


I think I know the reason for why people prefer “unrealistic” animation.

For some reason, humans really don’t like things that look like humans but aren’t quite human. Hence why a lot of people are uncomfortable with movies with animation like Monster House and The Polar Express. It looks too realistic to us and sets us off.

Scientists call this the “Uncanny Valley” effect and its thought to be an evolutionary tactic for survival.

The funny part is. No other animals that we know of experience the uncanny valley effect. Only humans. Which leaves the question: what was out there that mimicked humans so well and was so dangerous to us that we evolved to have this as a tactic for survival?

Oh hell yeah this is what I’m here for


Which leaves the question: what was out there that mimicked humans so well and was so dangerous to us that we evolved to have this as a tactic for survival? 


Okay, I’ve seen this thread a dozen times before, but not with this addendum.


what looks like a human but really really isn’t one and should make us panic a little? ….A human corpse. Because whatever made it one is probably still around. seriously that’s why a lot of people have the Uncanny Valley reaction. It’s a self preservation instinct.

How did we get from Frozen facial differences to a human corpse-

This is one of those classic tumblr posts that is a little different every time I see it.

This post has aged like fine wine since the last time it crossed my dash…


Dolly’s absolute amazingness aside… She is who she wants to be, and shows herself as she wants to. Anyone who sees her as a joke is in fact the joke themselves and I’m quite happy to laugh at them.

The real joke is that she’s the one finding it, not the government.


She purposely does this, y’all. I have been fascinated by her for years and she has purposely crafted this and people reacting like this is her intention. She is a master. Like, how many country artists can get away with openly being a queer ally and funding AIDS research and COVID research and all this other stuff and yet still I defy you to find a person–no matter how conservative–who will say anything worse than ‘she’s trashy’ to you–but it can’t even insult her because she says she’s trashy!! She is so good at this y’all. A master at the whole concept of reclaiming and owning one’s image. All hail Dolly.

An American icon. A hero.

Please always assume at least one brain cell is always thinking about Dolly

“Figure out who you are. Then do it on purpose.

          - Dolly Parton


hey @meshkol this is super relevant to you




the space race may be the funniest point in history period and i'll stand by that. the US is like "yes whoever gets into space first will prove once and for all that our economic model is superior and that we are, in general, the superior country of superior and smarter people." then the soviets just went and did it and the US freaked out and needed to cover their ass so were like "WE MEAN THE MOON, WE MEAN THE FIRST TO LAND ON THE MOON."


oh my god.

let me share a memory with y’all. it’s from i guess 1978 or thereabouts. it’s high summer. i don’t remember where my mom was driving me, in our avocado green chevette, i just know there was a traffic jam that turned 35w northbound into a parking lot from horizon to horizon.

picture it – wait, you don’t have to use your imagination, this happened all the damn time back then.

every one of those damn cars was burning leaded gasoline. there were no emissions regulations. there were no safety regulations. there were just thousands and thousands of detroit steel shoeboxes belching visible smoke as they idled, engines loud and hot, here and there a radiator giving up in the heat, a cloud of burning oil rising.

i, a smeet of five or six, was choking on toxic smog.

i reckon it was about a half hour into the traffic jam that i first threw up. i remember a blinding headache, i remember being confused, i remember dry heaving with my arms and head hanging out the window, the green metal of the car burning my hands and my chin. i don’t remember passing out, but i’m told i lost consciousness before mom was able to get to an off-ramp, because there were no emergency lanes on the highways back then.

i lived. and life went on. what were we going to do, complain? if i’d died, the cause of death probably would’ve been recorded as heatstroke, not carbon monoxide poisoning.

i know i’m probably preaching to the choir here on tumblr. but i really wish i could tell that story to the people who think deregulation is no big deal. i wish they’d put themselves in my mom’s shoes.

or even just look at some old pictures, then look out the window.

ever notice how cityscapes used to have that orange tint and hazy aura? yeah, that’s poison gas.

remember how the mississippi river used to be a stinking soup of baby-shit yellow sludge covered with disturbingly stiff rafts of light orange foam?

i can’t even find pictures of the sludge and foam, i guess they didn’t end up on the internet. the smell was indescribable. that oily shimmer. the reek of dead things. people didn’t boat on the river for pleasure; it smelled too bad, it was too ugly, and you could get super super sick if you touched the water.

and now look at it.

i still wouldn’t want to drink it, but if i fell in i wouldn’t bolt for the shower in a panic, you know?

if the thieving billionaires get their way, we can kiss those sailboats goodbye, and learn the smell of toxic foam once more. the ultra-rich won’t even feel the extra money, they’ve already got more than they could ever touch, they just stash it in offshore accounts to rot, but the rest of us will return to a time of neverending nausea and weird cancers. a time when every elementary school class had at least one kind who’d been born with no fingers or their heart outside their body, and this was just… the way things were.

i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to longpost. it’s just. god. y’all have no idea how CLEAN everything is now, compared to when i was a kid. and these rich old men are counting on that, on people not knowing or not remembering how bad it was before regulation, not realizing how much we need these protections until it’s too late.

I enforce federal worker health and safety and pollution regulations. 

When I was learning my trade, when my classmates and I were having a chuckle over the “well duh” level of specificity written into the Code of Federal Regulations (try “no hazardous material shall be stored in crew berthing” on for size), I will never forget the silence that followed when our instructor spoke these words:

“Your regulations are written in blood.”

These regulations were not written on a whim. They were written because someone thought they could cut costs by storing however many more pounds of a radioactive, toxic, carcinogenic, or whatever else material in the same rooms where the human beings they paid to transport those materials slept, and then did that, because no one was telling them not to. 

They were written because people died. Horrifically. Because unregulated capitalism values profit over human life and suffering. 

Can I say it again, for those not paying attention? 

Unregulated capitalism values profit over human life and suffering.


Please note the recalls etc. we’re already seeing with the current US government going after those regulations, and please see Doug Ford up here trying to weaken our water safety regulations again - the last time that happened, under another Conservative government, Walkerton happened and people died. Some died quickly, some lived for years with debilitating illnesses and then died.

Are there occasionally some regulations that seem arbitrary? Sure. But the only people who profit from deregulation as a general philosophy are companies that want to cut corners. The Koch brothers fight to deregulate oil pipelines, and theirs fail PLENTY. They don’t give a fuck.

When I was in middle and highschool, Acid Rain was a VERY BIG issue that we covered in EVERY science class. 

Cement buildings and marble historic statues were warped smooth from acid eating off the details. Paint was steadily stripped off cars. Sidewalks had fun little rivulets where lots of water flowed. 

The rain around big cities, due to the poisonous, low-PH smog, was literally acidic. 

Sulfur- and nitrogen-based air pollution and acid precipitation as well as the dissolution of important nutrients from the soil are still causing the spruce and fir trees of the forests to die, while brush and other forms of wildlife struggled to survive in the areas where the water cycle pushed city smog and precipitated it into rainfall.

The first phase of emission reductions ordered by the U.S. Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 was begun in 1995 - So, I was 4 years old when we STARTED regulating coal-fired power plants and vehicles. 

Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide smog was reduced by about 88%, and Hey! It’s 2020 and there’s no ACID falling from the SKY! 

Environmental Regulations are IMPORTANT. 



One dog has ear medicine she needs and the other one also thinks he needs it too 


Oh my gosh, mine does this EXACT SAME THING.

The cocker spaniel is prone to ear infections, so she needs a solution squirted down her ear canal and massaged in on a regular basis. She absolutely HATES it, but she endures it because she’s a good girl and she knows she gets treats after.

The border collie does NOT have ear issues, and doesn’t need the solution, but every time I’ve finished doing the cocker spaniel’s ears, he comes slinking up to me with his tail between his legs and an expression like “It is my turn for the ear torture. 😔😔 do your worst. 😔😔😔” and he will KEEP ACTING LIKE THAT until I put the closed nozzle of the ear solution into his ear and tip it upside down and massage his ear for a bit. Then I tell him he’s done and he immediately turns delighted, because “oh, wow, I survived the ear torture, and now I’m just vibrating with delight at my survival, wow, that was rough, but I made it through”

At literally no stage did we ever tell him he needed his ears done. He just saw the cocker spaniel getting it done, and was like, “oh. 😔 ear medicine for all of us 😔”


people with high turnip prices be like: “mandatory donation of 500,000 bells, 3 nook miles tickets, and 10 star fragments. tips appreciated :) you must also follow my twitter and RT my pinned to enter (I WILL BE CHECKING). pay up front or my bouncer will beat you to death with their net.”



Pink ain’t come to play wit you hoes!

This is also an excellent example of providing breed-adequate enrichment, because Border Collies are herding dogs. They were bred to run a lot and do multiple quick and sharp turns, so if you can’t provide your collie with an actual herd of animals to… well… herd, an obstacle course like this is a great alternative. That dog is having the time of her life.


getting better is like *absolves childhood me of guilt for things i was too young to understand* *forgives present version of me for not being compassionate enough to my younger self* and so on

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