
so much privilege

@declanprivilege / declanprivilege.tumblr.com

people who reblog porn: wow, what a good jerkin sesh. better show everyone what i pulled it to

why do people act like getting a job is so easy it’s literally the hardest thing on earth 

It really isn’t that difficult if you put forth your best effort.

#positiveattractspositive #stayfocused #dothedamnthing

If you work for it, it will come to you. But don’t expect the waiting game to reward you by simply dropping opportunities in your lap.


no shade but shut the fuck up


*girl is born* time to start preparing her for marriage

*boy turns 30* i know you are still a child but just pretend to get your life enough bit together so that other parents can give you their daughter she can take it from there you can go back being a baby nbd


mlp roleplay [18+ only]

*rarity smiles mischievously* dont look so surprised to find me here… ive been waiting for you 


*rarity is suddenly furious* youve been smoking again, after you told me youd given it up? stoney pony ive told you: either the weed goes or i go!

dude are we talking horses


Started squatting everyday (if my body feels up to it)


Squat 2x8x160kg

Deadlift 9x200kg

Bench 3x5x110kg


Pin squat @ parallel 2x1x160kg, 4x4x130kg

Press 2x2x80kg

Floor press 2x10x80kg

DB Row 2x6x55kg

If I don’t feel too beat up tomorrow I’ll front squat with a belt tomorrow for singles, probably hit up to about 150/155kg if I feel good


from the RTS website for the generalised intermediate program

“This program is written for David.  David is 30 years old and weighs 215 pounds.  He has been lifting for 4 years and has posted Class 3 numbers in the Russian Classification Chart.  He comes from a background of various 5x5 programs and has done a short stint of 5/3/1.  He is able to continue his transition from a 3x weekly template to a 4x weekly template.  He has read enough articles on the RTS site to be familiar with RPE’s and Fatigue percents.  He has no significant injuries and no significant time restrictions.  He has basic equipment.  David trains and competes raw (no knee wraps).  He deadlifts conventional style and his sticking points are all at the bottom of the lift.“

almost perfect description of where I’m at except that I’m between class 2 and class 1 so slightly stronger pound for pound than “David”

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