
save me from that bloody destiny

@g4yr4t / g4yr4t.tumblr.com

welcome to my kitchen... we have bananis... and avocadis..... my name's garrett, but you could also call me "gay rat" or "rat." white philadelphia-based 30-year-old autistic. ze/hir, gay/bi/asexual. I'm pretty cute tbh. also I love rats, that's important.

>i sit on a throne and people come up to me one by one displaying different items

>with each item i yell out "yonic" or "phallic" and then wave them away to a door to the left or right of me (depending on whether its yonic or phallic)

>guy comes up with an item thats too difficult to label as yonic or phalic

>i pull a lever to the right of me that opens a trap door under his feet sending him to fall miles down to his death as we are in my floating cloud castle

>categorizing continues as normal


here's the thing. I don't think that men and women can't be friends. I do think, however, that some men can't be friends with women. bc they are misogynists and don't see women as people. so if you as a man say men and women can't be friends I think you're telling on yourself


I know this is a personal/fan blog but this man reached out to me despite being a stranger.

His family are trapped in Gaza. As things are becoming rapidly worse, I wanted to share his campaign here so they may have a better chance.

If you can’t than please share this post so it can reach more people


If you’re able to ask the question “what if I have body dysmorphia?” in response to my claim that no one needs to or should call themselves fat in pejorative way when they are not in fact fat, then you’re already acknowledging that you don’t belong to the class of people who are fat and who experience all the attendant abuses and discrimination. You know, at least in this moment, that what you have is a mental disorder, not a fat body. So I’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest that you practice saying “my body dysmorphia is really bad right now” instead of “I’m so fat.” You’ve already proven you can do it—the question is whether you care enough about other people to stop saying that their bodies are your living nightmare


As a wheelchair user I'm trying to reframe my language for "being in the way."

"I'm in the way," "I can't fit," and "I can't go there," is becoming "there's not enough space," "the walkway is too narrow," and "that place isn't accessible."

It's a small change, but to me it feels as if I'm redirecting blame from myself to the people that made these places inaccessible in the first place. I don't want people to just think that they're helping me, I want them to think that they're making up for someone else's wrongdoing. I want them to remember every time I've needed help as something someone else caused.

To the people saying this also applies to fat people - you are not derailing! This is true!!!

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