
you will never get away from the sound

@amaronith / amaronith.tumblr.com

My writing: AO3 My Video Projects: YouTube Twitch If you like what I do: Buy Me a Coffee

yes we laugh about laios’s answer here hahaha it’s not even a monster but. let’s not gloss over senshi

His favorite food is Hippogriff soup.

His deepest, darkest, most closely-held secret wasn’t just that he spent most of life never truly knowing if one of his companions fed him another one of their teammates in order to keep him alive.

It was also that he liked it. A lot.

His relief he felt wasn’t just the “oh thank god I’m not a cannibal” catharsis, it was also that he wouldn’t have to kill and eat another person just to eat this meal again.

How many times do you think he craved it over the years. How haunted was he by this. How hard was it for him to make friendships with other humans because of this. Is this why he was so comfortable living with orcs. He was so isolated that, even living on an island with a decent half-foot population, he didn’t even know what they were.

[ID: Dungeon Meshi excerpts. The first shows Laois seriously responding to the question "What is your favorite food?" with "... Cheesecake!" Kabru scowls "It's not even a monster?" while Chilchuck licks his lips and says "The stour they make at the Kringley Brewery," Senshi says "Hippogriff soup," and Izutsumi says "Crab."

The second shows Senshi, helmet off, crying with overwhelm as he admits, "For all of these years... I've wanted to taste this soup again!" He remembers his old crew standing around his younger self with smiles and says, "Thank ye all... Thank ye..." The party compassionately holds him. End ID]


Gamer moment

true gamers are equal opportunity haters

I used an enby pride flag in league (which gives you a little flag trail behind your character) and someone said to me:

"What are your pronouns so I can insult you properly"


not to be a nerd but it’s so crazy how he (Bernini) really did that from cold hard stone……. truly a spectacle, truly breathtaking, an honor to behold

I think you should know he was 23 when he finished this and the ass gets a lot of attention but the hand on Persepina’s side/tummy is also exquisite

before i saw the caption I knew that HAD to be bernini.

I try not to make sweeping statements but I think there’s a case to be made for bernini as the greater sculptor there’s ever been.

here’s his bust of costanza bonarelli

here’s apollo and daphne from the front, where she’s mostly human

from the back, where she’s mostly tree

and details


this is the one art form I genuinely just cannot get my brain to accept as real. I’ve watched sped-up videos of it being done, read about it, seen in-progress marble statues and I still just can’t get it to sink in or stick. My mind doesn’t want to believe that any person has ever been able to start with a big block and break little bits off of it until it looks like a finely detailed person. At some point it has no recognizable shape and they still know where and how deep they should take a chip out of it that’ll still be the right decision 50,000 fucking chips later?!?

The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa has a hidden skylight for gold rays of actual light to shine down on their expressions and clothes and clouds.


Foggy’s gotten pretty decent at naming which red-themed vigilante is coming through his window in the middle of the night without even opening his eyes: Matt tries to be quiet so he doesn’t wake him up, Deadpool is talking before he even gets the window open and Peter knocks like a goddamn decent human being.

“Come in!” he yells, deciding that he won’t get out of bed until he knows if there’s an emergency or Peter just wants to raid his first aid kit and fridge.

“Sorry, Mr. Nelson,” Peter says, climbing inside and dropping lightly to the floor. “I know it’s late but I had a question.”

“Shoot, Spiderboy,” Foggy says, sitting up to see Peter lingering awkwardly close by in full Spiderman gear and oversized hoodie, backpack slung over one shoulder.

“It’s just that Mr. Murdock said that you might be willing to look over one of my essays,” Peter says, “but I kind of got distracted doing, y’know--” Peter makes a vague punching motion with a soft pow sound. “--and it’s kind of due tomorrow morning.”

“Oh my god,” Foggy says, sighing and pushing aside his sheets to get out of bed. “This is actually the least stressful thing one of you weirdos has ever asked me to do. What’s your essay about?”


“Y’know, Matt was an English major,” Foggy says, huffing out a laugh and finding a sweatshirt to pull on before he turns on the lights. “You should probably be offended that he passed you off on me.”

“What was your major?” Peter asks.

“Business,” Foggy says. “Did I ever tell you about how my mom wanted me to be a butcher?”

“You have,” Peter says, dutifully, sitting his backpack on the floor and digging through it, “but you can tell me again, if you want.”

“You’re a good kid,” Foggy says, taking the essay when Peter finds it and hands it to him. “There’s leftovers in the fridge. Go eat while I check this bad boy out.”

"You're my hero," Peter says, fervently.

Foggy's never been called that before.

He doesn't hate it.


The devastating difference between how much time it takes to write something vs how fast people read it lol

you're falling in the trap!! it will be read by many people, many times, and it will live on in their memories. and maybe no single other human will match you in time spent dedicated to your story, but as a collective we will outlast you. acts of creation only grow when they are shared

This. Writing is not like dinner. It can be consumed many times


help what were those little graspy hands that held stuff people used to wear on their skirts called


concept: instead of like. a bunch of belt pockets or wtf ever give your character a tricked out steampunk version of THESE PUPPIES


Men not giving you pockets is the mother of invention



Oh so what femme stage managers do: just tie everything to yourself because you don’t have actual pockets.


They wore these in the 18th century as well, when women wore massive hanging pockets also tied around their waists, and pocket slits in their skirts to access them. Sort of like two large purses, hidden under your skirt. But the problem with massive pockets, like any large bag without other pockets in it, is that everything falls to the bottom, and you don’t want to be rooting around in there for half an hour trying to find your scissors. So the important things that get used all the time get put on the outside, where they have the additional benefit of being Very Shiny.

What I am hearing is that we should bring back both ginormous pockets AND chatelaines, yes good

Female boleros


heck yes chatelaines are great!

here is one shaped like an octopus.

(courtesy of Dearest, a newsletter about antique jewelry that is probably relevant to y’alls interests.)

swiss army chatelain

I would die for anyone who gifted me a silver chatelaine.


So basically dating Mothman would be great

I didn’t know this was trending pls don’t let me be known for this

Ohhh okay okay this is a joke bc moths eat clothes I get it now. All day I was thinking it’s just because Mothman is an insatiable pussy hog of a cryptid and this is how he rolls.

Welcome to tumblr, where you can’t show Female Presenting Nipples but you can say “insatiable pussy hog of a cryptid” all you fuckin’ want.


lmfao this is vital


Tumblr: Only neurotypical people do X. Neurodivergent people never do X. It's literally never necessary to do X, and if you do, you are by definition acting out of malice.

Neurodivergent person whose neurodivergence primarily expresses itself as X:

Example –

Person A: Why don't people just tell you when they want you to do something?

Person B: Well, very direct requests are likely to be misinterpreted as orders, and it's often not appropriate to give a person orders, so couching the request in indirect language avoids that possibility.

Person A: Why would anyone interpret a request as an order? Only neurotypical people do that. That's crazy. Neurotypical people are crazy.

Every single autistic person who needs the phrasing of requests to thread the needle like Luke Skywalker blowing up the fucking Death Star because if it's too indirect they'll take it as an observational statement, but if it's too direct their brain immediately goes into "fuck you, don't order me around" mode and refuses to do anything at all:

Example 2 –

Person A: Why do people who don't like you pretend to be cool with you, then make up excuses not to hang out with you?

Person B: Well, people often experience being told they're not liked or not welcome as a form of harm, and react to "defend" themselves from that harm, so a person might make excuses either because they want to avoid hurting you, or because they want to avoid a confrontation.

Person A: Why would anyone be hurt by being told to go away? Only neurotypical people do that. That's crazy. Neurotypical people are crazy.

Every single person whose ADHD is comorbid with rejection-sensitive dysphoria:

I'm not sure what's more predictable – the people seeing this post and coming to me like "okay, but I'm the exception, my communication style really IS objectively correct and everybody else is either crazy or evil", or the people who are clearly going up the thread to reblog a version without the RSD example.

[ID: gif of a man in a Shakespearean outfit squinting and turning his head in confusion. The same gif is repeated three times. End ID.]


The last one

Also good on these people for taking the aggressively petty route instead of falsely registering their pets as service animals

I love how everyone intentionally interpreted this not as “your dog must be small” but “your dog must be in a bag”

“aww cute!! big doggies in ba-”


*cry-laughing as i hit the reblog button*


I’m going to point out that this sounds like the system working as intended bc if your dog is actually currently in a bag its not going to like, run off and bother other passengers or piss/shit where is not supposed to.

Like, yep. This works. If your dog’s well behaved enough to stay in a bag, THAT’s when it’s allowed on the subway.

That last comment was my EXACT thought.

This is actually one of the most effective kinds of laws, because it tricks people into complying with the spirit of the law by making them think theyre rebelling against the letter of the law.


saw a poll about dry/humid heat and like OBVIOUSLY everyone preferred dry heat but. would love to know what everyone considers to be “too hot”

me personally it’s a hard cutoff at 75°F. don’t need anything more than that thank you 🫶🫶🫶


stardew valley isn’t relaxing to me bc it’s a particularly chill or simple game. stardew valley is relaxing because it gives me a controlled outlet to obsessively micromanage something and get consistent positive results. nothing heals my soul quite like creating increasingly elaborate spreadsheets for my crops and carefully calculating the optimal times to upgrade my tools


Actually, my therapist has told me this is a healthy way of processing things. Because you can get the trauma out of your head And you can write the ending you wish it had. The trusted person rescue, the catharsis of getting to kill the one who hurt you.

It's good for your brain. It's healthier than bottling it up. Fiction is where we go for emotional release. That can be true with trauma too.

so what you're saying is

character: NO

therapist: YES

As a therapist, I can really say this: YES

Another therapist weighing in here. I absolutely recommend this to clients on a regular basis. I’ve also done this for myself to help process historic trauma that has been resistant to therapy. Just do what works and don’t worry about the naysayers xx

A third therapist saying: I also do this - for myself and with clients. Doing what works is the DBT Mindfulness What skill - Effectively. And can be done with any of the Mindfulness How skills - Observing, Describing or Participating. So if you do this mindfully when projecting you issues onto your character? You are doing DBT-based trauma work. So ya know have fun with that. I sure do.

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