
One With The Moonlight

@akumaasylum / akumaasylum.tumblr.com

I'm Bear, or Akuma if you'd rather call me that. I'm 26 (July 19,) they/them, demibisexual/panromantic & agender. 💙 **CHAOTIC GOOD**MELANCHOLIC**INFP** đŸŒ©Twitter: @AkumaAsylum đŸ» Xbox Live: AkumaAsylum

This is a very Twitter thing to post but, my aunt is in the hospital and is Not Doing Well. She collapsed last week and after emergency surgery the doctors found meningitis in her skull, and she hasn't woken up. She started having seizures and today they told us she has developed sepsis too.

We're trying to raise money to help with hospital bills (and potentially funeral bills at this point) so if you are financially safe and able, please consider donating to our fund. Anything helps. She is the sole breadwinner of her household, and money was tight for them even before inflation got this bad.

If you can't donate (which we totally understand that most people aren't in the position to do, money is expensive) please consider reblogging and spreading the fundraiser around. The more eyes on this, the better. I hope, at least. Thank you.


Hey y’all, long time no see. Well, I guess I’m back here again, now that it looks like twit’s going belly up? So over the course of the next couple.... days? weeks? I’m going to be slowly changing my blog up. Might change usernames, unsure of that though since I use this one everywhere, but it has been feeling uncomfy for a bit now. I’ll give a heads up ahead of time

Anywho... a lot of my interests have shifted since the nsfwpocalypse and since covid, and my follows have been cut in half. My happy-brain chemicals pretty much only come from Dimension20, Critical Role, NADDPod, and video games now, so apologies to the people who followed me for homestuck content way back when. That’s not gonna be showing up as much, if at all, anymore. If anyone has some good blogs for those aforementioned interests, though, send them my way, please!

I guess that’s it, that’s the post. 


If you follow Selmers to the poetry society meeting in Night In The Woods, this is her poem. I loved it and the themes of the game, and wanted to use it as practice to see if i can control the way readers ‘hear’ the words through images.


Bi women of colour are so important to the bi community, the wlw community, and the lgbt community and they deserve to be recognized, treated well, and given all the love and support in the world



No, no, you have no idea. It actually IS the beginning of the whole so-called “kawaii culture”. And it started because girls started using mechanical pencils, which provided fine handwriting. After being banished (more precisely, during the 80s), this kind of writing started being used in products like magazines and make-up. And, during this time, icons we usually associate with the whole kawaii industry (like the characters from Sanrio) came to life too.

And what many people don’t realize is that this subculture was born as a way for young girls to express themselves in their own way. And it was also used as something against the adult life and the traditional culture, often seen as dull and boring and oppressive. By embracing cuteness, these young girls (and adult women, after a while) were showing non-conformation with the current standards.

So yep. Kawaii is important, and it all started with cute, simple handwritting a few hearts and cat faces in some girls’ school notebooks <3




This is also how the kawaii fashions started! Girls began dressing in cute and off beat styles for themsleves, they were criticized by adult figures telling them “you’ll never find a husband if you dress that way!” to which they began to reply “Good!”

All the Japanese subcultures and fashions that evolved out of this became a rebellion to tradition and the starch gender roles and expectations the adults were forcing on the younger generations. As early as the 70s and still to this day you’ll see an emphasis on child-like fashion and themes in more kawaii styles and the dismissal of the male gaze with styles like lolita (a lot of western people assume lolita is somehow sexual due to the name of the fashion, but ask any Japanese lolita and they will tell you that men hate the style and find it unattractive which is sometimes a large reason they gravitate towards the style - they can express their femininity and individuality while remaining independent and without the pressure to appeal to men)

Its so so so important to understand the hyper cute and ‘odd’ fashions of Japanese girls carry such a huge message of feminism and reclaiming of their own lives.   

so are you telling me that Japan’s punk phase was really the kawaii phase


Kawaii is so goth

Metal heads Stan for our sisters in lace

I did not know this but I love this form of feminism! 

-FemaleWarrior, She/They 


Which is why you get bands like BABYMETAL, which toured with Judas Priest for a while, looking like this:

Metal heads Stan for our sisters in lace


It's almost like guns are tools designed to kill people, and having a tool designed to kill people makes it easier to kill people.

wait is this true

did we actually have gun control at some point in the recent past?

yes. there’s a study for you on the effect it had as well conducted by the natn’l institute of justice.



Not to mention the fact that Mrs. White isn’t qualified to teach. She should be required to take a remedial English course. “I have went”? please. It’s “I have gone”, Mrs. White. 

first, my kid would not sign anything without me seeing it first. 2nd, upon seeing it i would be at the superintendant’s office the next morning. then we would speak to the teacher. black folk gotta nip it in the bud.

Dont let your children be controlled like this. I remember back when I was in school my mom always told me “if you really need to use the bathroom or attend to an emergency and the teacher won’t let you, then just leave the classroom and I’ll deal with teacher and principle”

Mom had my back

If I was this kid I would use up those passes and then just fuckin’ throw up or get a severe nosebleed in the classroom and then refuse to leave because “sorry, I can’t go to the nurse, I already used up my two passes for the fucking MONTH”

There was a student at my high school, who we will call John Doe, who actually did that. When teachers gave him a limited number of bathroom allowances (usually 3 per semester, which was the standard at my school), he would use them in the first week, and then induce vomitting my eating rotten food he found around the school garbage cans. If teachers refused to let him go, he would just throw up on something they had to touch. Light switches, keyboards, whatever was available.

Instead of making admin do anything about this toxic policy, they just doubled down harder, to the extent that one girl politely informed a teacher that she felt like she might be about to have a seizure and could she go to the nurse, please. She was denied, sat back down at her desk, and promptly passed out and concussed herself on the concrete floor when she fell. 

Another girl had severe vertigo-induced fainting, could not get a teacher to excuse her from a phys ed class, and fell off a monkey bars and split her head open, and nearly lost an eye because her glasses broke when she landed.

A student with, I believe, diabetes had a severe blood sugar drop and tried to eat a candy bar in a class with a “no food or drinks” rule. The candy bar was taken away, and she had to be taken out by EMTs. 

This kind of human rights abuse in public schools is not new. I graduated a full decade ago. 

I’m glad it’s being publically discussed again, (briefly around 2003-2005 this was also a popular subject of discussion). I hope that this time, concrete changes in policy are actually affected.

If concrete changes are not given, just leave and go to the bathroom anyway. If the teacher complains, firmly say “My health and bodily functions are not privileges for you to dish out” and leave.

They want to try intimidating you with failing grades, let them and threaten a lawsuit.


fucks sake

god dammit

Okay now which one is clearer? 1?

or 2?


Maybe just take off the glasses!?

This spoke to my soul wth


I feel attacked.

I hate this post

I love this post






Le Figaro have a newly published photograph from inside Notre Dame shortly before the roof collapsed, as molten lead fell into the nave. (+)


This speech-language pathologist taught her dog 29 words, and he can even form full sentences.

Video by Christina Hunger

Dogs actually do have a language center in their brains. They process language just the same way we do, just not as well.

They do understand our words. This is not true of all domesticated animals (horses, for example, can only manage to distinguish a relatively small number of spoken commands
but boy do they know what you’re really saying).

They don’t understand “just your tone of voice” as a lot of people think.

As of 2016 the record vocabulary for a dog demonstrating understanding of words is over 1,000.

So if you give them a way to talk back, they’re going to use it.

The development of language skills is probably a side effect of domestication and of being kept in close contact with humans. A dog that was a better hunting partner would be kept and bred and over time they developed a better understanding of language.

In other words, dogs are pretty dang smart because we need them to understand us.

And also that is a very good boy.

^ Would like to agree and make one amendment - very good GIRL. This is Stella the dog!

Check out the owner Christina’s Instagram: one of the first things I saw was a video where the dog started barking and, when prompted by the owner, said “outside, look look look look look look look, come outside.” Which is basically exactly how one would expect a dog to speak. 

The owner described bringing an unknown package into the house, and the dog ran away to push the buttons for “help no no help help” which is also about what I expect goes on in a scared pup’s mind.

In another video, the dog tried to push a button, and the button wasn’t working. The dog paused and then pushed the buttons for “No. Help.” 

In yet another (which the owner seemed impressed by), Stella said “come eat come play.” The owner asked the dog which she wanted to do, to eat or to play? And the dog clarified “come eat.” After eating, then the dog tried to instigate play. So the dog may have been able to understand a short spoken question, and how “questions and answers” work, and also understands sequences, even if she can’t express them (”I want to eat, THEN I want to play”)

Stella can even recount short-term memories, like when her family returned from the beach for dinner and she said “water good, no eat, play”

By the way, the owner uses the buttons as well, which probably really helps reinforce their meaning. She uses them to say things like “Stella all done eat” or “Stella and Christina go outside, bye!”

Wanna know my favorite part? Stella sometimes pushes the buttons for “Stella good” when she’s done a good job. Stella IS good! :D She also makes phrases using “love you,” like “Christina, love you, come play!”

*whispers* amazing 

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