

@mrs41258 / mrs41258.tumblr.com


I've been saying that Apple encapsulates absolutely everything that's bullshit about the state of modern technology for a while. It's not just Steve Jobs being a freak about adult content. Planned obsolescence, removing basic-ass features like headphone jacks to make consumers shell out more money, getting on people's asses for repairing, electronics becoming increasingly expensive and breakable fashion statements rather than the long-term investments they used to be and should be... Apple was ground zero for a lot of it. This fucking company should be nuked from orbit.


Apple should be burned to the ground


Io comunque vorrei fare un applauso sia all'UE che ai sovranisti di casa nostra che hanno trovato il modo di fare arrivare qui la storia della "war on Christmas" perché pensavo che fossimo linguisticamente immuni.

"hurr durr l'Europa vuole impedirci di dire buon Natale"

E cosa vogliono costringerci a dire, Giangiuseppe? Buone feste? Quello che il 90% degli italiani già dice?

Sinceramente sono stanco di sentire discorsi che facevano più di dieci anni fa in America. Siamo veramente periferia dell'impero.

Più che altro ho il dubbio che avessero in soffitta un faldone con sopra l'etichetta "war on Christmas", pieno di discorsi per i talk show e di frasette indignate per i bot sui social , riciclate dal ramo americano dei fasci e mai usate da noi.

Quando hanno avuto una mezza apertura, si stavano bagnando le mutandine all'idea di poter finalmente fare la "war on Christmas" de noantri! Tanto, ormai a inventare notizie di sana pianta sono bravissimi: si sono creati una guerra, la hanno fieramente combattuta, e l'hanno pure vinta! Poi era tutto nella loro testa, ma vuoi mettere la soddisfazione?


It’s Tumblr’s 2021 Year in Review!

Every year, the team behind Fandometrics pores over enough data to block a proverbial Suez Canal. We analyze all of the tags, searches, posts, and every like and reblog on this blue hellsite (affectionate), categorizing the most popular stuff on Tumblr so we can give the gift of Year in Review in December. 

Tumblr’s Year in Review contains a full 365 days’ worth of data, but it runs from October 21, 2020, to October 20, 2021. Supernatural fans, we know you were disappointed with Destiel going canon being absent from last year’s Year in Review. So you’re finally going to see November 5, 2020, represented. This is your payout. 

Like you, Year in Review has grown this past year. Matured. A glow up, if you will. You might notice some changes that reflect that, like a more inclusive Celebs list to replace the old Actors and Actresses lists. Or all TV shows (previously live-action, animated, and reality)  under one list header for the first time. And an extra special, extra personal little somethin’ that will remain a surprise until December 7…👀

Keep your eyes peeled to this space all month long, Tumblr. The lists are all live now (go, go, go!), but we’ve got all sorts of goodies coming your way. Now, onto the good stuff.


*liberal voice* You’re saying that as if exploitation is bad. My dad exploits people. Are you calling him a bad person?


Well this disturbingly explains why there were ever live rounds in the gun, including while filming more days than on the one Halyna Hutchins was killed.

"How did the armorer let the gun go unchecked? MULTIPLE TIMES?!" Well, here's the thing:

So, she still wasn't ready for this, job, clearly.

But surely she was IATSE Local 44, right? She had the proper training, right?

Oh so NONE of the crew were IATSE Local 44? Gee, I wonder if the previous crew were. You know, the ones who walked off set due to shit accomodations, lack of COVID safety, and, you guessed it, a lack of gun safety:

Sounds like the Assistant Director was also a piece of trash and had unsafe practices. Sadly, I'm not surprised, all things considered.

The amount of things we learned about this movie in the past 24 hours alone, holy crap. The more and more that comes out about this, the more and more disgusting this situation turns out to be. And Halyna's death was more than enough to make this a disgusting tragedy. Sounds like she was supportive of them.

A Go Fund Me was started by Local 600. It's reached nearly $175,000 of it's $10,000 goal. If you would like to contribute, here's the link:


I'm disgusted.


25% is better than 0%. trying a little is better than not trying at all. eating a protein bar is better than nothing. using dry shampoo is better than not showering. cleaning one section of your room or house is better than not cleaning any of it. writing a paragraph of your essay is better than not starting it. whatever you can manage today is okay. you can try again tomorrow. little steps are to be proud of.




I will pretty much instantly distrust a fellow leftist if they paint the enemy as being ugly (’all terfs have bad hair’, ‘all far-right bros are fat people with neck beards’, etc). It shows me they haven’t done some of the most basic work of un-linking appearance from character, which leaves them open to a vast array of bigoted tropes, from fatphobia, ableism and classism to homophobia, transphobia antisemitism and racism, because who we see as ‘attractive’ or looking ‘wholesome’ and who we assume to look ‘untrustworthy’ or villainous’  has been coded by all these things.


so the higher ups refused to pay fair wages / cooperate with IATSE workers when they said they felt unsafe, knew there were multiple misfires of prop guns days before, told the union workers to get off set, replaced them with non-union workers who didn't have the requisite safety training, and now a person is dead.

your favorite movie studios don't give a shit about anything except profits. they don't care about you, their actors, or their staff. everyone is expendable. they will cut corners and do the absolute bare minimum required by law and bitch about it every step of the way. we need unions now more than ever.


David Slack (@slack2thefuture) Tweeted:

Not sure what happened here, but if you work in the industry, a reminder:

Prop guns are guns. Blanks have real gunpowder in them. They can injure or kill — and they have. If you’re ever on a set where prop guns are treated without proper caution and safe handling, walk away.

p.s. They add the muzzle flashes in post now anyway, and they can even cycle the slide and add a shell ejection in VFX. Having live blanks on your set is not worth it. No show or shot is worth risking people's lives.

When I was in college, we were lucky enough to have a teacher who was REALLY good about prop gun safety. He did a demo where he hung a piece of paper from a c-stand and then fired a prop gun BESIDE it, not even pointed at the paper.

But because this prop gun had a plugged barrel, that means all the blast — 1/2 the gunpowder required to propel a bullet beyond the speed of sound — comes out the SIDE of the gun.

It blew a hole in the paper and lit it on fire.

Prop guns are guns. Full stop.

Because there are different types of prop guns, they are all dangerous in different ways. Plugged barrel guns expel the blast sideways. Unplugged guns fire a blast out off the barrel, half the force of a real round without the bullet. But that was enough to kill Jon-Erik Hexum.

And because these are, in many cases, real guns firing blank round with 1/2 or 1/4 load, they tend to jam and misfire. Which means you frequently wind up with an actor or prop master frantically trying to unjam the thing so you can keep shooting. Not a recipe for a safe set.


update 10/22/2021



A young life being ended by a prop gun accident is something that should never happen. It's an unthinkable tragedy.

Workers' safety in the cinematic industry must be taken seriously and their fight for better working conditions must be fully supported.

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