


usually an illustrator, but i'm in the middle of a yoshi's cookie training arc ⊞ he/him

as some of you may know, i moonlight as a chef... an esports chef

yoshi's cookie is one of my favorite games, but one of the biggest barriers to entry for competitive play (aside from the fact that Nintendo refuses to rerelease it) is the inability to practice vs mode solo. if you want to bake good, you have to practice, and you can do that a lot easier if you disable the (usually) 20-second timer

in the NES version, there are two bytes in the RAM that handle the timers for each player (addresses 0540 and 0541 respectively) - if you lock the values, the timers can't tick! you can do this in most emulators, but here's how it looks in FCEUX's cheat menu:

if you want to practice with the timer on, you can also just disable P2's timer, so the idle player doesn't time out after 20 seconds!

don't ask me any other questions about how the NES works, i only ever learned enough about it to git gud at yoshi's cookie


sorry eggbug, you're gonna have to circle the airport again, i'm still waiting at bag claim.


i can only assume that the "download a backup of your blog" button is taking several days because the queue for it wraps around the block twice.

in other words, Tumblr's backup process is getting absolutely hammered.


PSA: Tumblr/Wordpress is preparing to start selling our user data to Midjourney and OpenAI.

you have to MANUALLY opt out of it as well.

to opt out, click your blog ➡️ blog settings ➡️ scroll til you see visibility options and it’ll be the last option to toggle.

you also have to opt out for each blog you own separately, so if you’d like to prevent AI scraping your blog i’d really recommend taking the time to opt out. (source)


i'm also kyatt7 on cohost, bluesky, and itch.io


reading that CEO Q&A has confirmed my notion that this site is the same desperate and hostile ballpit that i left in 2018.

don't consider this "goodbye" but rather "i deleted Tumblr from my bookmarks bar, so god willing, i'll forget to check this place soon enough"


Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit version of the Mario Circuit 1 track from Super Mario Kart, constructed by Nintendo Hong Kong for their official site in 2020.

While this at first appears to be a 3D render, zooming in reveals that this is actually a physical recreation of the track made out of paper and cardboard.


i mean, we ARE due for a MKL:HC track as part of that MK8 DLC... they got one pack left


i started learning blender3d for 2 reasons:

  • to coincide with my godot development (nothing to announce at the moment, still Just Goofing Around)
  • i thought it would be funny to animate models doing Kev from The Northern Boys' signature shuffle

i do want to make some 3d northern boys at some point, but in the meantime, i attached the dance to Death Magicaldrop


💀 deathtober 3D 💀

this year, instead of drawing death 31 times, i'm learning blender3d and taking 31 WIP screenshots and GIFs while building up this low-poly model of Death Magicaldrop

here's the first one! only the skulls have faces so far...


halfway through my collection of street fighter 6 loading screen faces

i've been trying to keep the style consistent, but i feel like the sketches have gotten progressively bigger and less improvisational... if i finish these before the 20th character is released, i'll draw luke again to see how off-model i went

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