Anonymous asked:

How would you die in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory?

this is a great question because it narrowed my soul! i would choke on regular chewing gum on the steps outside before even entering the factory. willy would make no attempt to perform the heimlich maneuver and would leave my corpse on the concrete


this ask tapped into an extremely primal part of everyone’s body soul & mind


Despite knowing the journey… and where it leads… I embrace it… and I welcome every moment of it.

Arrival (2016) dir. Denis Villeneuve


You’re welcome

[Narrator: A scientist in Peru [pause for peep] captured this, escaping from the tiny body [pause for peep] of a sleeping hummingbird. [pause for peep] A high-pitched [pause for peep] but unmistakable snore. [pause for peep] Hummingbirds are loved for their beauty and speed [pause for peep] but this one was behaving a little bit like a human. [pause for peep] The perfect cute-response trigger.]


[pause for peep]


Planets i learned about via youtube while procrastinating my english essay

Planet 55 Cancri e is basically a giant diamond. like the planet is a diamond. and it would be worth $26.9 nonillion

Planet Gliese 436 b is an ice planet that is constantly on fire do to its close proximity to its parent star. the ice doesn’t melt bc the planet’s gravity is so strong it physically prevents the ice from melting

Planet HD 189733b rains sideways glass…. constantly

Planet J1407-B has planetary rings that are 200x the size of saturn. if saturn’s ring were as big as J1407-B’s we’d be able to see them with our naked eye from earth AND they would dominate our sky and look larger than a full moon

Planet Wasp-12b rotates so close to its parent star that its slowly being consumed by the it

Planet Gliese 581c is one of the candidates for a planet that can support life however it orbits a tiny dwarf star and is tidally locked so one side is constantly subject to immense sunlight while the other is constantly in darkness. there’s a small area of the planet however, that is just the right temp to support life. u just can’t step out of said area. the skies are red and the plants would have be a black color instead of a green bc they would use infrared light for photosynthesis. (a message was actually sent to the planet in 2008 in hopes that there’s life on the planet but the message wont reach the planet until 2029).

Planet GJ 1214b is a water planet nicknamed “water world” is has no land at all and the water is so deep it goes down miles all the way to the planet’s core.

Planet Wasp-17b is the largest planet discovered thus far. its so large its existence contradicts our understanding of how planets are formed. and it has a retrograde orbit, so it orbits in the opposite direction of its parent star.

Planet HD 188753 has 3 suns you should have triple shadows and there would be almost daily eclipses. and no matter which direction u face on the planet u would always see a sunset

Planet HD106906b is the loneliest planet discovered thus far. its known as “super jupiter” bc its 11x bigger than jupiter. it orbits its parent star at a distance of 60 billion miles (which is v strange) hence why its the loneliest planet.

Planet Tres 2b is the darkest planet known. it reflects less than 1% of light (it reflects less light than coal and black acrylic paint). the tiny part of the planet that does reflect light is red making the planet glow a dim red.


When they said it might sing, this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.

I think my dinner is possessed.


Nothing rouses my appetite like the wails of the damned.


Angsty Romantic Cliches I’m a Slut For 

  • Holding their partner’s unconscious/dead body
  • Sobbing into their partner’s shoulder/chest
  • One of them is hurt and the other falls asleep in their hospital room
  • The other losing their mind when their partner is hurt/killed and charging into battle recklessly
  • “I thought I lost you” hugs
  • “Don’t go where I can’t follow!” 
  • One is mind controlled and forced to fight the other
  • The other refusing to harm them and getting seriously injured as consequence 
  • The person coming to and seeing what they’ve done
  • I could go on about this trope alone for 5 hours
  • A last desperate “I love you!” 
  • A tearful, hard kiss before battle, bonus points if its a confessional kiss
  • “Please, I don’t know what I’d do without you.” 
  • Bandaging each other’s wounds
  • Both of them injured, and waking up beside each other
Anonymous asked:

Do you have a video of Raúl's performance in speed the plow. Thanks for all your vids, they're amazing!

I don’t, unfortunately! If you’re in NYC or can get to NYC, they have a recording available at the public library up at the Lincoln Center, but as far I as I know, no one has a home version that’s available for trading. Let me know if you find one!


In the near future, you are making dinner because you are about to meet your girlfriend’s dad for the first time. All you have in the kitchen is cooked frozen steaks. In walks your girlfriend and her dad, Gordon Ramsey.

This isn’t a prompt, this a fully finished horror story

person: oh you write? are you any good?
me: yeah I guess
also me: he furrowed his brow, his brow furrowed, brow furrowing, his brow knit together, a wrinkle creased his brow, his brow browed browingly, brow—

I had no idea this was such a universal problem

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