
Reba Amoeba

@valerina / valerina.tumblr.com

ISFJ lover of video games, Metallica, kittens, murder podcasts, and the moon. I have a gaming blog if you're into that sort of thing.

Not to be crass but when my bf gets ill with me I just wanna say SORRY, BUT I LICK YOUR ASSHOLE.




TMI alert but also: idc. You were warned.

I sent my bf a dirty pic yesterday and I didn’t realize he was in a meeting. When he saw it he said “Damn. meeting adjourned” and I got absolutely railed when he got home. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I think I finally understand why I get so burnt out at work. I put so much PASSION and LOVE into what I do and that can drain the life out of you. I GIVE A SHIT. I wish I could give less of a shit. But you know, I wouldn’t feel like I’ve done good service if I didn’t give a shit.



Yesterday my abuser showed up at my job. I did not expect to see him. I was as polite as I could be considering the circumstances. But I did spit on his truck while he was in the parts dept. I won’t say more on this because I won’t give that interaction more weight than it deserves. But it set a bad tone for the day.

Then I had a customer who wasted three hours of my time. Fine. That’s the car selling business. But my dad called me in the middle of what I thought was going to be a deal, cursing me and telling me my mom wouldn’t answer his “fucking calls.” And showed up AT MY JOB while I was with a customer.

Thankfully my mom called him back and was able to pick him up (his truck had broken down across the street from my work).

But then I had a customer come in at 5:22 (we close at 6 on Saturday. No big deal. I’ll work late if I’m going to get a sale) with his wife. He was drunk as fuck (his wife said he’d had 3 40s before they stopped in). He touched my ass and told me I was fine as hell when he thought his wife was out of earshot. I left at 5:55 and probably broke the sound barrier leaving the parking lot.

And THEN. Once I got to my boyfriend’s house I found out that an ex friend of mine (who I haven’t talked to in months) was spreading rumors that I was having problems with my boyfriend (I’m not) and guys it’s really a miracle that ANY ONE of these people still have air in their tires.


So I have a question for my followers: are there any conspiracy theories you’re 100% convinced are real

Canadian prime minister Justing Trudeau is the illegitimate son of the late Cuban dictator Fidel Castro

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Castro with Treudeau’s parents

holding Justin’s older brother as a baby

Supposed parents are both white, yet Justin has Brown nipples

See, the nipples angle is just not something I would’ve thought to pursue

1000$ says his brother, who actually looks like his father Pierre, has pink nipples.

Do we have a picture of Fidel’s nipples? My searches have yielded fakes and forgeries.

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