
Author of "You Look Like Something Blooming"

@eatmangoesnekkid / eatmangoesnekkid.tumblr.com

"A sensually activated woman is a wealthy natural resource for any community. Pleasure is power." -India Ame'ye (Pictured)
When a woman is in touch with her sensuality in real ways, and not performing sensuality for photos but truly connected into a sensuous consciousness, she naturally draws in beautiful things, people, places, opportunities, and deeply nourishing relationships from this creative life force. Practice self-care. Upgrade your intuition. Grow your intellect. Increase your emotional intelligence. Learn a new language. Refine your body. Get creative. Cook your own food. Surrender and trust life. Spend time in nature. When you allow yourself to be sensual,  you tap into the simple luxury of living really well.

India Ame’ye, Author, The Melody of Love

No matter what you may be going through, I can honestly say that when you become devoted to weaving the great beauty of life, tantra, into your daily life, your life naturally and instinctively starts to transform. The fear, doubts, hopelessness, or anxiety starts to fall away. Beauty is truth-- a deeply internal spiritual experience, a cleansing from the field of love. When you allow yourself to plug into beauty, this electromagnetic field, the spark of divine aliveness and bliss that has been powering and populating the entire planet for eternity, you create more and more energy and your body changes for the brighter. No matter what you are doing, life becomes more energy-giving than energy-taking.Whether making a fresh juice for your family, giving yourself a breast massage, cleaning your floors, picking up your child from daycare, sitting down relaxed while eating a meal, or working behind a computer, taking a moment to calibrate to true beauty in the present moment changes you into a more advanced version of yourself overtime. Slow down. Take a breath. Give yourself over to the unknown. Taste your food. Relax more. Check your posture. Be soft in your tailbone. Think of fuchsia flowers. All of this is true beauty. I’m not saying that you should try to remove all pain from your life because doing so would be inauthentic and pain, when present, plays an important role in our bodies and lives. I mainly want you to know that you have so more capacity for new beautiful narratives but better, energy-giving thoughts and actions are needed in the meantime. Then all the patterns, worries and thoughts that have been making you sad, regretful, afraid, obsessive, or anxious begin to dissolve into an offering of fuchsia flowers. This is true beauty. -India Ame'ye, Author
Truth be told, nearly everything I do, all my daily habits, are so that I can have really good sex even when I'm in my 90s. All the meditation (evolving my mind), stretching, juicing, pilates, hot yoga, opening my heart, pole, aerial, and belly dance, and resting (getting into bed early) and the like are so that my orgasmic range can be available to me 40 years from now. Sexual energy is some of the most "healing energy," so I always want to access those magical gifts as long as my soul is living inside a human body. -India Ame'ye, Author
“So many women (and men) experienced some type of unresolved sexual trauma as children that connecting vulnerably, intimately and passionately with another human is hard and uncomfortable. They left their bodies in early childhood in order to survive so coming back into the body can be challenging. Take your time. Be patient and deeply soothing to yourself as if soothing a baby. Coming fully back into your body through alchemizing the layers of trauma and pain is deep shadow work that unlocks the multidimensional creative energy that regenerates your body and creates new narratives for your life. It is a return to true love: a softness, playfulness, innocence, passion, arousal, curiosity, desire, and connection to being fully alive that isn’t fake, phony, or generic.”

— India Ame’ye, Author, The Melody of Love, Free your creative life force. In very clear terms, your creative life force is the energy you use to “heal” or recalibrate your body and create new narratives in your life.

Good openhearted sex is the most authentic medicine for the human body.-India Ame'ye, Author
Oftentimes when asked 'what are you creating' or 'what are you working on,' the answer should be more aligned with: 'Absolutely nothing. I'm living, resting, and thriving and they are enough." -India Ame'ye, Author
Oftentimes what keeps women from tapping into their feminine energy in a grounded authentic way are "mother wounds"-their mother's actual wounds. If you were raised by a mother who was competitive against her daughter, avoidant, negligent, neglectful, un-supportive, disconnected from her feminine energy, or unhappy with the outcome of her life, then you can subconsciously hold a distrust of feminine energy and it's not your fault. Why would your psyche trust something that felt so harmful while growing up? Never forget that your body is always trying to keep you safe, therefore, you have to re-parent yourself and give it new information. Be willing to give yourself (your cells) what you always needed—that deep listening, nourishment and care. Understand your protective patterns and why you now feel safer being more masculine and begin to unwind and reconfigure accordingly. Your female tissues need that love from you. -India Ame'ye, Author
Creativity is a flow state. Creation is a form of divine energy. Do not become so obsessed with your creative projects or self-development that you inflame and stress your tissues and blow your circuits out. Do not overdose on how-to, self-care or motivational YouTube videos which can have an adverse effect and drain your vital energy. A certain element of healthy obsession is required but you do have to make time to rest, nap, play, exercise, lay up, spend time in nature, and prep nutrient-dense meals. Begin now building your capacity to feel safe in this world when you permit your work move a bit slower. Initially it may feel difficult or impossible—be okay with mastering the difficult or impossible. This is the magic of deep tissue nervous system work. It means learning to breathe deeply through uncertainty and the discomforts of the unknown and not always have dates, times, or answers while witnessing other people finish projects or level up around you. It means listening to your body when it needs to urinate and not just waiting until you are about to pee on yourself before you get up from the computer to relieve your overworked bladder. It means discovering ways to relax when you take days off. It means eating real food. It means turning off your phone or computer and playing records in low lights for the evening. It means letting yourself relax and just play with no aim or objective. Be okay with stepping out of constant productivity and hustle culture and aligning with the smaller, the slower, the gentler. This appears simple and easy, but for most, it will be surprisingly difficult and uncomfortable. But when you do so, you will be more magnetic, aligned, and healthy in the long run. Because female physiology doesn't run off of just light or achievements. It needs a strong foundation of supreme care, nutrition, and tending, or else it begins to weep and eventually scream. The female body is the pillar of the entire family/village/community and requires a lot more love and respect from us. Never forget that. -India Ame'ye, Author
Anonymous asked:

Hi India (: would you anytime in the future be interested in doing women’s retreats? I really admire you and would love to be more hands on with how you practice healing and love.

Yes, this is also happening. All online work will also be ceremonial where we meet in-person. The real hands-on work is deeply sacred and necessary devotion and being present in one’s field of energy is some deepest transformation. I absolutely believe in the necessity of live practice, village-style and that stepping away from these machines is most optimal. I also have to hire support to assist me. So many things in the works. Thank you for asking. ❤️🙏🏿

My new work-- print books, audiobooks, kindle, online school/temple and future blog will not be for any woman or female-bodied person living in active-trauma. I have been there before, I know that sometimes in life, your nervous system and other systems can't handle the challenge. Some addictions have to cleared. Some relationships have to be resolved. And to know your capacity is incredibly power. In this work of love, you must be able to hold and tend to yourself as you read and be activated and expanded in your cells and tissues as a result, I promise. In my online school/temple, I will be your openhearted guide and able to witness you deeper, but you also have to be ready to open up and meet the trapped stories living in specific parts of your body in order for your energy to start to flow again optimally. Freedom of Heart, Freedom of Regeneration, Freedom of Time, Freedom of Diagnoses, Freedom of Nervous System, Freedom of Desire, Freedom of Energy, Freedom of Biology, and Freedom of Living Adventure Real life is what we are up to but a lot of unlearning is on the menu. We have to unlearn ourselves (our cells) and unlearn the behaviors and conditioned responses taught to us by the world. We have to rebuild our foundations from the ground floor as well. While I'm a deeply loving "Lila" woman to my core (meaning -a divinely playful woman as referred to in Hinduism), I also traverse blindfolded into murky rivers--often doing things in life that feel uncomfortable which is the key to being masterful and unstoppable. The average person does not play this game to win. They stay comfortable in their little boxes, traumas, and socializations that keep them in perceptions of safety. While my work is full of undeniable love and expansion, all that juicy gooey intimacy, softness and sweetness, it also carries a charge of shameless blood splatter that runs cervically deep. You must to want to play this game properly, if not, you tend to repeat old never-ending cycles. I'm tired of seeing women in the same cycles as our Beloved foremothers year after year, lifetime after lifetime, story after story, diagnosis after diagnosis. As Audre Lorde brilliantly channeled "I'm not free while any woman is unfree even if her shackles are different than my own." For many of us, it is time for some real truthful cycle-breaking and pattern-disrupting which means that sometimes you will be triggered. The world makes us so timid and weak (of course, not written to shame illness) with all of its coddling and fears while we low-key pretend and tell lies to ourselves about how powerful we are when we actually don't believe it. "Being triggered" and meeting your patterns with delight are mature essences of one who wants to create new narratives. And what's also true is that you don't have to ready for any of it yet or ever and if so, my work, Beloved, is not for you. This melody of love work is ultimately an intimate love story about the potency of female body from the lens of a Lover-Warrior. Polarity is how the human soul masterfully creates. Never forget that, loved ones. If you remember nothing else from me, never forget that. As I will say many times throughout the series"bring love but also bring a machete." One Loveliness... --India Ame'ye, Author

“Unconditional love reads strange to many, but it is potent magic. I have learned that when I release the “need” to judge, label, and qualify the actions/experiences of others, all I’m left with is love.”-India Ame’ye (pictured)


(I will eventually archive this story on tumblr, so if you are interested in reading, do so now! I added more detail and keycode charms from the initial post).

Fairfield Iowa, Home for 6 months

Such a beautiful moment of quiet while deep conditioning my hair with a plastic bag underneath my head wrap on my morning walk to pick wildflowers. Sounds like a romantic film, huh? No romance in Iowa for me. Oh wait, there was this one fling with the only Black guy I knew in Iowa who was a super cutie (he was tall with locs, had a little NY swag–moved with his mother from New York to Iowa when he was 16, held ambitions of being a rapper, had made a name for himself in smalltown Iowa and surrounding areas, and held the bone structure of a God and a pleasant when he sweated . The smell of one’s sweat tells a lot about the deeper stories living in their tissues.

I can’t call him a man though because he was about 12 years younger than me and sadly, wasn’t very bright conversationally, but held a healthy soul essence. I was in my 30s and it felt like a huge age gap in real time. He was, however, cool to kick it with, to share meals with sometimes, but I was light years ahead of him so a one-time fling was enough. Otherwise, I was deeply celibate yet fully aroused and alive in my body for no other reason than I had a lot of peace and ease in my life. What I didn’t anticipate was meeting The Beloved Charming Lover while I was living in Iowa, and moving to Amsterdam 5 months later.

Truth be told, I used to stop traffic in Iowa when I walked down one of two main roads that ran through this small town. Not a lot of Black women in this part of Iowa so obviously I stood out like an elephant. I’m used to being in spaces where I’m the ONLY this or that. I used sneak off and go to punk shows in Little 5 Points when I was 16 (pre-Afropunk) and in most of my classes in high school and college, I was one of few Black people. I am a Black woman in very deep rootsy way and I adore that majestic imprint and the cultural connection I feel in my bones and blood that weave me into a pantheon of great ancestors between and beyond, but I’m not led solely by my race/ethnicity as my full frontal story as I found doing so for me was limiting and restrictive to my larger story in life. I am more guided by my sovereignty as disciple of great kundalini energy and that’s just been my life for so long. I mentioned race here because it was important to give the full picture and context of this story. But because of my depth of greater guidance for living in this world, being in a small city with few people who looked like me didn’t bother me but I also knew that I was there to rest and eventually would be leaving. Plus I adored the quiet. Allowing your life to be led by your soul, you begin to transcend identity and other restrictive racial/ethnicity narratives without trying and create new narratives beyond what’s possible for most people.

But Iowa was also a trip too. One time I was walking down the main street and a man was rubber-necking at me so hard from out of his car window, that he crashed into the car in front that had stopped at a red light. No one was hurt, thankfully, but it was scene for the books! But this wasn’t the first time I strangely caused a car collusion. When I was 17, I worked at Payless Shoe Store and had my windows down on a hot day as I was driving in traffic and this man in the lane next to me was trying to get my number from inside his car and slammed right into the car ahead of him. But I also started opening to fact these kinds of strange experiences were qualities of an archetypal lover.

I know this has happened to other girls and young women too who was unconscious to the fact that they held a lover template at an earlier age which I now know I inherited from my mother and our lineage! I want to hear more of these stories though! I Before you realize you deeper capacity for attraction and magnetism, you’re just kind of bumping through life, a confused awkward younger person causing collisions and don’t fully understand why. All women have that quality but some of us accessed it early or arrived to Earth with it -which can come online as early as 5 years old. We had no idea why people were attracted us. It’s also why Lover women and femmes have stories around love and loving, and even terrible stories of molestation and abuse. I spent many years with low self-esteem and being at odds with my features. That insecurity is still there in me but the volume is just turned down very low to a hum.

How I ended up in Iowa was purely divine and I talk about this story of “Quiet” in “The Melody of Love” more depth and codes of expansion. I don’t know if you can feel it in the photo, but I had a lot of quiet energy. When I speak of quiet, I’m talking about many things but in this case, I’m speaking about when the body is deeply quiet. Not a lot of noise was being ingested and held in my tissues or organs, very little conditioning, programming, socialisations, expectations, archaic trauma or cultural or celebrity distractions were living in me. What I starting learning 10- years before was that when the body becomes that quiet and empty, it can finally rest, restore, and regenerate itself.

Instead of noise, I had an abundance of space, love and peace in my cells and tissues. I paid for this home 6 months in advance because I had been working on a marijuana farm a few months before and was tip-toeing around life with wads of cash in my suitcase like in the movies, discovering avenues to break the spell of exhaustion from capitalism and its punitive cellular damages caused from working oneself to the bone. I purchased a fancy organic mattress that cost me $1000.00 back then, a huge dance mirror, and a small table with two chairs to eat on, and no other furniture. This home in Iowa (pictured, a one bedroom cottage, the small door on the side) was incredibly restorative to my nervous system, psoas, skin, and breast/ heart. I was deeply at peace in this photo taken with my camera on a self-timer. -India

Every woman or female-bodied person must build capacity to decree times in their lives where they have no cares, no worries, and no concerns.

I can't edit my post but I do need to very clear for the uninitiated that when I mention that lover energy can arrive as earlier as 5 years old, his is an innocent energy. I am speaking about little girls who tend to be sassy in their bodies. They have access to their hips at a young age, and like to twist, dance or sashay around for FUN. They arrive with that high quality of creative energy and tend to stand out, like being the star of their elementary school Easter play. You don't want to scare these girls in ways that numb their hips and creative energy. As a parent or parental figure, you don't want to kill this energy in their bodies. These girls merely need guidance, direction, hobbies, and extra curricular activities to direct their creative energy towards or they can easily become teenage moms. I am fortunate that I had sports and was on the math, science, and debates teams which kept me busy and focused or I else, I too, would have ended up having sex early and pregnant in my youth.

I speak more about "the sassy young lover archetype" when I talk about the Maiden in The Melody of Love series. We will talk about how to alchemise these types of experiences inside my online temple and gated community because they must be integrated and handled with care or they will impact our health, lives and choices as adult women today.

****I do struggle with sharing higher wattage charms on the internet because of the range in consciousness that becomes more streamlined if written in a book. Little girls are off-limits from being touched because of their innocent creative energy and the accompanying sassiness. Little girls (or boys) being abused are despicable acts and not what I'm talking about here. I am speaking archetypically about the lover who, unfortunately (or "fortunately" if you really want to play this game of life), incurs stories of trauma around love and/or sex to master in this reality before getting to the next level and the next one where she then becomes unstoppable. If you know any little girls or boys being abused, it is not her or his fault and you must handle this person doing the abuse with fierceness or likely incur some serious karma.

Iowa: My Time of “CTRL” + “ALT” + “Delete” From the World

Musing on living with less need for an identity attachment which requires a kind of strength.

the kundalini, the Shakti, the creative life force energy that animates this entire existence.

quiet is how the body achieve deep regenerative rest.

Do not run from life's initiations. Be that mature woman--and accept your journey. Do not waste your life (force) energy hanging your head in defeat or despair, comparing and contrasting, or wishing things were different for you. As a darker-pigmented woman, as a Black woman, I have always known that my incarnation came with a great set of obstacles, an initiation I graciously accepted early-on. I deeply adore every new step, every quiet difficulty, every intimacy, every new narrative, every next level mastered. This lifetime —and all of the obstacles, discomforts, hardships, trauma, heartbreak, and diagnoses that we get to unravel and move beyond —are gifts! Those who have experienced some of the greatest oppression always have the highest magic and power to remember and retrieve back. It's really good news if you accept your life experiences as initiations and don't run from them or stay stuck in your obsessions, addictions and other conditioned coping patterns. -India Ame'ye, Author

Loved Ones, you know there are levels to this game of life. The next level is when you start to realize that there is no better or worse, greater or less. You are the oppressor and the oppressed. You have to begin to see how the oppressor lives in your body. You are the lover and beloved. You have to begin to see how your future beloved lives in your body. Everything is within us all, even when it’s difficult or comfortable. Mainly what we are carrying forward are the stories and judgments we hold onto that give value metrics and assign meaning and combined, they influence our future creations in usually undesirable ways. We have to unwind, unbind, and peel back a lot of the cultural and intergenerational patterns we internalized about what it means to be who we are based on the stories of powerless we have been through sold and told. That's a more advanced teaching lesson around "neutrality" though for the real players :). -India


So sorry I accidentally deleted your question—but my best feature, if I read your question right, is that I don’t take too many things too seriously. I try not to think too much, or live so much in my head but to live and play more in my body no matter what may be going on and know that I am safe and held. Constantly living in the exhaustive tasks of thinking, analyzing, and processing create a level of 'noise' within the body that inhibits it from achieving deep regenerative rest, the quality of rest that I center and aim for in my everyday life. When we craft high-quality rest in our lives, when the clouds of grief or loss sneak in out of nowhere, our bodies instinctively know that were capable of restoring, rejuvenating, and regenerating. Everything I do in life, I do it for our foremothers who did not have the time, rest or peace to do for themselves.

My heart tends to stay lighter. I am always jumping and twirling and sassy-ing and finding new openings and depth in my body instead of deferring to my head for solutions. Having that feature is an ongoing love story I find! I see life as transient and fleeting so I am often aware of my own impending death (omg that sounds so morbid and terrible to read in words, but it's true).

Five percent of our conscious mind influences and directs our daily life, but 95 percent of our unconscious mind influences and directs our day-to-day actions and creates our reality. In other words, we must begin to believe at the unconscious level that we deserve the very best in this life --a beautiful healthy body or a great love affair-and naturally and instinctively begin to birth it. If we have a womb (or energetically womb if surgically removed), we have even greater birthing power.

...a positive perception about whatever you are going through life is incredibly regenerative and impactful...rebuilding your subconscious mind is key.

I unconsciously tend to ground myself in the truth that one day I'm going to die, which gifts my body with more LIFE, which means for me that I am generally inspired to enjoy my time while I’m on this earth plane no matter what. We have to be deliberate in divinely planting seeds of joy in our everyday lives because a life that's growing and elevating will also have challenges and tons of things to check off the to-do list. Therefore, if I’m cooking, I’m usually having a good time and finding something to laugh about while doing so. If I am making love, I’m in it with all my heart and soul for the life and breath of me. LOL! If I'm about to jump into a cold pool --which helps to relieve any information in the body and stimulate the vagus nerve, I do so and deep breathe way into pleasure and gratitude for the regenerative moment. If I'm biking in the cold rain, I start singing my favorite song at the moment out loud. If I’m pole dancing—same thing. I’m the one moaning on the pole to usurp greater strength in a difficult moment.

Transmutation as a lived experience. We are here to do amazing things and have aims and objectives in life, but we are also here to feel really delicious in our bodies and lives while reaching them.

....God is in the present moment.

Not taking the present moment in front of us for granted gives birth to a fluid matrix of limitless possibilities. Some people feel very comfortable and safe listing all the ways and reasons they are limited. But you can create a warm beautiful container that allows you to regenerate and create new narratives. All that childlike excitement that awakens creates more tingles and internal space as a result of you feeling like more possible will help you to break through the brittle and cold, the mental fog and body fatigue, and lack.

the more you hate your body, the more your body becomes a thing to hate...in order words, energy impacts matter, how you think matters and become matter.

I have not always been the way I am. I grew up pretty left-brain and always in my head calculating and have degrees in accounting and science. Something major shifted in my consciousness and tissues when I had my kundalini awakening in a forest almost 17 years ago. I l do believe it was a kind of mother wit or deeply cervical mother's love...I'm still trying to find the proper descriptive words. After that moment, I became more lighthearted, an old soul and youthful spirit emerged greater than I had ever known myself to be. After that epic most surreal experience of my life in the forest, even though I was still climbing my way out of struggle and lack frequencies, I would play and twirl and get back into my body and experience sweetness and bliss no matter what foolishness I was going through--the heart of a child/lighthearted energy. An orgasmic frequency. Sincerely living with a higher frequency beyond what my life was actually reflecting instigated my quantum leap. I saw the scarcity around me as an initiation and not a permanent fixed state. I always knew one day I would transcend. It's like Donna Summer said something to the effect of "when you have something great, it's only a matter of time." I would going through the craziest times but had an attitude where I refused to wait to enjoy my life--what was in front of me, and would be hula hooping and giggling to release any stuck energy from my heart and belly. That's the spirit I felt in me while working 55 hours per week at a job I hated most days and in a relationship that was imploding. There are sacred times in life where life is just hard and you have to do what needs to be done and still discover pleasurable ways to adore life as it is and where it is going.

More than "woman" I sense myself as a fairy woman—Priestess, Temple and Wisdom Keeper, Seer, and Medicine woman from the Lover-Warrior template and Mother lineage I channel and translate from. I'm deeply rootsy with dirt on the bottoms of my feet which builds immunity and a self-cultivated larger capacity, as devotee to Kundalini, the Shakti fire, that deep cervical love. I participate in life through my own body and I am not hijacked by the limitations of my mind or this world. I certainly have proud unifying moments where I weep and howl alongside the rest of the world and what’s also true is that I’m not of this world like one of my divine mentors "Sun Ra" spoke of and am unwilling to miss out on the here and now most days.

...your warmth of love is essential...warmth = love....and heat is always essential for repair and regeneration. and there is no time and space...everything is possible.

I let the world’s wickedness ignite my fire and imperfect heart and discover the wickedness living in me lurking in the shadows that needs to be integrated. I drop timelines and tend to the ancient-future projections. These are some my best features. Life is my mirror. I hope I answered your question right —your words were beautiful! Poetic! Great writer....I was so stunned by your language that I hit the wrong button. Thank you Anonymous! 💜 —India


Offbeat Dancing > Perfection

Off-Key Singing > Perfection

Playing Whimsically > Adult Perfection —India Ame’ye


Incredible demonstration of maturation to honor her body's NEED to transfer/transmute her passion over in other ways that do not injure her body, instead of ignoring or dissociating from it or being unwilling to evolve. Amazing! Beautiful woman! And yes inviting people to come over and nap or to stay and rest and not rush off are real life care practice and solutions to global chaos and insanity systems of power. Love to Cuba! #alicewalker #mother


Lovemaking/Fucking as a Regenerative Practice for Women and Other Female Bodied People to Share With their Beloved of Any Gender:

I truly believe that a slow, thoughtful, openhearted, tuned in lover can just as effective as years of therapy. This is probably one of my top 3 favorite sexual arts to channel and translate about. And I know that the uninitiated read the word "fucking" and may tense up and think derogatory things. But real "fucking" is not careless or thoughtless. It is built-up or ongoing non-mechanistic primal desire--the hot, wet, sticky, dripping, stealthy, lusty, passionate heat and hunger that more easier accessed in new relationships but can nurtured or revived in long-term ones. It is our cells and tissues way of craving depth--before thought. It is actually quite divine and prayerful to be able to access this state when your mind is empty and heart is open towards your lover. Begin threading your life with more slow relaxing energy. Have a love affair with mindfulness and distill more presence in your life, like through a meditation practice, chanting, or listening to soulful music like gospel music as a passionate, holy, primal frequency that instinctively calibrates you into deep feeling. Embarking on the journey to living a slower life will greatly support you in your unrepressed lovemaking and healing arts in the future. You may find yourself naturally divesting from distractions like celebrity culture without much effort.

As you start to get familiar with and play in different colors and intensities of this regenerative practice, be sure to open your mouth, open your back throat, which opens your cervix, your metaphysical heart, and streams down even more heavenly love energy into your hands and body. Love is the healing energy, you see and when you begin to embody more love, your hands and body become portals to healing/regeneration. A lover being connected to or inside your body regenerates them over and over again, in different ways. To be a Love Goddess or Sex Priestess, means that you have generous access to your innate healing energy to shift an experience. In the female form, this is your creamy lubrication that's not just confined to your pussy, but also in your throat, ass, hands, underarms, areolas, nipples, heart, I mean- your whole body becomes oceanic.

A woman's body arcs open wide as pure water quenching every cellular thirst.

When making love/fucking, you want to also simultaneously transfer or transmute some of your arousal, desire, and heat towards the stagnant inflamed parts of your lover. Let's say your beloved lover has stagnant eyes or chronic migraines. As you climb onto or straddle your lover's lap, as you sit your ass on lover's thighs, and invite this person to suck your breasts (not that you say words, but feel the desire and intention), you then transfer that heightened arch-back energy into your lover's face by lovingly massaging and kissing and speaking life into their eyes or scalp out loud (your voice/ranges of sound is also regenerative), stimulating their energy to flow which is what creates their new body narratives. Also you don't just work where the pain site or stagnation issue is location. Also work on the extremities of your Beloved like their feet, hands, calves, etc.

Basically you are finding ways to touch and speak life into their entire body depending upon what position your body is arcing open inside of. Sitting on their face? Lovely--also massage and knead their calves while sitting to bring heat, warmth, lymph and blood flow happiness into lower extremities. For people who have body challenges, the extremities are usually more tight and cold which support eye and migraine issues and the like. You do this while being touched/sucked on (be sure to grasp/massage the nape of the neck too for greater energy unlocking) and it's this beautiful dance and transference of energy that orbits and volleys back and forth between you and your lover. It’s how you can help drain the depressive energy stored in lover’s body over the years as well. This is an advanced practice.

If you are truly connected to divine feminine, you never have to be afraid, particularly if a depth of love is present in your relationship connection. None of us will ever be all “healed” or unblemished in this 3D reality —it’s impossible and we can still share our bodies with our imperfect lovers who may be having a hard time or going through some shit for very long time and actually be of service to them. After any kind of lovemaking/fucking, be sure to go outside on grass or sand or in water on the same or next day and shake your body vigorously while barefoot and lightly clothed. When we make love or fuck, our bodies are used as portals to give, receive, exchange or extract energy. Sex is the deepest energy work, the nastier and more unrestrictive and un-egoic, the better the medicine.

You can do this same act for knee pain and anything else. As you kiss and grip your lover's body (while taking caution and care around the pain spot), you send that arousal, love, care, and desire energy, maybe you even see or feel golden, violent, or green healing and send it into the knee and the surrounding areas. You speak love into the knee and the surrounding areas, almost like you are wanting to penetrate or be penetrated by it. Penetrative (giving/receiving) energy when love is present is deeply healing for all bodies. There is so many layers and viscosities that we get to play in when it comes to healing and regeneration, where lovemaking becomes artful and a much needed 'hands on, hands inside' skillset.

When you become sensitive to energy, and aware of what it means to have a female body in your every day life, you can place your hand on lover's spine and bring an immediate shift in their reality. You can do the same thing for your child or father. You are not trying heal or fix ANYTHING--you are merely allowing your body to be that portal to love/creation it was divinely oriented to be.

But with lovemaking/fucking, that same innocent energy is extraordinarily heightened into larger and more robust erotic energy to be orbited between two lovers with open hearts and undernourished egos. While doctors can be incredibly valuable, there is also something mystical that melts and swells in you that can do what no physician can. It’s incumbent that you lay down what you no longer need to carry and access those deep states that allow you to live your highest potential and help your loved ones do the same. -India Ame'ye, Author

Be patient, Loved One. Some parts just take time as you go down deep, intimately, and vulnerably into your body and welcome the unknown. Be patient with the journey without any aim or direction. Let your cells, tissues, organs, and fascia catch up to what you have been tending to: re-configuring, re-wiring, repairing, and re-calibrating as your body's new spiritual, energy state that will begin to make shifts in your dreams as your waking life catches up. This is why rest is so important. Treat regeneration like a long savasana and before you know it, a quantum leap emerges. Discover ways you can laugh, play, and rest a lot in the interim. Eventually the physical body lines up to where you are spiritually/energetically. --India Ame'ye, Regeneration
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