
Save Your Mind First

@beautifulmorningstar / beautifulmorningstar.tumblr.com

I cared about the truth and I don't regret it. Grief is with me, the aggrieved beside me. ♀️♀️ I take great pleasure in my existence; I will persist. 🌌

Reminder that not everything I reblog is full endorsement, as it tends to be on this website. Neither is it endorsement of the people in the notes/OP. I can explore ideas as I see fit without y'all losing it over someone else's blog.

Anyone who wants to harrass me about it is just getting blocked.

Edit: even if i DO agree with something "controversial" or whatever, consider that my mind isn't monochrome and that it doesn't mean I automatically stop seeing the other side. Don't like it? Get the fuck off my blog then. (Also you can check my tags for thoughts on specific posts, if you feel unsafe on my blog etc. If there are no tags kindly do not make assumptions)

Edit Again (Feb 10 '23):

1. New followers: if you don't want me following you back or you don't mind a follow while not wanting me reblogging from you, feel free to DM me w your request (this goes for longtime mutuals too). I understand what it's like out there, you don't have to explain anything

That being said, if you're a blank blog...you're getting blocked, sorry

2. If we have a conversation about ANYTHING, it will be private. No I don't take screenshots or whatever.

3. Since this was asked before, my "reminder" tag is one I use for reminders TO MYSELF, and my new "heterosexuality" tag is something I've decided to use for any mention of heterosexuality (it's not supposed to indicate negativity), my doom tags to block truly awful real-life news is "tw negative" and "tw heavy negative" (for mild and sickening, respectively). I also tag other potentially traumatic things (i.e. "tw violence"). Feminists, if you're sick of seeing male terrorism, my tag for that is "male terrorism" (lol).

4. If I suspect you might threaten the women I follow, you will be blocked

(25 Jan, 2024) some stuff:

+ pro-choice always = basic feminism

+ not shaving = despite being a non-action in and of itself, is an important feminist/self-respectful stance

+ no sexual violence is ever acceptable, including in war, no matter which side

+ white people aren't better/more deserving than any other people, ever

+ I'm fine with the gold-star term (that includes rape victims) and therefore against people who attack lesbians that use it

+ Lesbians are naturally repulsed by the idea of sex with males (lesbians = homosexual female humans). It is possible to be coerced under heavy/threat-induced environments (think arranged marriages/religious upbringings) but no lesbian willingly decides to engage in PIV sex - males are a turn-off.

+ fatphobia is stupid, appearance-based insults are usually stupid. I am personally convinced that extreme fatphobia is reframed misogyny (women naturally have more fat distribution than males)

+ hatred of femaleness is a major symptom of living in a male-centric global system and neither is natural (the inability to imagine anything beyond our current point in time does not help)

+ question the propaganda but expect the truths to be difficult to obtain

+ anti-religion: growing up without such a thing shows religion up rather clearly as tools to blind, subdue, control, and weaponize (despite the positive aspects/cultures that may exist too)


Stop raising girls to be fucking wimps with no backbone and self preservation that utterly endangers their lives as women

Specifically, stop holding up compliance and a lack of self preservation as ideals for women and girls and actively trying to stamp out backbone and self preservation that girls and women do show. And those who you who do this while claiming to be progressives ought to be especially ashamed of yourselves.


I've followed back a bunch of you but if some kf you are mjnors let me know if you're uncomfy I usually don't ofllow back minors I am walking ignore my typos

Also I am 32 very s oon


it's so disgusting how prostitution is treated as uwu fun sexy. one time i mentioned to my friend how in late medieval europe many cities had municipal brothels, and she thought it was.....cool? until i was like "yeah, and sometimes the women were not allowed to leave!"

another time i was visiting a roman archeological site along hadrian's wall and there was a tavern, with a tiny side room that prostitutes used to receive clients. the guide treated it lightheartedly, but the reality was that the tavern owner kept one or more slave women who were available to be raped by roman soldiers for a fee. i could not imagine the misery that that room had contained.

but yeah prostitution is somehow sticking it to the puritans or whatever.


Stomp right wing ideology out of radical feminism. There is nothing radical nor feminist about any form of right wing ideology. Radical feminism is a leftist ideology. If you are a conservative and you think you're a radfem, you're probably just a conservative and can see the truth behind trans ideology. But racism, homophobia, religious indoctrination (I'll say it - I think religion sucks and is bad for you), etc needs to be purged from this movement. The core values are inherently contradictory.


online communities are so strange because people slip away so easily. you can be on here for years, folding people you've never met into the fabric of your daily life, and then they disappear, leaving only ghost posts scattered across tumblr behind. or their blog stays dormant, for weeks, months, years, until you're only still following them because you remember that they love sunflowers or they were kind to you when they didn't have to be or the last thing they posted was sad and raw and you still worry about them sometimes.

and sometimes they come back when you least expect it, years later, even, and there's this sudden rush of relief like there you are, there you are, even though you barely knew each other.

there's a strange kind of love to it. i don't know you and i want to hold your hand across miles and time zones and oceans. i can still see the imprint of you in this community you left. you don't anyone will notice or care when you're gone, but we notice and we care and we wish you well.

i hope you're all okay out there. i hope the sun is shining on your face and you are breathing deeply. i miss you.

I actually think about this so much you have no idea.

I mourn every friend that's gone off somewhere


It's funny how racists in radblr will accuse you of defending men when you call them out on racism. Meanwhile... "I would choose a white man over a bear, but a bear over any other man" "I trust white men more than other men" "white culture doesn't encourage rape"

Lady, the only one defending men is you. You're literally defending white men. We're saying men of every race are a danger to women.

"wHiTe CuLtUrE dOeSn'T eNcOuRaGe RaPe!"

A huge number of (mostly white) Americans still intend to vote for Trump despite his numerous crimes, including multiple known rapes. They also don't care that he was a close associate of Epstein's.

Brett Kavanaugh sits on the Supreme Court of the United States despite being a rapist. He voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. Thousands of women have already been forced to carry children conceived through rape to term because of abortion bans - bans that were put in place by white conservatives.

People spent months vehemently defending woman beater and rapist, Johnny Depp. Rapists like Roman Polanski and Luc Besson continue getting funding and praise for their films. People STILL defend Woody Allen.

The Catholic Church has had so many rape scandals that it's literally impossible to quantify the number of victims.

White men spend millions every year traveling to countries like Thailand to sexually exploit (aka rape) impoverished women and children.

Men abuse the women they have access to. That's more often than not women in their own demographics, and you're more likely to be raped by someone you know than by a stranger. If you really think white men are less dangerous, you've fully drunk the white supremacist Koolaid.

Oh no no, that doesn't count because...the US isn't the only white majority country. And we'll just forget:

-the prostitution hellhole that is Germany

-the decriminalization of domestic violence in Russia as well as the rapes of Ukrainian women

-France's lack of age of consent until recently (and it's only 15) and housing of pedophile Roman Polanski

-the UK's arrests of women for speaking out on the trans stuff and lack of no fault divorce

-Canada's continued failure to properly investigate missing and murdered Indigenous women as well as an age of consent of only 16

-Australia's domestic violence problem

-New Zealand's prostitution problem

-Poland's roll-back of abortion rights (which were strict to begin with)

-Ireland's lack of abortion rights after 12 weeks, resulting in a woman's death from sepsis that made national news not that long ago

-a girl in Ukraine gang-raped and set on fire by three men resulting in her death three weeks later where ALL of the (white) men walked free and only one was even charged

This is literally just off the top of my head, like...

Can we talk about the tons of white men pouring into Thailand, Philippines and other Global South countries purely for "sex tourism" (aka paid rape or unpaid* rape + non-consensual filming of Asian women) or "mail order brides" (aka the idea of a submissive woman to rape consistently)

In other SEA countries, local women warn each other off of white men traveling WITH THEIR FEMALE PARTNER bec of stories of the man trying to coerce Asian women into sex and his white female partner doesn't care

Years ago I was told by a South African woman how most johns and many "clients" of prostituted (black) women were white

And let's be for real, who started the porn profiting industry? WHITE. MEN. Who are also the majority of male porn actors, aka the "point of view" of most porn videos

And of course it's not JUST white men, but they sure as hell have a reputation for misogyny


all female genitalia – vaginas, vulvas, clitorises, labia – is perfect and natural and beautiful 💖

all female bodies – breasts, hips, cellulite, chin/jaw acne, pubic and armpit and leg hair, stretch marks, round bellies – are perfect and natural and beautiful 💖

– mod alicia


At this point, it truly is a satire that mainstream western culture looked at all the activism work being done about humanising women and, instead of abolishing sex stereotypes (mostly invented by men, out of thin air), leaned into the strict gender rules as hard as they were 70 years ago. And that is supposed to be okay. You cannot question it.

Like, femininity is being defended left and right, women are actively fighting for its preservation. Why fight so hard to keep the whip? Sounds masohistic, I don't know

Gender non-conforming girls and women are being alienated from the conforming mass, and it seems that men who claim femininity are seen as closer to that mass then they are.

How did it all went so wrong..


amber heard had to legally change her name, abandon her career and move to spain because she had the audacity to write an article about how she was abused (without even naming the abuser) and the fucker sued her for it and made sure it was televized for maximum humiliation. I truly hope depp never knows a moment of peace for the rest of his pathetic life and the same goes for anyone who supported him. you people are genuinely the scum of the earth

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