What's your favorite cover you've done? I'm really interested because you seem to favor political stuff later on and at the start you mostly did tabloid parodies.
That’s a really tough question because I have different relationships with different works? IDK I guess there’s this kind of disconnect sometimes between how much effort I put into something, and how much I actually like the end product. For instance I spent aaaages planning and brainstorming and executing the movie within a movie idea, but I’m not super happy with the whole thing now that I look back on it?
So I guess what i’m most proud of, and what are my favourites are two different things that kind of cross over a bit. Combine that with the fact this whole thing started out as me being frustrated with the hyperbolic and invasive nature of trash rags, rather than a real attempt at creating any kind of in-universe media and I guess I have a lot of weird feelings about a lot of the stuff I’ve done over the years.
I’m most proud of You Know Who He Is: Stark Naked mostly because not only did it take a bunch of research to get the look of a GQ magazine right (which, by the way, is a magazine I have never read in my goddamn life!), and then the added effort of writing the copy and then trying as hard as I could to get Tony’s voice right throughout. I spent literal days reading it back out loud with all of his intonations and inflections to try and get the whole piece as spot on as I could.
What are my favourites though? Honestly, I really do prefer the political or technological ones. Every time I look at Rhodey on the cover of Wired I’m like fuck yes that is awesome and YOU DID THAT. I think about that time I put the Hydra symbol on Cap’s helmet as a commentary on the media’s constant quest to either vilify political figures or put them on a pedestal, and the use of sensationalist imagery to sell copies and Then they went and did Hydra!Cap in the comics a couple of years later and I was just like... No I did not want to be this kind of prophet. I think about the Economist cover where I couldn’t figure out what the reaction would be to literal aliens coming out of the sky and decided to just go with a safe for work version of What the Fuck.
So yeah, really really long answer to probably something you were thinking would mayyyybe be a sentence or two, so sorry about that. But yeah, here you go. My personal faves (not including that Tony one up there because its long AF). I’m also really sorry about the overabundance of Steve here, it wasn’t intentional at all!
In Touch, April 8, 2013
‘Sources’ and 'Insiders’ claim they’ve seen someone resembling Hawkeye singing Britney and snorting lines of coke in darkened corners of various clubs and bars. Natasha and SHIELD groan, Clint laughs hysterically, and Tony wonders forlorn, why nobody reports stuff like this about him any more.
MediAvengers is an MCU media blog. Magazine spreads and newspaper articles made by fans, for the fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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By popular demand, Black Widow’s ad for feminine hygiene product, Mooncup. The straps and pockets are reserved exclusively for being a badass. When you’re part of a superhero team, you don’t have time to worry about stopping by the drugstore to pick up a pack of tampons!
Debate rages over whether or not this is official, or just clever marketing on the part of mooncup. No word from Black Widow herself at this stage!
Thanks to vardaesque for the concept, and to everyone else who was part of the brainstorm session!
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MediAvengers is an MCU media blog. Magazine spreads and newspaper articles made by fans, for the fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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Disclaimer: This is not an official advertisement for Mooncup, nor is it attempting to create a link between Marvel and Mooncup. This is purely for fun.
MediAvengers weekly round up week ending 27 July 2013
History does some specials, and OK! USA gets their facts wrong as usual.
MediAvengers is an MCU media blog. Magazine spreads and newspaper articles made by fans, for the fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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MediAvengers gossip round-up. Trashy magazines are trashy.
MediAvengers is an MCU media blog. Magazine spreads and newspaper articles made by fans, for the fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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MediAvengers Iron Man/Tony Stark round-up. From the beginning!
MediAvengers is an MCU media blog. Magazine spreads and newspaper articles made by fans, for the fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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This week’s MediAvengers round-up
We’ve got some Zero Sum Game gossip from the future, a science journal featuring Maya Hansen’s work, and TIME asks whether or not America really cares about hacktivists like the Rising Tide.
MediAvengers is an MCU media blog. Magazine spreads and newspaper articles made by fans, for the fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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In Touch, and Life & Style, February 27 2012
Check out what we spotted on the news stand side by side! Two hilariously conflicting stories from a couple of America’s trashiest gossip rags.
MediAvengers is an MCU media blog. Magazine spreads and newspaper articles made by fans, for the fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
OK! USA, November 24, 2013
Looks like Steve might be sharing some secrets on how he manages to make such goofy faces when he doesn’t realise the cameras are out! Is Jensen asking Cap for tips on, well… being Cap, or have they just struck up a serendipitous friendship?
Let’s be honest, all the gossip magazines are probably just jumping for joy because they can do another ‘best butt’ competition once the set photos start rolling in.
MediAvengers is an MCU media blog. Magazine spreads and newspaper articles made by fans, for the fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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All non-Marvel headlines are from the original real-world issue of the publication.
MediAvengers round-up: Pepper Potts
MediAvengers is an MCU media blog. Magazine spreads and newspaper articles made by fans, for the fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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National Enquirer, April 1, 2013
The Enquirer does it again! Secret ‘sources’ claim Cap and Iron Man’s antagonistic friendship is just pent up sexual tension. Meanwhile, a Manhattan barista claims Hawkeye threatened to shoot him for complimenting Black Widow on her jeans!
Thanks to Ellidfics for helping with the concept!
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MediAvengers is an MCU media blog. Magazine spreads and newspaper articles made by fans, for the fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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All non-Marvel headlines are from the original real-world issue of the publication.
In Touch, May 27, 2013
Everything is ridiculous. 7.2 million people read this article, and a few billion brain cells vanish into the ether along the way.
Oh wait, this really happened to real people.
MediAvengers is an MCU media blog. Magazine spreads and newspaper articles made by fans, for the fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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All headlines not relating to the Marvel universe are from the original real world publication of this magazine.
Avengers in the headlines 2010-2011
MediAvengers is an MCU media blog. Magazine spreads and newspaper articles made by fans, for the fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.