
lmao what is it

@whatsquinoa / whatsquinoa.tumblr.com


║\ ║▒\ ║▒▒\ ║░▒║ ║░▒║with this blade ║░▒║i cut those who ║░▒║disrespect ║░▒║Carly Rae Jepsen ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ▓▓▓▓ [█▓] [█▓] [█▓] [█▓]


i went to an ariana grande concert a few months ago. there were so many young girls (8, 9, 10 and 11 years old) there with their moms for their very first concert and you could feel the excitement in the air as they walked around the venue in their ariana shirts and accessories, dancing along to all of her songs.

the thought of someone planning a terrorist attack with the specific intention of targeting and killing not just women, but girls, absolutely shatters my heart.


I just got a new laptop and it doesn’t have AdBlocker yet and I swear to god I’ve never seen an ad on tumblr because I just watched a 3 minute video about Cruise Holidays because I thought it was an elaborate shitpost


throwback to one of the best Eurovision songs of all time don’t even lie 


Graham Norton's best eurovision salt 2k17 (so far)

- “Ironically enough for a man singing a song called “My Friend”, he doesn’t seem to have any.“

- *Presenters walk out* “Oh, just as we were enjoying ourselves.”

- “Technical errors? or maybe he’s just not that great.”

- (Presenter: “I know what you’re thinking.”) “No, you don’t.”

- (Presenter: “There’s so much love in this room tonight!”) “Not for you.”

- “If you think my job’s easy, just wait until you see the guy pretending to play the saxophone for three minutes.”

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