
Officer Sidonis

@officersidonis / officersidonis.tumblr.com

An independent Mass Effect RP blog for C-Sec officer Lantar Sidonis. I track the tag officersidonis.

(Not A) Date Night

Augus fluttered his mandibles happily as he saw Lantar smile. He smiled back at his ‘date’ he went ahead and tried the third dish it had a sweet saltiness to it. “Mmm should really try it. I mean I can tell just by your reaction to that I did a good job picking.”

“Yeah, I’d have to agree.  I’ve learned not to question your judgement on matters of food.”  It was good to see Auguscus so cheerful again.  When they’d met back up before he’d been so down.  “You got any other surprises for me?  There’s only so much I can eat.” Lantar teased as he took a few more bits of each for his plate.

“Well that’s fine. I was thinking after dinner we could go to a movie or something. Just something chill and fun.” He smiled at him. “Or we could go walk wherever. Either way figured we’d end the night at your place.” His voice teased of more.

A little grin flared his mandibles and a mischievous subvocal hum snuck out between them.  “I’m open to whatever you’re planning.  You’re the sophisticated galactic traveler after all, I’m just a low tier civil servant who has opinions on some of the worst motels in uncivilized space.  Surprise me.”

Augus smiled at him and gently played footsie with him under the table. He continued eating the food, “See this is what I call a proper date. And you seem to be enjoying yourself.” he said in a teasing playful tone.

“……… really it is.  Burt like a friend date.  Not a platonic friend date, but not a… you know?  A sexy friend date.” he stumbled over his words, undertones a touch embarrassed and heavy from that appealing look on Aug’s face and the under the table action that was really starting to get to him.

“Heh people have sex after dates or on dates too~” He teased still enjoying playing footsie with Lantar. “And Lantar … your cute when you get all flustered like that.” He grinned at him.

He has to bring up a hand over his mouth to keep too loud of a laugh flaring out, the skin of his neck flushing a little harder from amusement and fondness more than anything else.  Instead he just grinned a bit like a fool.  “You know, some times I’m ok with being cute.” and he nudged a boot back at Auguscus, vaguely wondering how much of a scene they were making acting so silly in such an expensive place.


open starter (somewhere on the Citadel)

A line had formed behind the man and grown increasingly fidgety, which is what had brought Lantar over here in the first place (in particular a very agitated salarian had flagged him over with complaints that he wasn’t getting any younger damn it).  The cause of all the consternation didn’t show any particular signs of intoxication or drug use that would possibly lead to aggression.  Lantar spoke gently to him, subtones steady and polite.
“Would you consider moving to the side here while you think about that?  If you can’t read the menu from a distance you can access it on your omni.”  The man just seemed to be confused, though it was difficult to ascertain his age or any particular signs of disease that would hint at what the source of the problem was.  He looked vaguely familiar but it didn’t set off any panic alarms in Lantar’s memory so he didn’t linger on the thought.

Desol glanced back at the line with surprise, quickly stepping out of the way to let the other customers go ahead. He hadn’t even noticed there’d been a line forming behind him. He was sure he’d been standing to the side of the actual counter, he only wanted a look at the menu after all. Seems he was wrong. He blushed a searing blue at the neck. He rubbed at the back of it and did his best to go by unnoticed by the unhappy group that had gathered behind him.

He glanced up at the officer who’d addressed him and ducked his head away, doing his best not to look him in the eye. He was wary of anyone in authority, he looked speculative enough without markings and his tall, thin stature without being an active dead-ringer for a fairly notorious rogue Spectre. “I…sorry again. I haven’t…” he sighed, “I don’t have a lot of experience with domestic type stuff like this. Just thought I’d…practice.” he muttered, shaking his head.

Poor guy, clearly had some kind of condition he was dealing with.  Lantar hummed reassuringly in his undertone as he spoke “It’s alright, people get caught up some time and don’t notice.  Is there anything else you may need assistance with, sir...?”


open starter (somewhere on the Citadel)

 “I can’t help but notice you’ve been standing in this area for some time, do you need assistance…?”

Desol looked up, slightly startled by the voice and turned toward the officer, blinking his blue eyes in confusion. His neck flushed lightly in embarrassment as he realized he’d just spent nearly twenty minutes standing there staring at the menu in the window of a cafe. His mandibles flickered, making his piercings dance. He felt ridiculous. “Uh…no. Sorry, I was just trying to decide if…if I liked tea.” He winced and rubbed at the back of his neck. “Spirits, that’s sounds stupid doesn’t it?” He muttered

A line had formed behind the man and grown increasingly fidgety, which is what had brought Lantar over here in the first place (in particular a very agitated salarian had flagged him over with complaints that he wasn’t getting any younger damn it).  The cause of all the consternation didn’t show any particular signs of intoxication or drug use that would possibly lead to aggression.  Lantar spoke gently to him, subtones steady and polite.

“Would you consider moving to the side here while you think about that?  If you can’t read the menu from a distance you can access it on your omni.”  The man just seemed to be confused, though it was difficult to ascertain his age or any particular signs of disease that would hint at what the source of the problem was.  He looked vaguely familiar but it didn’t set off any panic alarms in Lantar’s memory so he didn’t linger on the thought.


☤ - with a large, bleeding wound (surprise me)


Iulius had to admit, maybe tossing the vorcha over the two-story landing had been a bit much. To be fair, the asshole had called him puny and told him he’d like to use him as a stool. None of which the short turian took very well. And normally a single vorcha would be nothing he couldn’t handle. But that was the problem with vorcha. There was never just one of them.

So now Iulius found himself hiding from a roaming group of vorcha with a large gash in his left leg, trying not whine at the pain of it. The corner he had managed to sneak off to just happened to be someone’s doorstep…which could be both a bad and a good thing if the guy would just open up so that the vorcha didn’t find him and gut him. So he rang the bell twice and knocked hurriedly…even pounded on it a little, all while trying to put pressure on the gash in his shin and trying not to panic.

“C’mon…c’mon…these vorcha are gonna kill me.” he muttered, doing his best to look small, pathetic, and as young as possible. Fairly easy when he already looked like he was fifteen at the oldest.

 A low pleased tone like a smile filled his undertones at that.  “Sounds beautiful.  I’d happily talk ships, but I’ll drone on about that shit all day so feel free to say no.  Either way you’re killing assholes and obviously passionate about the position so I’m glad it’s worked out for you.”  The guy was uncomfortable about his size so Lantar didn’t bring it up.  Didn’t matter in the damnedest and he didn’t sound like a man looking for more sympathy so there was no reason to waste anyone’s time or emotions on it.
Lantar talked over his shoulder as he discarded the contaminated material left over from tending Iulius’ wounds and washed his hands.  “Sometimes you’ve just need to tell the Boss the stupid thing you did and put up with it.  Trust me, hiding it doesn’t work well.”   Then to show he wasn’t being too serious he fluttered out his mandibles in a laugh.  “And really…. the window thing.  Terrible idea to make a habit of.  It’s loud.”  

Iulius glanced away a bit shyly, smiling warmly, his neck flushing a bit blue. “Thanks.” Iulius murmured, his mandibles giving a happy flicker. Clearly he either wasn’t used to or got easily embarrassed when praised because he ducked his head and turned almost coy around the other larger turian. “Maybe I could…I dunno…show you the ship when it’s done? I mean…we’re not really supposed to let other people on but I’m sure the boss won’t mind. We’re supposed to sell guns to C-SEC all the time anyway.” He said, before he pointed at the weapon he’d seen Lantar use earlier.

“That’s probably one of ours. The boss is always saying ‘C-SEC can’t do their jobs if the guys they’re fighting have the better guns.’ So we make sure you guys get them at a reasonable price after WE lift them off Cerberus or like pirates or the Eclipse mercs we get ‘em from.” He paused for a moment, mandible flickering out as he stared up at the ceiling in thought. “Never noticed how loud the window thing was. Guess cuz I get all wrapped up in the fight.”

“.......... You know what?  I’ll consider it.  I don’t usually have a lot of free times but I miss getting to spend times with nice ships.” he answered after finishing cleaning up, turning around and leaning on the counter.

“We appreciate the shit out of the firepower support too.  There’s so many people taking refuge here we’re run ragged half the time, but at least we can do it with good weapons taken out of bad hands.”  He was obviously pleased by that, between the expression and the pleased thrum to his tone.  He was clearly very much not a fan of mercenaries.


(Not A) Date Night

Augus fluttered his mandibles happily as he saw Lantar smile. He smiled back at his ‘date’ he went ahead and tried the third dish it had a sweet saltiness to it. “Mmm should really try it. I mean I can tell just by your reaction to that I did a good job picking.”

“Yeah, I’d have to agree.  I’ve learned not to question your judgement on matters of food.”  It was good to see Auguscus so cheerful again.  When they’d met back up before he’d been so down.  “You got any other surprises for me?  There’s only so much I can eat.” Lantar teased as he took a few more bits of each for his plate.

“Well that’s fine. I was thinking after dinner we could go to a movie or something. Just something chill and fun.” He smiled at him. “Or we could go walk wherever. Either way figured we’d end the night at your place.” His voice teased of more.

A little grin flared his mandibles and a mischievous subvocal hum snuck out between them.  “I’m open to whatever you’re planning.  You’re the sophisticated galactic traveler after all, I’m just a low tier civil servant who has opinions on some of the worst motels in uncivilized space.  Surprise me.”

Augus smiled at him and gently played footsie with him under the table. He continued eating the food, “See this is what I call a proper date. And you seem to be enjoying yourself.” he said in a teasing playful tone.

“......... really it is.  Burt like a friend date.  Not a platonic friend date, but not a... you know?  A sexy friend date.” he stumbled over his words, undertones a touch embarrassed and heavy from that appealing look on Aug’s face and the under the table action that was really starting to get to him.

Anonymous asked:

*randomly drops off a butt load of turian moonshine without explanation*

Lantar stares at the box in shock and dismay, neck going pale in the harsh light of the hallway.  Somebody was playing a sick joke that much was for sure.  The booze was left outside as he shut the door firmly and retreated to the furthest part of the apartment to sit on his bed.  A few seconds of holding his head later he brought up his omni and started to type.

[TEXT] Ok so who thought this was funny

[TEXT] because fair warning I’m going to blow out your kneecaps with a shotgun

[TEXT] I appreciate the thought 
[TEXT] Really
[TEXT] But I don’t drink for good reason.

[TEXT] Oh! Sorry! :(

[TEXT] … How do you feel about cookies?

[TEXT] NEvermind I’ll just bring a selection.

[TEXT] Yra’sis gave me a basket! And a drone!

[TEXT] The drone is for the moonshine. I was told I should be clear about that because it’s not my drone.

[TEXT] Yes warming people about an incoming drone is a good idea.

[TEXT] I guess I’ll see you soon then

Lantar sat back and rubbed a hand over his eyes, muttering to himself “Spirits what a weird person”


100 Excellent Questions

1. If there were one word which was automatically to your name in Google searches, which word would you want it to be?
2. What is a goal that you recently met?
3. What is your favorite time of day?
4. Name a celebrity you find attractive.
5. What is one of the best pieces of advice you have ever received?
6. What is the ultimate gesture of total trust?
7. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
8. What is something you have changed your mind about?
9. What is something you’ve never changed your mind about?
10. Rewrite the end of a fairy tale.
11. Choose one: you will never misunderstand the meaning of what someone else is saying OR nobody will ever misunderstand what you say.
12. If offered irreversible immortality, would you take it?
13. In your opinion, what are the most important qualities of a good friend?
14. If you could be a founding member of a space colony, with the caveat that you would never be able to return to Earth, would you go?
15. What is your favorite superpower? Why?
16. If you were a book, which book would you be?
17. If you found out that your life was a book, and you met your author, what would you say to them?
18. How would you prefer to die?
19. What is your favorite paradox?
20. Tell us five facts about your first love, or, if you haven’t had one yet, invent the story of meeting your first love.
21. If you could live anywhere for a year, where would you live?
22. If you could visit anywhere for a week, where would you go?
23. You can only read one genre of books for the rest of your life. Which genre do you read?
24. Define “love.”
25. Define “justice.”
26. Define “truth.”
27. Define “art.”
28. Define “good.”
29. Define “obscene.”
30. What one thing in the world would be hardest for you to give up?
31. What is one thing you regret?
32. What is something that you have done that you are proud of?
33. Is it easier to talk or to listen?
34. When are you vulnerable?
35. If you met God, what would you say to God?
36. Would it be harder to tell someone you loved them if you weren’t sure how they would respond, or have to tell someone that you didn’t love them back?
37. Excluding romantic love, when was the last time you told someone you loved them? Who were they to you?
38. What is your worst quality?
39. What is your best quality?
40. What is your most immediately noticeable quality?
41. What is the first thing you notice about other people?
42. Describe one of your closest friends, and explain why that person is such a close friend.
43. What happened in the last dream you remember?
44. What was your most memorable dream?
45. Two truths and a lie.
46. If you were having a baby with the love of your life, and they insisted that the child be named after a place, what would you name your child?
47. What is the last lie you told?
48. Is it possible for you to love someone you don’t trust?
49. What motivates you most?
50. What is your favorite narrative trope?
51. Describe the ultimate dystopia.
52. What story (book, movie, game, etc.) have you learned the most from?
53. What is something you wish other people could know about you without you having to tell them?
54. Describe a moment you experienced something unexpectedly beautiful.
55. What is the biggest challenge you face when trying to form relationships with people?
56. How close do you think your perception of yourself is to how other people perceive you?
57. What is something you used to be afraid of, but aren’t anymore?
58. What is the most important emotion?
59. Do you think humans are any different than very advanced organic robots? If so, how?
60. If you had to move somewhere else, what would you miss most from where you are now?
61. If you were a videogame character, what would your iconic weapon be?
62. What is an aspect of your personality now that would come as a surprise to your younger self?
63. If you could eliminate one event from the last month, which event would it be?
64. If you had to forget the entire last year except for one 24 hour period, which day would you chose to remember? (Other people would remember, and you would have anything you wrote down or recorded during that time period - you would just have a form of amnesia.)
65. What is the most upsetting thing anyone has ever said to you?
66. If you had to pick only one ideal or cause to work toward, what would it be?
67. Are there any unforgivable actions? What are they?
68. Under what circumstances is keeping information secret acceptable or morally required?
69. What is one of your favorite ways to relax?
70. What is something you find difficult to talk about, even though you know you should?
71. What is an easy, default topic of conversation?
72. What is your favorite sort of conversation?
73. What is a version of you in an alternate reality doing right now?
74. What was the last adorable thing you saw?
75. Would you prefer for people to hate you or for people to be completely indifferent to you?
76. Would you prefer to be yelled at or ignored?
77. What is your favorite word and why?
78. What is your dream job?
79. What is the most difficult thing you’ve done this month?
80. When was the last time you were really scared?
81. What do you want most?
82. Describe an ideal day.
83. If you could speak to any real (non-fictional) person, living or dead for one hour, who would it be?
84. In general, are you happy with the person you have become?
85. Do you want to be a parent?
86. What is something unusual about you that not a lot of people know?
87. What makes you you?
88. Are you lonelier when you’re with people or when you’re alone?
89. What makes you feel safe?
90. What was the last bad decision you made?
91. Who is someone you have utmost respect for, and what is it about that person that makes you esteem them so highly?
92. What was the last thing you laughed uncontrollably at?
93. Your friend tells you that they are suicidal, and asks you not to tell anyone. Is it more of a betrayal to tell someone, or to keep silent?
94. What song speaks to you most? Why?
95. What basic values or principles do you turn to when faced with moral dilemmas?
96. If you had a tagline, what would it be?
97. If applicable, what do you look for in a romantic partner?
98. Who is your favorite author?
99. Who is the one person you know who is most similar to you (in terms of personality, beliefs, attitudes, mannerisms, etc)?
100. What are you most excited about right now?
Anonymous asked:

*randomly drops off a butt load of turian moonshine without explanation*

Lantar stares at the box in shock and dismay, neck going pale in the harsh light of the hallway.  Somebody was playing a sick joke that much was for sure.  The booze was left outside as he shut the door firmly and retreated to the furthest part of the apartment to sit on his bed.  A few seconds of holding his head later he brought up his omni and started to type.

[TEXT] Ok so who thought this was funny

[TEXT] because fair warning I’m going to blow out your kneecaps with a shotgun


[TEXT: Iulius] Oh so THAT’S where I dropped that crate. [TEXT: Iulius] My bad. I was really drunk and there were all these crates and somebody was talking about this human holiday where people get baskets of stuff at their door. And I GUESS my drunk brain thought this would make up for you treating my leg that night. [TEXT:Iulius] I dunno it made sense at the time. [TEXT:Iulius] I’ll come get it! Sorry!

[TEXT] I appreciate the thought 

[TEXT] Really

[TEXT] But I don’t drink for good reason.


☤ - with a large, bleeding wound (surprise me)


Iulius had to admit, maybe tossing the vorcha over the two-story landing had been a bit much. To be fair, the asshole had called him puny and told him he’d like to use him as a stool. None of which the short turian took very well. And normally a single vorcha would be nothing he couldn’t handle. But that was the problem with vorcha. There was never just one of them.

So now Iulius found himself hiding from a roaming group of vorcha with a large gash in his left leg, trying not whine at the pain of it. The corner he had managed to sneak off to just happened to be someone’s doorstep…which could be both a bad and a good thing if the guy would just open up so that the vorcha didn’t find him and gut him. So he rang the bell twice and knocked hurriedly…even pounded on it a little, all while trying to put pressure on the gash in his shin and trying not to panic.

“C’mon…c’mon…these vorcha are gonna kill me.” he muttered, doing his best to look small, pathetic, and as young as possible. Fairly easy when he already looked like he was fifteen at the oldest.


Iulius immediately seemed to brighten and perk up at the mention of his ship. He grinned and rolled his shoulders. “I used to pilot fighters awhile back but …well…some stuff happened and I couldn’t go back to doing that so now I pilot this retired turian frigate. We’ve done a bunch of retrofits on it recently though so she flies like she’s brand new. Plus I fly the drop shuttles we’ve got when it’s needed. It’s a good job and even though the engineer is always bitching me out for some of the moves I pull outrunning Cerberus, mercenaries, and reapers is pretty much the most fun ever.” He settled down a bit and scuffed his foot against the floor lightly, glancing away. “I mean…s’loads better than what most runts get to do so, I dunno. Guess I’m lucky I get to do something so fun.”

Iulius hated bringing up his runt status everybody always treated him different afterward. Like he was a kid, or diseased, or fragile somehow. He wasn’t, he was just short and…sometimes social stuff was hard and he had a tough time focusing on anything but one feeling at a time. Still, so many people thought runts were useless. And he definitely wasn’t. He sheepishly grinned at Lantar and hummed, “I’ll be careful. I’m real good at hiding and staying put so I’ll be okay. Plus once I get back to the ship the crew’ll look after me. Although my boss is gonna be all mad ‘cuz I’m not supposed to be throwing people through windows anymore even if I didn’t start it.” he added wincing and fiddling with the ends of his sleeves like a kid afraid of having to own up to his parents about breaking a vase.

 A low pleased tone like a smile filled his undertones at that.  “Sounds beautiful.  I’d happily talk ships, but I’ll drone on about that shit all day so feel free to say no.  Either way you’re killing assholes and obviously passionate about the position so I’m glad it’s worked out for you.”  The guy was uncomfortable about his size so Lantar didn’t bring it up.  Didn’t matter in the damnedest and he didn’t sound like a man looking for more sympathy so there was no reason to waste anyone’s time or emotions on it.

Lantar talked over his shoulder as he discarded the contaminated material left over from tending Iulius’ wounds and washed his hands.  “Sometimes you’ve just need to tell the Boss the stupid thing you did and put up with it.  Trust me, hiding it doesn’t work well.”   Then to show he wasn’t being too serious he fluttered out his mandibles in a laugh.  “And really.... the window thing.  Terrible idea to make a habit of.  It’s loud.”  

Anonymous asked:

*randomly drops off a butt load of turian moonshine without explanation*

Lantar stares at the box in shock and dismay, neck going pale in the harsh light of the hallway.  Somebody was playing a sick joke that much was for sure.  The booze was left outside as he shut the door firmly and retreated to the furthest part of the apartment to sit on his bed.  A few seconds of holding his head later he brought up his omni and started to type.

[TEXT] Ok so who thought this was funny

[TEXT] because fair warning I’m going to blow out your kneecaps with a shotgun


(Not A) Date Night

Augus fluttered his mandibles happily as he saw Lantar smile. He smiled back at his ‘date’ he went ahead and tried the third dish it had a sweet saltiness to it. “Mmm should really try it. I mean I can tell just by your reaction to that I did a good job picking.”

“Yeah, I’d have to agree.  I’ve learned not to question your judgement on matters of food.”  It was good to see Auguscus so cheerful again.  When they’d met back up before he’d been so down.  “You got any other surprises for me?  There’s only so much I can eat.” Lantar teased as he took a few more bits of each for his plate.

“Well that’s fine. I was thinking after dinner we could go to a movie or something. Just something chill and fun.” He smiled at him. “Or we could go walk wherever. Either way figured we’d end the night at your place.” His voice teased of more.

A little grin flared his mandibles and a mischievous subvocal hum snuck out between them.  “I’m open to whatever you’re planning.  You’re the sophisticated galactic traveler after all, I’m just a low tier civil servant who has opinions on some of the worst motels in uncivilized space.  Surprise me.”

“I’d have to agree with them.”  A pause.  “I’m glad you’re talking to doctors.  Sometimes it’s…not easy to do.”  Spirits knew he hadn’t.  Course there were different reasons for that.  But all the same, he wasn’t much of a role model to be having the conversation.  “Can I get you anything?  Some food, water?  There’s some more of the pastries left if you want one.”

“No…” Cato mumbled, letting go of that little string now that it had made a small section of his pants kind of tight. He looked up at Crass’ friend again, his little mandibles fluttering. “Um…I… I should go back to sleep. …I think I’m okay now.” 

“Ok.” he said softly.  As Cato disappeared he sat back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling no longer tired.  Too much going on in his head.  Most of it was tangled between the past and the future, worries, fears, regrets.  One rose to the top and hung there heavy in his gizzard.

I will do anything I can to help this kid, this time.


random quotes from books & stuff meme

  • “I feel like it’s November first, and I’m that discarded jack-o’-lantern whose heart and guts are splattered all over the boulevard of broken promises.”
  • “I swear, you are the only person I know who makes decisions based on what will provide the best material for a diary.” 
  • “All I really want to do today is go to the book store, drink coffee and read.” 
  • “I had chosen the path of the black sheep rather than that of the unicorns and puppies.” 
  • “They’re called hormones.”
  • “We’d have really pretty babies, huh?”
  • “I’ll have to act out by wearing lots of eyeliner and doing the drugs.”
  • “In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” 
  • “I just wanted…to kiss you good-bye.”
  • “Tell me something good about your life.”
  • “Don’t judge yourself by what others did to you.”
  • “I’m in love. And I like how that feels. And I hate how that feels. Because love is an invention of fiction writers.”
  • “Smile. Nod. Say something witty before they find out what an incredible geek you are.” 
  • “So you try to think of someone else you’re mad at, and the unavoidable answer pops into your little warped brain: everyone.”
  • “Funny how when your life is mostly bullshit, you turn off feeling. Sometimes it’s hard to turn it back on again.”
  • “You believe this is a game, and you may be right. But if you think you can play it better than me, think again.”
  • “Why does it hurt so much? Why does it have to hurt?”
  • “The cure for pain is in the pain.” 
  • “That information is classified, I’m afraid.”
  • “Don’t forget. Not ever. Not for a second.”
  • “I am not interested in emotional fuckwittage. Goodbye.”
  • “I’m pretty sure you’re way out of my league.”
  • “You’ll NEVER understand that kind of pain.”
  • “The wounded recognize the wounded.”
  • “Thought you’d be gone by now.”
  • “Blood isn’t love.”
  • “Do your ears just block all incoming sound waves?”
  • “Go make love to a tube sock.”
  • “Is that a euphemism for penis?  Please let it not be a euphemism for penis.”
  • “He is a pimple on the cock of humanity.”
  • “I do not view other boys as threats, and I enjoy making them seem insignificant by calling them the wrong names.”
  • “Angry grizzly bears are going to look tame next to what is waiting for you at home.” 
  • “I’m going to kill you one day.” 
  • “I don’t like it, but my hands are tied. I just want you to know this: if I ever get the chance to betray you, I will. If the opportunity arises to pay you back, I’ll take it. You’ll never be able to trust me.”
  • “Of course I’d like to help you out. Which way did you come in?” 
  • “You’re mistaking bitter animosity for heartfelt affection.”
  • “I don’t know whether to punch you or kiss you.” 
  • “You’re hurt…let me help you. Please.”
  • “Look at his burn. It’s going to get infected.”
  • “It’s blood, yeah.”
  • “I know you’re not okay.”
  • “Look at me.” 
  • “You left me.Without a word.”
  • “You don’t…have to leave. Please.”
  • “I don’t need the feeling of completeness. I just need the feeling of not being empty.”
  • “Do you have a lot of sad things in your head?”
  • “How do I share what I’m feeling?”
  • “Not your [ boyfriend/girlfriend ], eh?”
  • “Are you not happy with me?” 
  • “This is love, isn’t it? When you notice someone’s absence and hate that absence more than anything? More, even, than you love their presence?” 
  • “I think your [ girlfriend/boyfriend ] is evil and should be destroyed.” 
  • “Love me, because love doesn’t exist, and I have tried everything that does.”
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