
stay afraid but do it anyway

@hermionegrangerandarocketship / hermionegrangerandarocketship.tumblr.com

Greta♔24 real adult? lover of books and writing and tv shows bi af

soooo this is just an update post to say that I’m not really active on here anymore. I used to at least just lurk and keep to myself but honestly the most recent update has made this website...............how you say.................unusable. if you know me irl or we were close internet friends at one point feel free to add me on fb if you wanna connect. if you send me an ask I’ll still get an email about it so I can respond, but i won’t get messenger updates or anything so.........ya that’s it. apparently an obsession with tumblr can only last a decade


my dad–also a writer–came to visit, and i mentioned that the best thing to come out of the layoff is that i’m writing again. he asked what i was writing about, and i said what i always do: “oh, just fanfic,” which is code for “let’s not look at this too deeply because i’m basically just making action figures kiss in text form” and “this awkward follow-up question is exactly why i don’t call myself a writer in public.”

he said, “you have to stop doing that.”

“i know, i know,” because it’s even more embarrassing to be embarrassed about writing fanfic, considering how many posts i’ve reblogged in its defense.

but i misunderstood his original question: “fanfic is just the genre. i asked what you’re writing about.” 

i did the conversational equivalent of a spinning wheel cursor for at least a minute. i started peeling back the setting and the characters, the fic challenge and the specific episode the story jumps off from, and it was one of those slow-dawning light bulb moments. “i’m writing about loneliness, and who we are in the absence of purpose.”

as, i imagine, are a lot of people right now, who probably also don’t realize they’re writing an existential diary in the guise of getting television characters to fuck. 

that’s what you’re writing. the rest is just how you get there, and how you get it out into the world. was richard iii really about richard the third? would shakespeare have gotten as many people to see it if it wasn’t a story they knew?”

so, my friends: what are you writing about?


i wanna be rich but in a socialist utopia where everyone’s needs are met already so that i can drop bonkers amounts of money on vacations without being a greedy piece of shit 

i wanna have a $400 bottle of champagne but, like, only if everyone in yemen has access to clean drinking water and there are no more concentration camps, ya feel me?


kitty litter would be a fucking great invention if it didn't turn the floor of our basement into the fucking sahara desert of poop particle sand because every goddamn time tony uses the litterbox he calmly takes his piss or shit but then when he goes to leave he busts out of there like koolaid man just found a pristine wall to bust through and in the process scatters litter as far as the naked eye can see. acting like he's a fucking olympian athlete about to do the long jump of the century fuckin. hannibal bustin through. i hate his stupid ass

Anonymous asked:

this isnt a hot take just a story about me being 10 and having just discovered fandom content and i thought to myself “oh i wonder if there is fandom content for my favorite movie the lorax!” and you know what. there was

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