
Its Mutiny! Mutiny on the Bunty!

@mutinyonthebunty / mutinyonthebunty.tumblr.com

Nett's (ie: bondchick_nett via fightocrime's) simblr. Featuring gameplay shots, a noticeable predilection for Berry Sims & occasional downloads. Currently playing TS4: Asylum Challenge.

👩‍🌾Stardew Valley: Leyalluna’s Portraits

Hello, it’s been a long time! [Leyalluna’s Portraits] 1.5 compatible version is now available! I’ve updated all the NPCs Portraits except the Spoiler Characters which I’m currently working on. 👩‍🌾LINK: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/2181 I’ve been busy working on my webcomic, thank you for your patience. Also, I’ve been playing the updated Stardew Valley because I didn’t want to get all spoiled when I was making the mod! 😂 If you like my work and want to help me create more, please consider supporting me on ko-fi. Thank you! 🥰💖💕


Name that Berry!

Berry Name mod replacement for Berry Sims

- Updated for Realm of Magic - 

Made with v


Please let me know if you have any issues. EA changed how the names files are so I’m hoping I’ve changed everything I needed to 🤞

Things to know:

This mod:

  • Is only for the English-version of the game
  • Has 3000+ names so chances are slim you’ll have a duplicate first and surname on the one sim (but not impossible)
  • Replaces the general female and male first names, as well as surnames
  • Replaces the female and male first names, and surnames from the city sims  (which are listed as Moroccan, Japanese and Indian)
  • Replaces the names for the Selvadorada sims (which are listed as Latin)
  • Replaces the names for the Sulani locals (which are listed as Islander)
  • Uses the same set of names in the first and surname fields for both female and male sims in all types listed above
  • Will generate names on townies and through the CAS randomiser
  • Has a couple of additional names for familiars
  • Can be removed when you no longer want sims generating with Berry Sweet names
  • Will conflict with any other name mod - so only use one at a time!

This mod will not:

  • Change the names of existing sims
  • Change names of Berry Sweet named sims if you remove the mod
  • Replace names for pets or skeletons
  • Generate berry names if you use a non-English language setting - but you are  more than welcome to edit the file and copy the names into a different language spot and share it! Berry names for everyone! 

There are examples of some names that can generate in game on the original post here along with the main sources i used to initially use in the mod. Older versions of the mod can be found here

✨✨  Download v4 for Realm of Magic ✨✨

This is a mod- place it in your My Docs/TS4/Mods folder. Remove any other name mod before installing this one.

I also added the name list into an online randomiser so you can play with the names to make up combos outside of the game!


At last!!

Finally - after a pretty hellish month all round - SFS is on a stable server and everything seems to be working well. I really apologise for all the disruption - it’s been a terrible run of bad luck with hardware issues, configuration problems etc. but it’s looking like everything is finally back to normal.

I haven’t got through everyone’s emails and messages yet, but I’m working on it. For now, if you’re still having trouble, please send me another email to simfileshare@gmail.com to help me keep on top of what’s fixed and what still needs looking at.

Thankyou so much for all your patience, the sims community is a lovely bunch of people! 💕

Is it still not working for anyone else? I’m getting around one in a dozen files to actually download. 

I hope everything’s okay and they’re not having further massive server issues.


November Sweater

I decided to give Blender another shot and separated the top from Cats and Dogs outfit.

  • 45 solid swatches + 45 floral patterns in my Autumn Shade Palette
  • feminine frame only
  • Base Game Compatible

Please, let me know if there’re any problems, I’m still new to Blender.

Literally just occurred to me that I should reblog stuff I’m loving/find invaluable when I download it. Fear my presence of mind.


I know this looks like a terrifyingly sinister post-party scenario, and it is, but not for the reasons it appears.

Don’t repair every single appliance and plumbed convenience in a multi story mansion, then immediately throw a monochromatic themed house party. You’ll suffer at the hands of incorrectly colour labelled CC, and collapse at the foot of a hamburger cake.

You have been warned.



IDEK how many days in it took to appear, but MANY. 

It began while our intrepid heroine was sleeping. The aliens in the home thought doing push ups while flipping pancakes was the best idea since the planet Sixam. SPOILER ALERT! It wasn’t. Luckily for them, the only defence against fire they had was NOT Gelato’s spontaneous recital of The Monster Mash, and was in fact the more practical application of fire extinguishing foam. 

Rocky Horror is responsible for many things. The prevention and suppression of forest fires is not one of them.

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