
There's quite a mess here...

@solalea / solalea.tumblr.com

Though, it's probably better off this way.Mel wrote the best bio for me

so is Victory



Don’t forget Truth (Coming Out of Her Well to Shame Mankind)


This must be why the Trump administration hates them all 

The Four Horsewomen of the Trumpocalypse.

I’ve never reblogged anything so quick


The Ultimate Squad, comin’ to wreck your shit and save the world

Rb for that art doe

Dignity here to join the girl posse.



reblogging for the second time



Reblogging because I don’t think Dignity was on it last time I saw it.


I’ll represent you in court :)

Isn’t it consensual when she gave him the photos when they were together 🔚


From a lawyer: “The photos were consensual. But she did not consent to distribution “

He really thought he did something with that comment and his lil stank emoji at the end lol


I can’t reblog without these tags? These are an integral part of the post.

Everyone in Peter’s class gets super hyped when they see Spider-Man on the news the day before an exam because that teacher will just coincidentally forget every copy of the test at home, what a shame, guess you all have one more night to study oh well,,,,,, if any of you were doing important things yesterday it’s real lucky you get this extra time to prepare,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

No no no, imagine this, but on an angstier level.

Post-IW, Peter has awful PTSD because duh. The wrong thing being brought up can trigger flashbacks and memories and he hates it.

Peter’s classmates all saw Spider-Man disappear with Iron Man onto the big spaceship donut and didn’t come back until after everyone was brought back from dust. They don’t know what happened to him and they’re sure they probably don’t want to know. So they take extra care to try and not accidentally trigger anything for him.

Someone mentions Footloose and Peter nearly loses it on the spot? The entire class makes the collective decision to never bring it up again, who cared about the movie anyways.

A list in the Discord serve is complied of every possible trigger for Peter. Anything from words that make him jumpy, to topics that make him need to run to the bathroom and have a panic attack. It’s extensive and constantly updated, but it’s worth it. If Spider-Man is going to protect New York, the least they can do is try to protect Spider-Man.

This post got so much better but so much worse

I have tears in my eyes


This is the Lucky Ace. Reblog to recieve a wad of cash that is oddly specific to your current needs.


I reblogged this shit two days ago y’all… what kinda sorcery is this. Oddly specific too …. I’ll take it tho 🤯

I think I did it wrong

Uh I reblogged this like 3 days ago and I start my new job on Monday??? Like idk how you accidentally find a job but I did.


I need to get paid asap so pls ace help


I legit have a specific amount i want in my head rn it better come true 😭


This has worked before, so why not again?


you can have more notes just please give me money


New Bechdel-like test for gay/lesbian romance films:

Your gay characters cannot:

  1. Have an illegal or otherwise creepy age gap.
  2. Cheat on each other or anyone else (especially not if the cheating is portrayed as romantic).
  3. Die tragically, violently or AT ALL. 

To all the people in the notes going “but but tragedy is a valid form of…” Yeah, sorry, straights broke it with decades of nothing but tragedy for LGBT characters. This is a moratorium on all such tragedy films with tragic endings for at least the next 50-75 years at which point there will be a review to determine if mainstream media has EARNED it. 

From 1922 to 1968 the Motion Picture Production Code (commonly known as the Hays Code) enforced rules regarding the treatment of gay characters in tv and film. Homosexuality and gender nonconformity could be acknowledged, but it had to be punished to show that consequences would come from such “immorality.” Showing these characters as creepy, predatory, unfaithful, etc etc was common, and for decades pretty much every queer or queer coded character was brutally murdered. The homophobic tropes born from the Hays code are pervasive in media today. The sheer amount of tragedy and violence written into queer media in the last century has in the long term damaged people’s perceptions of what queer stories are “supposed” look like.  New Bechdel-like test for gay/lesbian romance films: If your queer piece of media complies with the Hays code, start over.


I didn’t know Mr. T pityed fool’s that weren’t woke, but that’s awesome. #respect


“I think about my father being called ‘boy’, my uncle being called ‘boy’, my brother, coming back from Vietnam and being called ‘boy’. So I questioned myself: “What does a black man have to do before he’s given the respect as a man?” So when I was 18 years old, when I was old enough to fight and die for my country, old enough to drink, old enough to vote, I said I was old enough to be called a man. I self-ordained myself Mr. T so the first word out of everybody’s mouth is “Mr.” That’s a sign of respect that my father didn’t get, that my brother didn’t get, that my mother didn’t get.“

-Mr. T on the subject of his name

I had no idea he put this much thought into this wow

I wonder why we dont hear about this…


OK, but you guys don’t know the extent of Mr. T on his name. His literal name is Mr . T

When people send him mail it’s to “Mister Mr. T”. Because that is his legal name. He corrected his own mother until she too, called him Mr. T.


I know, bc my brother was obsessed w him for years.


you know what i don’t see enough of? circus kid dick grayson critiquing the joker because he’s a bad clown. not like, bad, and also a clown. but bad at being a clown. i want to see dick grayson taking the existence of this horrible clown very personally as a matter of professional pride. he has known clowns, and you, sir, are no clown. the joker is an insult to the legacy of emmett kelly and this shall not stand.

“Sir, you are no clown! Your slapstick is shoddy, your prat falls are practically nonexistent, and you have NO sense of comedic timing! Do you even have ANY idea what type of clown you’re trying to pull off? Are you a Straight Whiteface, or a Grotesque Whiteface? Because you have no commitment to character that I can see! You can’t just slap on some makeup and call yourself a clown. There’s a proud history to be upheld! I BET YOU NEVER EVEN GOT A DEGREE FROM CLOWN COLLEGE!!!”

*Joker and henchmen stare in shocked silence as Dick continues his rant*

#Joker changes his rivalry from Batman to Nightwing because he’s so offended

#Dick storms into Arkham and stomps down the halls to Joker’s cell


Highkey here for this.


Aces are not ugly. Aces are beautiful and handsome human beings who deserve respect. You are not ace because you” “couldn’t get some” you’re ace because that’s simply who you are and who you are is wonderful.


“I would eat his heart in the marketplace” is legit the most savage line I have ever heard, I’d like to personally thank Shakespeare for putting into words that feeling of rage and protectiveness women get when some fuckboy hurts another woman


Okay first off, I will always reblog this post, but secondly, I went to Shakespeare in the Park tonight to see this and all the women cheered *so loudly* when Beatrice said this line, and the guy in front of me looked around all shocked and a little scared and said “… oh wow” and it was ICONIQUE

The funniest part of this line is that it was considered hugely improper to eat ANYTHING in the marketplace so she’s not only saying she’d fuck him up but that she’d do it in a way that goes against social niceties.

Kinda like “I’ll fight you in church” or smth.



Confident: Not Arrogant

A post I loved was going around on how confident Dick is.

I just wanted to add that he’s confident but there’s also a humbleness to his confidence that is very uniquely Dick Grayson.  Dick is confident without the arrogance.  He’s confident with a purpose.  Even when he’s not confident he exudes it to lift other people up or at least is usually open to talk about how unconfident he is which in itself takes a certain amount of confidence.

He expresses a very ‘us’ mentality and uses that phrasing a lot when talking to people unless he’s blaming himself for something.

[Batman #688]

We’re going to have to learn.”

When Dick is Batman we as the reader know how unconfident Dick is but he still wears the cowl and goes out there as well as mentors Damian with as much confidence and humbleness he needs to admit his own shortcomings and works through them with Damian. 

[Batman: Gates of Gotham]

When Tim feels down about screwing up Dick answers in a very Dick Grayson way, “Everyone’s made mistakes on this one.  But we’ve come this far and we’re in this together.”  He acknowledges Tim’s mistakes but he reminds him that everyone has made mistakes even himself, and that he’s not alone here.

You can even tell this trait in him just by his positioning and body language, he lets the kids sit in the Batchair, he talks things out with them, he leans casually even in the Batsuit.  A lot of time’s in comics it seems that the batfamily is on Bruce’s mission but with Dick he clearly shows ‘we’re’ on a mission ‘together’.


That humble confidence is also what allows him to be able to see things from other peoples perspectives, and especially why he’s usually written as not condescending towards young heroes and speaks up for them against the Justice League even.

[Teen Titans v3 #6]

“Flash, you were one of us.”

[Teen Titans v3 #33]

“Stop looking at me like I’m one of those statues.  I’m a Titan like you.”

Dick has shown multiple times he can talk people down from fighting or doing bad things or talk people up when they need to step up to the plate and it’s because he’s confident enough to say it but humble enough to say it right.

It’s again because of how humble he is that Dick is not opposed to getting help when he needs it, 

 [Nightwing #141] 

Being picked up or carried,


Or saying thank you to anyone that helps him.  

 [Nightwing #141] 
[Nightwing #144]

He gets angry, he makes mistakes, yet Dick also doesn’t hold back on apologizing for things when he’s done something wrong.

[Convergence: The New Teen Titans]
[The New Teen Titans #31]

Multiple times he’s snapped at people and then snapped right back and said he’s sorry for it because he’s strong enough emotionally that he can apologize if he’s wronged them.  

Lastly we see that Dick can work with the big guns, heck he can lead the big guns, but he’s never arrogant when he stands beside them.  One of my favorite moments that shows this so clearly is when Dick and Superman are in the park together and the police officer that finds them only cares about getting a picture with Superman. 

[Nightwing #141]

Dick doesn’t even hesitate, he doesn’t think or say anything about it because he doesn’t need that validation from people, he knows how amazing he is and how amazing Superman is.  There’s no jealously there, actually he doesn’t stop smiling the whole time.  

[Robin: Year One #3]

“Style, grace… and a bit of flamboyance, but without the obtrusiveness and pitfalls of arrogance.”

It’s shown even in the way he fights.

Yes there are other characters that have some of these traits as well but for Dick there are SO MANY examples of Dick doing these things, it’s very much ingrained in his character.  That’s Dick Grayson.  He may have insecurities but for the most part he is confident but not arrogant, from what I’ve seen even though he’s one of the most loved characters he’s also one of the most humble characters in the DCU.  


peter parker: holy sHIT YOU’RE—

bruce banner, sighing: yes, I’m the hu—


Bruce Banner, voice cracking about to cry: th-thanks




The new Venom movie has a scene with intense flashing lights (the lab entry scene) and I received no warnings and had to leave (just for that scene) as I am epileptic!!! PLEASE share this since I’ve seen NO warnings being shared and this is very important and can prevent people from having seizures etc during the film.

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