
aw shucks

@doctwhorewho / doctwhorewho.tumblr.com

Alexe. 18. Leeds.

okay so this is what i look like now feb 10 2016

orate so i got dumped since me last post n i was torn up about it like really fucking sad but i got through it and i went out and boosted my confidence. i am now mostly openly genderqueer, and this has led to only one rude guy shouting at me for being in lasses toilets. other people havent even been told about me but have told me im beautiful no matter what and they respect me for what i am ect ect, i feel really good in who i am and how many people around me are support supportive and great. id suggest anyone who feels gender confused to tell a close mate cause thats what i did a little under a year ago and its when i finally started this great journey.

being single has lead to me having more time for my mates and being a more present friend is better for all people. definitely wanting to try remain unromantically attached to anyone for as long as i can to live a life of my own for a good few years.but who knows. im happy being me, and im excited to be indipendant by this time next year hopefully

an d finally going to start youtube educational videos soon 


feel like a life update on here would be cool for future me. now living at my mums, got myself a proper job an as of tomorrow my fixed term contract ends and me permanent starts. i got some made goo friends back in yorkshire. got the best partner i could wish for, she is incredible i did so good she goes above and beyond for my happieness and to make me feel loved. plan to go veggie in the new year. wonder if you can get quorn ham. hmm who knows. dont really know where me life is going but i know it going with faye n thats chill for first time the whole commitment thing isnt freaking me out, we are happy, distance still a dick, but with me working so much visiting isnt a money issue anymore

me: "i haven't been feeling too good lately"
me thinking: oh god was that manipulative? i think that was manipulative. i'm baiting them into asking about my day oh god i'm so selfish
me: [makes post about being depressed]
me thinking: oh fuck that was manipulative wasn't it? i'm literally just fishing for pity now oh god i'm so self-absorbed i may as well just call people outright, screaming "SYMPATHIZE WITH ME" into their ears
me: [successfully conceals all traces of unhappiness, is an amiable and talkative person with all my friends]
me thinking: i hate my life so much. am i being selfish for being unhappy because i'm concealing my unhappiness?? AM I BEING MANIPULATIVE?? how did i get to be so conceited i want to die

uh I sit y'know where those orange seats are right at the back of the common room? I sit there like X


In the food bit? Yeah I know where, don't think I've seen you, you're year below then? How's that going for you x


I saw you and was like where do I recognise you then I realised, I do law, business psychology and film studies :) how about you? X


As if haha, where do you sit in common room? And I do biology, drama and geology x

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