

@genevieve094 / genevieve094.tumblr.com

Hi! You can call me Genna! 🐶🐱 Momma and 👸🏼 fiancé! You are loved! Never forget that! She/Her

if ur dealing to the people on the left you’d just say “$45 a gram” and theyd be like “yeah bro sure dude i gotchu thats legitness ur the man” but the ppl on the right u gotta finesse like “my normal price is $15 a g but this stuff is called Cosmic Throat Cum Squirt Haze so the lowest i can go is $50″ and theyd b like “wow… so cultured… i cant wait to smoke this out of my native american themed bong…”


: 0 !!!


Do y'all not remember the russian spies that plagued tumblr??

this site has been on a noticeable decline from the moment they expunged the russian chaos agents

Tumblr had what

I just miss the porn.


People will watch an entire movie series even when the first episodes are slow just because someone told them “it gets better” - but will refuse to look at goals and life like that.


Sоmе pеоplе quеstіоn thе mооn lаndіng but nоt а wоrd аbоut mаrs lаndіng whіch іs sо much еаsіеr tо fаkе tоdаy.

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