
We Have A Voice

@provoice / provoice.tumblr.com

Kendra. She/Her. 25. Anthropologist. Georgia. Christian. Pro-Choice and Pro-Voice. Working to create safe spaces for people to share their abortion stories and to erase the stigma and shame that surrounds abortion.

I support anyone who has had an abortion.

Any reason. No exceptions.



Hello! I first want to apologize for my absence and thank the other mods for their help keeping this place going, and this post will explain the reasons why. Some of you who’ve been following this blog for a while may remember the work I did with a woman named Maria (if you search far enough back through our ‘fundraiser’ tag, you’ll find lots on her case). As a quick recap, Maria (not her real name) is someone I met during my time in Japan. To add some context, she is not Japanese, so she is not well protected or supported by the law. When I met her, she was stuck in an abusive relationship and tied to her ex by a pregnancy that this community helped her terminate. Once this was done, we were also able to raise enough money for us to essentially spring her in the middle of the night and move her into her own place away from him. She’s been living and working on her own successfully up until recently. About three months ago, Maria contacted me to say that she had received an email from who she is now very sure is her ex. She had originally thought it might be a troll, perhaps someone who had heard about her fundraiser and had somehow gotten a hold of her contact information somehow and was trying to scare her, but after a number of emails revealing personal details about her, she’s now confident that it is her ex. In the emails, he threatens her safety and life. In the latest email, he claims to know where she’s living now. She went to the police with her concerns, but as some in this community might know, Japan has a notoriously bad track record when it comes to domestic violence and stalking, even for nationals. They essentially told her to come back when he showed up at her door, but by the time that happens, both her and I are afraid it will be too late. While I never met him personally, from my communication with her and from reading his emails, he is clearly willing to commit violence and is obsessed with her. As a result of this, we have decided that we need to move her again. We have been working for a few months on finding a charity or NGO that might help her, but everywhere we’ve contacted has been a dead end. While she does have a job, her hours have recently been cut to the point that she isn’t making much at all and what she does make is largely sent back to her family in her own country to support them. This is where the majority of my free time has been going, hence my absence from this community. At this point, we’re both exhausted and very afraid of what might happen in the near future. So, in this holiday season, we are turning back to you guys. This is the last course of action that Maria wanted to pursue because she was so overwhelmed by the community’s generosity and selflessness that she did not want to ask anything else of those here, but unfortunately, it really looks like we have no other choice. If you have anything you can donate at all, please consider helping Maria out. We are skipping the websites like GoFundMe as they take a cut and ban abortion fundraisers, so we’ve set up a Paypal.me link which you can find below. Thank you for reading this long post, and for any help you can offer, even if it’s just a reblog. The further this campaign spreads, the more likely it is that we can get Maria moved quickly and ensure her safety. PAYPAL LINK Thank you so much again. -V

We’ve raised $20 for her so far, but so much more is needed. We’re hoping to get her into a new place by the end of the month. Thank you so much for any help!



it’s official I’m pregnant :(

if anyone wants to help me pay for my abortion (it’ll be between 350 and 500€ depending on if it is with medication or surgical) my paypal email is annikafasse@yahoo.com

Anyway, spread this like wild fire

Anyway if y'all got any coin to spare—

@motherbychoice @provoice @tobeyisprochoice I know you guys have bigger followings.

Anonymous asked:

Please stop posting pro choice content in the pro life tag. It does not belong there. Thank you and I hope you have a nice day.

Pro life people have abortions, too. I support all experiences and that’s why I tag my posts as such.

So, no.


Pro life people who have had abortion are prolife after that. When they were pro choice. Youre extremely rude.

antichoicers have abortions too,  die mad about it.

Yeah, and then they become prolife and never get abortions after. Because they realize it was wrong.

I mean, I wrote my master's thesis entirely on abortion experiences, but what do I know?

Anonymous asked:

Please stop posting pro choice content in the pro life tag. It does not belong there. Thank you and I hope you have a nice day.

Pro life people have abortions, too. I support all experiences and that's why I tag my posts as such.

So, no.


Pro life people who have had abortion are prolife after that. When they were pro choice. Youre extremely rude.

There are people who are pro life who have abortions (see "The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion"). Abortion isn't black and white. How am I rude for supporting all abortion experiences?

Anonymous asked:

Please stop posting pro choice content in the pro life tag. It does not belong there. Thank you and I hope you have a nice day.

Pro life people have abortions, too. I support all experiences and that's why I tag my posts as such.

So, no.

Anonymous asked:

You can’t be Christian and pro-choice. Murder is one of the seven deadly sins and abortion IS murder, no matter which way you look at it someone is still dying. A child of the Lord is still being ripped apart and killed. You cannot support the murder of innocent children that God created in his image and still be loyal to God.

Yes I can.

Someone dying doesn't equal murder.

God trusts people to make their health decisions.


Isn’t murder in the 10 commandments not the 7 deadly sins?

Yep! Didn't even catch that; thanks!

Anonymous asked:

You can’t be Christian and pro-choice. Murder is one of the seven deadly sins and abortion IS murder, no matter which way you look at it someone is still dying. A child of the Lord is still being ripped apart and killed. You cannot support the murder of innocent children that God created in his image and still be loyal to God.

Yes I can.

Someone dying doesn't equal murder.

God trusts people to make their health decisions.


I love it. "If there are complications with the baby you just need to have a C-Section!" like ah yes, the magical cure for everything. It's not like some babies have malformations that will lead to a quick and painful death in a few hours to days. Or people lose their babies in utero. Or cannot maintain a pregnancy to it's full term due to their own medical issues. But yeah, C-Sections are a magical cure all.


Also a C-section is a major surgery!

Anonymous asked:

you only NEED an abortion if you're dying or they are, NEED is a strong word when there are programs that can help you raise a child.

There are lots of reasons someone might need or want an abortion!


And none of them are good reasons. You do not meed an abortion.

so.. pregnancy complications which will kill both the mother and fetus are..? just nothing?

or fetuses concieved via rape? or incest?

you’re insane!

Don’t kill the baby for the actions of the father, regardingbthe second sentence.

And if there are complications, you try to save both lives.


If there are pregnancy complications, the baby can be delivered via C-section.  Technology is getting better and better at saving very premature babies - once the baby is delivered, the mother is no longer in danger, and the hospital staff can focus on saving the baby.  No abortion is necessary.

Ding dong you are wrong.

Granted, the maternal mortality rate needs to be improved. But there is equal risk that the woman would die from complications due to abortion. They’re about comparable.

Pregnancy and childbirth pose a far greater risk to health and life than having an abortion.

Anonymous asked:

you only NEED an abortion if you're dying or they are, NEED is a strong word when there are programs that can help you raise a child.

There are lots of reasons someone might need or want an abortion!


And none of them are good reasons. You do not meed an abortion.

so.. pregnancy complications which will kill both the mother and fetus are..? just nothing?

or fetuses concieved via rape? or incest?

you’re insane!

Don’t kill the baby for the actions of the father, regardingbthe second sentence.

And if there are complications, you try to save both lives.


If there are pregnancy complications, the baby can be delivered via C-section.  Technology is getting better and better at saving very premature babies - once the baby is delivered, the mother is no longer in danger, and the hospital staff can focus on saving the baby.  No abortion is necessary.

Ding dong you are wrong.

Anonymous asked:

Hello. I was wondering if you would consider watching Unplanned? It is a movie based on a Planned Parenthood clinic director.

Absolutely not.


Abortion Help

For the few people who may see and read this....

My sister got beat up by her boyfriend (now Ex) after finding out that she's pregnant and told him she doesn't want to keep the baby. He dragged her from her car and busted her lip. She is bruised down her left thigh and back. He's been abusive for months and thats part of the bigger reason why she doesn't want to have a baby with him (among many other reasons). I support her decision because its HER body and she has the right to choose what she wants to do with it. Unfortunately we were unaware of how extremely expensive an abortion costs. The local abortion clinic here quoted her $465 for a surgical procedure without sedation and $565 with sedation and they said the cost goes up as the pregnacy progresses as well. So now we are desperately looking for help because she has no insurance. If any of you know of abortion resources here in Savannah, GA please inbox me details. And if anyone would like to send/donate whatever they can afford. The gofund link is

Her PAYPAL is: https://www.paypal.me/HayBean

I dont have many followers here but anyone is welcome to share this post to other tumblr blogs with a huge following. Thank you so much.


I'm moving!

Hi friends! After 15 months of searching, I finally got a full time job! This means I'm leaving my lifelong home in Georgia for the beautiful state of North Carolina!

I'm really excited about this new adventure in my life. BUT moving is expensive. I'll be staying with a friend while I find my own place, which means I have to leave my dog behind for a few weeks. If anyone wants to donate to help me with some of these moving expenses, my PayPal is paypal.me/kendrajcooper

Thanks for all your support! I love running this blog 💛 If you've read this far, here's a picture of my dog:

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