
Julie`s wonderland

@julie-pond / julie-pond.tumblr.com

Julie Pond. 21. Daydreamer. Fangirl and a bit of an artist. Welcome ♥
joe goldberg: those are just keepsakes, i would never hurt you! i love you! you love me! i’m a HERO, peach was the worst! your friends are horrible! i saved you! i made you a great writer! PEACH WAS OBSESSED. everything i did, i did for you. you deserve the best life and i wanted to make that possible!!!! guinevere beck, an intellectual:

“It’s terribly important to remember just what terrible people all men are.”  - Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again


Alright ladies we need another lesbian icon aside Thor so i present:

T'challa, king of the lesbians

Alright when thors called a lesbo icon its okay but when its tchalla, the second man we are claiming its suddenly “enough” what?? Hmm i smell racism

Yall white lesbians are mad about this post please spread this around more

Aneka and Ayo are former Dora Milaje that are a couple in the comics. So this is basically canon.

Thor: dumb sports lesbians who love beer and brawling. Bad at fashion and talking to girls

T'challa: refined combat lesbians who love trees and dancing under the moonlight. Excellent at talking to girls and being fashionable without trying.

The dichotomy we need

exactly, thor attracts hopeless lesbians who desperately want advice from this Smooth Motherfucker and t’challa attracts smooth lesbians who like, see this trash pile and are like “he’s the worst we need to help him”


Girls don’t want Boba Fett, girls want an Enfys Nest standalone movie with our sweet new baby kicking ass and taking names and inspiring good deeds all across the outer rim and Ahsoka Tano coordinating the nascent rebellion from the shadows as Fulcrum using the bazillion credits that Mr. Bleeding Heart Han Solo just handed over to them along with a cameo of Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla not long post-A New Dawn assisting with a mission and also totally making out when they think no one is looking please and thanks, Lucasfilm.


That time Anakin went all pre-Vader on the Zygerrian slaver guard. 

I live for shit like this. 


u know what’s funny i love that at the beginning of the original trilogy vader looks around like this

like he’s mildly inconvenienced and shooketh by the mess of dead bodies when he literally was just fucken running around murdering tf outta everyone like THIRTY SecoNDS AGO doin extra ass Shit™ like this:

u left a mess too buddy don’t look so judgemental behind that fucken edgelord mask


someone said being a bounty hunter was like doing murder commissions


“I’m more than a man. I’m an idea. a philosophy”. — Jerome Valeska.


Jeremiah’s transformation scene paying homage to this iconic Joker scene in the 1988 one shot graphic novel Batman: The Killing Joke by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Brian Bolland. 


Things I loved from “The shape of water”:

*Main character is a disabled (mute) woman. But wait, there’s more! Her best friends are a black woman and a homosexual man.

*For the record, the homosexual character isn’t going trough the whole movie being a cliché or being “important” because of his sexual orientation, but because is a non-ableist, working and nice person.

*Here, have a russian guy… who isn’t the villain! In an american film! Amazing!

*Fish man, fish man… the sweetest fish man ever.

*Basically the villain represents everything that’s wrong with the world: male chauvinist, racist, ableist, violent and a huge piece of human trash.

*Seriously, lots of love for our fish man. 


The Shape of Water (dir. Guillermo del Toro), is the most the most beautiful film of 2017.

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