muck crops

@quoms-160816 /


polish nationalism is a fucking trip

you’re a huge imbecile if you think the objections to your hamfisted anarchist “but all borders are the samesies” nonsense is “polish nationalism” when the situation you are going off about is essentially a country which was almost reduced to nothing and completely erased from the map alongside its entire history, language and people ultimately deciding to throw off its oppressors of centuries and then drawing ridiculous comparisons of this to ‘white separatism’ and some kind of bizarre accusation that Maybe The Real Nazis Were The Polish or some other really fucking weird dogwhistle shit you’re doing here.

but that... is polish nationalism? the entire narrative of a country being ‘reduced to nothing’ and then deciding to ‘throw off its oppressors’ (by establishing itself as a nation-state) is nationalism

this isn’t dogwhistle shit, it’s me saying ethnic cleansing is always bad every time someone does it and being legitimately confused about why people can’t even be consistently principled about this one thing

if you want to respond to that post, respond to the lengthy explanation i already wrote. stop taking those (very poorly chosen, etc.) words in isolation


people here seem to love the song ‘hit the road jack’ for some reason - just in the last couple weeks i’ve seen it performed on TV, performed during the mic check for a music festival, and now on facebook there’s a video of a performance from an azeri TV show


well i just added one more post-it to the wall-of post-its that will eventually become my book, which is the most work i’ve done on it in like six months, so that’s nice


if a white guy in america says ‘i don’t want to live next door to a black family’, that’s Racist and Bad because he has Privilege. if a pole in 1946 says ‘i don’t want to live next door to a german family’, that’s Okay, because he was Oppressed, and the good leftist thing to do is evict that family and give their house to some settlers

there’s a big difference between hating an oppressed minority because you’re a white supremacist and hating the people who literally invaded your country and committed mass genocide but no you’re right. good and bad things are exactly the same. defend nazis at all costs, it’s the Good Leftist Thing To Do

i thought this post is fucking weird and makes no sense and then i found the context for it which makes it even worse. Like, Black Americans didn’t make a choice if/under which circumstances they’d live in america, while there were Germans living in modern day Poland only and solely due to a deliberate war effort and programm to depopulate entire strips of land in modern day slavic countries to create “lebensraum” for aryan germans. Like OP are you fucking aware Hitler wanted to ethnically cleanse pretty much all of Poland to make space for supposedly superior germans to live…..

this post was perhaps ill-advised in terms of the comparison and in terms of the fact that i didn’t make it clear exactly what i was referring to, but that’s not the context. the context for this post is some guy justifying the systematic deportation of roughly 8 million germans from modern-day poland with language similar to that i use in the original post

out of those eight million, only maybe one million had been settled there by the nazi regime or were otherwise affiliated with the nazis. the rest were born there and had roots dating back as far as the middle ages

remember that poland shifted its territory significantly to the west in the aftermath of world war 2, as depicted in this image:

most of that acquired territory was majority german, had been for a very long time, and was being claimed on the basis that (1) poland needed compensation for the territories the soviet union was annexing in the east, and (2) the medieval kingdom of poland had controlled that territory for a period of time back in, i shit you not, the 1000s. nearly a thousand years ago

this image depicts the approximate distribution of polish speakers prior to world war 1 (i.e. well before the nazis ever did anything to change it). you can see that the territories west (and north) of interwar poland had relatively few poles living in them overall; this didn’t see much change up to 1945

this - both the border changes and the deportations - was a big deal at the time, but people (outside germany and poland at least) seem to be largely unaware that the borders of modern poland do not reflect the historical distribution of polish speakers even a hundred years ago. for poland to become the extremely homogeneous country it is today required a whole series of projects of ethnic cleansing, resettlement, and suppression of the minorities left behind or untouched by deportations (silesians in particular)

so we’re not talking about one guy getting kicked out of his house, even though that’s what it says up there. we’re talking about an organised, state-sponsored effort to remove entire villages, towns, and cities of their inhabitants - on the scale of many millions - in order to create a true, ethnically pure nation-state

and this was justified to me today on tumblr by the fact that ‘a lot of poles were probably uncomfortable living next door to a german’

that’s the context. i mean i totally get why people are mad at this post - it was poorly conceived and it very much is not obvious what conversation it was a part of - but here’s where i was at


i get why people are mad at that post, though, it’s way the hell out of context. this is what i get for going on mid-day rants


if a white guy in america says ‘i don’t want to live next door to a black family’, that’s Racist and Bad because he has Privilege. if a pole in 1946 says ‘i don’t want to live next door to a german family’, that’s Okay, because he was Oppressed, and the good leftist thing to do is evict that family and give their house to some settlers

there’s a big difference between hating an oppressed minority because you’re a white supremacist and hating the people who literally invaded your country and committed mass genocide but no you’re right. good and bad things are exactly the same. defend nazis at all costs, it’s the Good Leftist Thing To Do

you’re right. nearly seven million german civilians were all literal nazis, ‘invaded poland’ (despite having been born on what would later become polish territory), and ‘committed mass genocide’. collective punishment is good when we do it!

anyway i still think its in poor taste to compare it to the ongoing genocide against black people in the usa. i think its a very shallow argument to compare the two

again, not comparing it to anti-black racism in the united states as a whole, but to white separatism, which is a specific subset of that phenomenon. it would be both in poor taste and extremely incorrect to say ‘post-ww2 deportations are the same as anti-black racism in the united states’

also blame that other poster who’s the one who justified the deportations on the basis that, just gonna quote here,

“i don’t want to live next door to a german” would have been, uh, a pretty common sentiment

but i get what you’re saying and i do appreciate it


i am less concerned with the idea that people whose families have been in a place for a long time (let’s say three to five generations) have more of a right to live there than others, which i don’t think is at all true, and more concerned with the idea that people whose families have been in a place for a long time do not necessarily have the attachments to other places on earth that more recent arrivals might

if you expel such long-term residents from a place, on whatever basis - religion or ethnicity, perhaps - they may not have anywhere else to go. if they are lucky, there will be a country that will take them in on the basis of their last name, or the language they speak. but it may be a country they have never been to before, and where they will most likely not be comfortable, and where they may not want to be at all. the imagined community of the nation-state is, at best, a poor substitute for the real, material community of the town or neighborhood in which you and your parents and your grandparents grew up, lived, worked, fell in love, etc.; at worst it is a prison

for much of the 20th century, armenian and azeri hack ‘historians’ produced dueling accounts of the history of karabakh, attempting to show that their particular ‘nation’ had continuously occupied the area for so many hundreds of years longer than the other. these accounts are still dredged up today, even though the argument, by and large, has been transmuted into one of international-law legalese, into polemics on ‘national self-determination’ and ‘territorial integrity’ and ‘institutional succession’

what neither the historiographic arguments nor the legal ones recognise, what none of them are willing to address, is the fact that the vast majority of the people living in the greater karabakh region in the late 1980s not only did not want to leave their homes but had nowhere else to go. armenia is not necessarily a welcoming or friendly place for people who are not from the republic of armenia proper (and in the ‘90s there was hardly adequate money or resources to provide for karabakh refugees, even had the government had a legitimate interest in it); the eventual losers of the conflict, the karabakh azeris, found themselves ignominiously shoved into tent housing and slums outside baku, trapped and denied both employment and services for a period of decades by their proud fellow countrymen

nationalism provides would-be ethnic cleansers with two convenient fictions. one, ‘national self-determination’ provides the motivation for a ham-fisted grab at land and resources: they are Ours, and the sovereign Nation’s will is law. two, it justifies expulsions by imagining that those expelled will have another place on earth to go, and be well-fed and happy, and if anything they will be even better off there because they will be with their Countrymen, who are the Same as them, and as we all know a happy and harmonious society comes from gathering together only those people who are the Same

five minutes of observation declares this absurd

the racism against black people in usa and the expulsion of german settlers in western poland are two very different things and its shameful to compare the two

i don’t mean to make the comparison to racism in the united states in a general sense but to a specific white separatist sentiment that i believe has a great deal in common with the ideology that deemed it appropriate to expel millions of people from newly acquired polish territory

and it’s glib to refer to people as ‘settlers’ whose families had been there in many, even most, cases since the middle ages... the nazi settlement project accounted for a very small fraction of the total germans expelled


on a lighter note, i really like that overwatch gives you detailed statistics about your match history. for instance, my overall competitive win rate is 50% on the nose, but it’s below 50 with every hero except symmetra and winston, both of whom i seem to be fairly good with (but i don’t play a lot of winston, symm makes up the entire deficit basically on her own)


the real good shit is getting accused of liberalism for saying ‘ethnic cleansing is bad’ is a more powerful principle than ‘national self-determination’, since we live in backwards bizarro world where national self-determination was not literally invented by liberals and isn’t the single concept with which liberalism is most strongly historically associated


if a white guy in america says ‘i don’t want to live next door to a black family’, that’s Racist and Bad because he has Privilege. if a pole in 1946 says ‘i don’t want to live next door to a german family’, that’s Okay, because he was Oppressed, and the good leftist thing to do is evict that family and give their house to some settlers


on the other hand i’m glad that asshole brought that up because it’s a literally perfect case in point for what i was trying to say in the original post. you think the peshmerga or the PMBs don’t view sunni villagers as ‘ISIS collaborators’ (‘except for a handful, we’re sure,’ they whinge, as they dump that handful into the mass grave along with the rest of the bodies)? you think they don’t deploy the language of long-suffering victims only now able to enjoy ‘self-determination’?

nationalisms is the same


what if we lived in a world where the collective memory of suffering inspired sympathy for the defenseless and dispossessed instead of justifications for why slaughtering people indiscriminately and torching their villages is okay when you do it because Muh National Self-Determination


i can’t even draw up a witty response to that because it’s just so completely fucking ass-headed. how are you supposed to engage with the notion of righteous collective punishment as a response to the despicable act of collective punishment, of righteous ethnic cleansing as a response to the inhuman crime of ethnic cleansing? it’s crude, eye-for-an-eye retributive morality but laid over the must insufferable, most hypocritical holier-than-thou martyr complex

and it’s exactly the dynamic armenians have going on with the karabakh war which means i’m just triple sick of it

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