
do the windy thing

@didsomeonesayventus / didsomeonesayventus.tumblr.com

twitter used to be @someonesayven. My Carrd I'm Katie, 27, and this is my personal mess of a blog. Surprisingly not a lot of Ventus and way too much... everything else. someone please save my children. RIP my 2013-2015 posts

Hey artists/writers/in general

Make sure to go into your blog settings and check the option to disable to sharing with AI

Right here. This choice is downright foul and a betrayal of user trust and you're not opted out by default. Cause it means accounts that are inactive/abandoned/ect are now likely going to be scrapped. So yeah go make sure to opt out of this for your works/data's safety


STOP no more live-action remakes. We're going the other way now. Animated Casablanca. Animated The Godfather. Animated Oppenheimer. Animated Fight Club.


it's kinda comforting to me when my friends are a little annoying or longwinded or abrasive or tired and inarticulate, or they don't do the exact politest thing in every interaction, and stuff, because I know I'm sometimes annoying, or take up a more than my share of conversational space, or forget to ask them questions, etc etc, and... like, I'm always working to be nice to my friends and to get better and better at friend-ing, but it just makes me feel more human about it :}

anyway I love you friends plz know I'm not counting, in fact I feel great affection toward you even (especially) when conversations go less than Perfectly Ideal


I'm not proud to say it but this line from a 60 year old detective novel made me re-think some things about friendship


i want. a little treat......pecan pie...........................................dr perpper.


me being a southerner at 2am getting clocked by my midnight snack cravings


The nuns who took care of the building are thrilled that skaters saved the church. They even let the skaters push them around on the skateboards.

I looked it up to verify and found not only that one but also

If they make another Tony Hawk, this needs to be in there

I wanted to read more about the nuns so here it is from their facebook page:

Also, the building is currently closed and theyre raising money to get the remodeling needed


Nuns on skateboards - a bunch of holy rollers


The romance in tanking yes but also the romance in healing. Seeing the "I would die for you, I would take it all for you." and going "No, live for me. Live with me." Keeping everyone on their feet because you can't live without them. Giving every part of yourself to make sure they're standing with you at the end. Learning to live so that you can make sure they live, too.


Another worldbuilding application of the "two layer rule": To create a culture while avoiding The Planet Of Hats (the thing where a people only have one thing going for them, like "everyone wears a silly hat"): You only need two hats.

Try picking two random flat culture ideas and combine them, see how they interact. Let's say taking the Proud Warrior Race - people who are all about glory in battle and feats of strength, whose songs and ballads are about heroes in battle and whose education consists of combat and military tactics. Throw in another element: Living in diaspora. Suddenly you've got a whole more interesting dynamic going on - how did a people like this end up cast out of their old native land? How do they feel about it? How do they make a living now - as guards, mercenaries? How do their non-combatants live? Were they always warrior people, or did they become fighters out of necessity to fend for themselves in the lands of strangers? How do the peoples of these lands regard them?

Like I'm not shitting, it's literally that easy. You can avoid writing an one-dimensional culture just by adding another equally flat element, and the third dimension appears on its own just like that. And while one of the features can be location/climate, you can also combine two of those with each other.

Let's take a pretty standard Fantasy Race Biome: The forest people. Their job is the forest. They live there, hunt there, forage there, they have an obnoxious amount of sayings that somehow refer to trees, woods, or forests. Very high chance of being elves. And then a second common stock Fantasy Biome People: The Grim Cold North. Everything is bleak and grim up there. People are hardy and harsh, "frostbite because the climate hates you" and "being stabbed because your neighbour hates you" are the most common causes of death. People are either completely humourless or have a horrifyingly dark, morbid sense of humour. They might find it funny that you genuinely can't tell which one.

Now combine them: Grim Cold Bleak Forest People. The summer lasts about 15 minutes and these people know every single type of berry, mushroom and herb that's edible in any fathomable way. You're not sure if they're joking about occasionally resorting to eating tree bark to survive the long dark winter. Not a warrior people, but very skilled in disappearing into the forest and picking off would-be invaders one by one. Once they fuck off into the woods you won't find them unless they want to be found.

You know, Finland.


idk if this is a trope or whatever but i love it so much when fictional characters massively downplay the severity of their injuries but in more of a comedic way than a tragic one. like some guy gets impaled and they just glance down at the shard of metal sticking out of them and say some dumb bullshit like "oh man. that's gonna need some ice." and then pass out while all their friends yell at them for being an unfunny idiot with terrible priorities.


you guys wanna hear something fucked up. homestuck has been over for longer than it was running. homestuck is current older than its protagonist was when it first started. im going to explode.

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