

@thehowlinthenight / thehowlinthenight.tumblr.com

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Sirius: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them. Remus: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
*The Marauders learning CPR on a test dummy* Remus: So, assessing the situation, are they breathing? Sirius: No, Moony. They are not breathing. And they have no arms or legs. Remus: No, that's not part of it- Sirius: Where are they? You know what? If we come across someone with no arms or legs, do we even bother resuscitating them? I mean, what kind of quality of life do we have there? Peter: I would want to live with no legs. Sirius: How about no arms as well? No arms or legs is basically how you exist right now, Peter. You don't do anything. Remus: All right, well, let's get back to it. You're losing them. Sirius: *pumps frantically* Remus: Okay, too fast. You need to pump at a pace of 100 beats per minute. Sirius: Okay, that's hard to keep track of. How many is that per hour? James: How would that help you? Sirius: I will divide and then count to it. James: What? Remus: For Merlin's sake. A good trick is to pump to the beat of 'Staying Alive' by the Bee Gees. You know that song, right? Sirius: Of course I do, I love that song. *clears throat, begins to sing* First I was afraid, I was petrified.

remus/sirius. first christmas raising harry.

There is a strong part of Remus that inclines toward quiet and solitude. When he imagines Christmas, he thinks of silence and candlelight, soft snow and nights by the fire. But there must, he reflects as he watches a tousle-haired Sirius Black lift a shrieking Harry above his head and stomp all over the piles of wrapping paper scattered across the floor, both of them bright-eyed whirlwinds of laughter, there must be a stronger part of him that needs to be wrestled out of his shell and thrust into mess, into chaos. Because he can’t remember the last time he had a quiet Christmas, or a quiet life, for that matter, and he can’t bring himself to regret it. 

He opens his arms wide as Sirius zooms Harry in for a landing, and Harry’s sticky hands grab at Remus’ face. Christmases past have meant drunken carols and snow down his collar and James waking them all up at dawn with the loud bang of a Christmas cracker—and now toys all over the carpet and gingerbread crumbs in his hair. And Harry patting at his nose and saying, “Moony.

“He’ll never learn my real name,” Remus says to Sirius, hefting the boy up to stand his socked feet on Remus’ knees and shaking his head. Sirius grins unrepentantly and ruffles first Harry’s hair and then Remus’ and offers to make tea.

By the time Sirius returns from the kitchen, Harry is yawning and they’re both sprawled on the floor, watching a model of the Hogwarts Express rattle around a loop of train tracks. Sirius sits down next to them. Remus accepts his steaming mug, cradling it carefully out of Harry’s reach.

Outside the diamond-paned windows, the light fades, leaving the room lit by fairy lights and candles. Harry falls asleep with his head on Sirius’ belly. Remus stretches out on his back next to them, thinking about cleaning up. Maybe in a few minutes.

“All right?” Sirius asks him quietly.

“Yeah,” Remus says. “Yeah. I mean, you know…”

“I know.”

They lie there in silence for a minute, ghosts of Christmas pasts slipping silently into the room. 

“I think sometimes about how much worse it could have been,” Remus admits. “I know it’s terrible to be thankful about what happened that night, but…”

“No,” Sirius says. “I think about it too. If my motorbike had been working right—if I’d gotten to Peter like I meant to—”

“Who knows what would have happened. Where we’d all be now.” Remus reaches instinctively for Harry’s hand and squeezes it. Harry mumbles something in his sleep but doesn’t wake up. He’s drooling on Sirius’ shirt. He’s made Remus’ life a hundred times more complicated and Remus would die before losing him.

“Come here.” Sirius reaches out and pulls Remus close. Remus smiles, inches away from Sirius, who smells like green tea and gingerbread and baby spit, and bends down to kiss him.

“This isn’t exactly how I’d imagined my twenties,” Sirius says, smiling crookedly. “I can’t believe it’s how you’d imagined yours.” 

“Not in a million years.” Undeniably, in some ways, it’s far worse: the things he’s lost over the course of his young life are immense, uncountable. But the candles are flickering and their cottage is safe and so is Harry; and he and Sirius, as Remus curls up with his arms around them both, are so solid, and so warm.


Wolfstar with mistletoe? (Possibly enchanted by James)

  • it would be before they got together, so likely christmas their 6th year, when they are totally into each other, but are also in Deep Denial
  • meaning everyone knows they want to go to bonetown
  • except them
  • and it is infuriating
  • so james hatches a plan (and probably ropes peter into it, lbr)
  • see, you know that part in chamber where dobby bewitches the bludger to follow harry fucking everywhere? well, in similar fashion, james, ever the chaotic good genius that he is, takes some mistletoe, casts some spells, and waits
  • it starts on christmas morning. they wake up with their dorm all decorated and lovely, and there are piles of presents at the foot of all their beds, and it’s all p pleasant as they open their gifts from each other, split their sweets, and share some laughs and smiles, yada yada
  • when, after some strategic maneuvering, peter (at the whims of james, no doubt) says, “uh oh, look who’s under the mistletoe!”
  • and wouldn’t you know it, it’s sirius and remus who are under the mistltoe, which is hanging mid-air above them
  • and at first there are just eyerolls and casual blushing, and comments like, “why would the house elves put mistletoe in the boy’s dormitory??” and other general “no homos, as they go to move away
  • but see, here’s where the genius comes in, bc they go to move away, and the mistletoe follows them
  • james beams
  • but then covers it up bc he doesn’t want to be found out
  • the casual eyerolls and blushing is increased, and supplemented with a bit of annoyance, as remus and sirius are like, “okay, haha, good joke,” and they go to move again, and it follows them again, so they’re just like -.- and, to outsmart it, move to opposite sides of the room, bc it can’t follow both of them!
  • which is true, it can’t
  • but it can scream
  • like SCREAM
  • full on wail
  • a high-pitched screeching noise that makes them all cover their ears until remus and sirius are forced to get closer to each other again. kissing distance, if you will
  • it is about this time that they begin to suspect there may be a problem
  • “what the fuck?” they rightly wonder aloud
  • “dude, i think you have to kiss to make it stop,” speculates james, except he’s not really speculating. he knows that’s exactly what they have to do to make it stop. inside he is screaming with glee 
  • (peter just looks mildly uncomfortable, but he always kind of looks like that so no on rly notices)
  • this puts remus and sirius between a rock and a hard place, bc they can’t very well go around the rest of their lives side-by-side with a mistletoe stalker, but on the other hand, they super duper can’t put their lips on each other’s lips
  • like, sure, maybe internally sirius is like “!!!!!!!!” and inside remus is like “ :0 :0 :0″ but not possessing the power of mind reading, they are not going to say these things outloud
  • so instead they say “well i’m not kissing padfoot,” and “well i’m definitely not kissing moony”
  • james just smiles wickedly on the inside
  • so their christmas day continues
  • a high-pitched wailing can be heard from the bathroom while they take turns peeing, bc the side-by-side thing has some limits
  • they have a snowball fight on the grounds that ends fairly quickly because sirius and remus keep trying to run in opposite directions and the screaming is giving everyone headaches
  • christmas dinner with dumbledore and the other professors is so unbearably awkward, mostly bc none of them even ask about it, they just all pointedly avoid eye contact with remus and sirius, and smile these obnoxious, tiny, knowing smiles
  • remus and sirius can’t even enjoy their christmas pudding, and that’s just evil, bc that’s the best part
  • back in the dorms, they’re sitting by the fire, the only gryffindors who haven’t gone home for the holiday
  • “do you think the enchantment will go away once it’s not christmas anymore?” asks sirius
  • “maybe,” says james. he’s lying. it won’t
  • “are you going to wait and see?” asks peter
  • “we don’t have much of a choice, do we?” says remus
  • “you could just…you know,” peter presses. both sirius and remus blanch
  • “you realize,” says james helpfully, “that if you decide to wait until to tomorrow to see if the enchantment wears off, you’re going to have to sleep together”
  • and no, they hadn’t realized that
  • they look at each other in horror, not saying anything, but both obviously thinking the same thing
  • what do we do??
  • james knows. he knows what they should do
  • “you should just kiss,” he says
  • and there’s a good long pause, bc james is right, they’re being incredibly stubborn, it’s just a tiny kiss, nbd, why should it matter?
  • except it matters a lot, but neither one can explain to the other why it matters so much, because they are both idiots 
  • then, at the same time, sirius is like “oh for god’s sake,” and remus is like “fuck it” and they just
  • go for it
  • full on face smashing
  • and at first it looks like they’re just gonna slam their mouths together and then pull away and repress the memory
  • except then they don’t pull away
  • in fact, it’s been several seconds, and they’re still going at it
  • and sirius’ hands are cupping remus’ face
  • and remus has a grab on the front of sirius’ robes
  • and they are full on macking
  • james throws his hands in the air like he’s just scored the goal of the century 
  • peter clears his throat. sirius and remus pull away, both looking horrified
  • james, laughing, pulls out his wand and mutters something that makes the mistletoe explode into a bunch of tiny glittering sparks
  • sirius and remus gape at him
  • “you had the countercurse the entire time???” 
  • “who do you think enchanted the damn thing in the first place?”
  • they jump james
  • boxing day will be filled with awkward conversations and “so um, what are we?”
  • but for tonight there is only one objective
  • james must die
  • the end

send me wolfstar/mwpp/hp things to reply to/drabble to in order for me to escape christmas hell


Wolfstar at Christmas

Remus really loved Christmas.  Sirius never saw the allure, it was always this big formal thing in his house growing up.  But Moony taught him what it really was, sitting in front of the fire in the common room after curfew, wrapped up in their warmest clothes, a blanket around them both, and hot chocolates with mini marshmallows. 

Then came the year they moved in together after graduating Hogwarts. Remus introduced both himself and Sirius to eggnog.  That was the year Remus taught him the carols as well.

In Azkaban, Sirius counts every single day.  He always knows the date, just so that when Christmas Morning arrives he can sing the twelve days of Christmas every day until the fifth of January just like he and Remus used to.  Christmas Morning he’ll look up at the sky and say ‘Merry Christmas Moony’.  He tries to imagine Remus doing the same thing somewhere, he never succeeds.

He has no way of knowing that Moony thinks of him every Christmas as well, thinks of him and curses him for ruining it all, for taking his friends away, for taking Christmas. By the time Sirius escapes, Remus has largely ignored Christmas for years.  Then, Christmas of 1994, a letter arrives in the mail. On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree. The next day there’s another. On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, two turtle doves and a partidge in a pear tree. This continues until, on the fifth of January, there’s a knock on his door.  He opens it to find carolers who sing the entire song before quickly moving off, leaving only a small package behind. Inside is bag of mini marshmallows, a packet of Muggle instant Hot Chocolate, and a note. Your true love knows you better than to get you all that.  Merry Christmas, have some liquid chocolate instead. ~ Snuffles


After a couple of years hiatus, it’s back! I always enjoy searching for Christmas fics I can share with you! I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!

24 Days!

Of_stars_and_moon | Teen and Up | 7,927 words

Sirius Black meets a cute stranger on his way to the music lessons everyday. He is not aware that his life is going to change forever.


"Moony! Moony! Moony!" Harry exclaimed excitedly, running towards Remus where he was lying on the floor. Remus had been given explicit instructions by his four year old to not move as apparently Remus's legs were now an elaborate piece of roadway. A tunnel? A bridge? In either case, Remus didn't much care, the carpeted floor of the makeshift playroom-parlor feeling nice on his back that seemed to always ache.

"Harry!" Remus responded, hearing Sirius's laugh behind

"Guess what! Guess what I saw!"

"In the lav?" Remus asked looking down at Harry who had collided forcefully with Remus's tunnel-bridge legs, Harry wrapping his arms around them.

"Yeah! You havta guess!"

Remus looked up at Sirius who had come from the bathroom with Harry, ensuring that someone washed their hands and wasn't using "i have to pee" as an excuse to leave the tap running and create an ocean to play in. Again.

"Don't look at me, I haven't a clue. Harry just said he had to tell you something while washing--"

"Padfoot made me use soap." Harry made a face, "Smells funny."

"He makes me use soap too," Remus nodded, sitting up on his elbows to get a better look at Harry. "Hm...did you see a grindylow in the sink?"

Harrys eyes went wide, "No! I want to!" Harry looked over to Sirius who had found a spot on the floor next to Remus, "Padfoot, do we have those?"

"I don't think so, love."

Harry pouted shortly, "No fun."

"What'd you see, Harry?" Remus asked

"We're the same!"

"What do you mean?"

Harry pointed a tiny finger at the scar on his face that ran into his eyebrow, spanning across his forehead in a lightning strike pattern, "We match! I gots a special mark and you do too!" Harry's hand went to Remus's face touching the scar that cut into Remus's own eyebrow and extended to his cheek. It was such a gentle touch, and Remus couldn't help but smile, noting how even at four Harry was learning how to hold things--faces and hands and cups of tea and stuffed animals--so carefully, the way Sirius did. Time spent watching his godfather cup Remus's face and heal bruises after full moons was evident in the way Harry touched every one of Remus's scars.

"I suppose we do," Remus nodded, grabbing Harry's hand and squeezing it. "Our own special club."

Harry looked over to Sirius, before stepping closer to Remus and whispering, "No soap allowed."

"No soap."

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