
deepest love.

@his-mom-calls-him-boobear / his-mom-calls-him-boobear.tumblr.com

| Rhiannon | really fuckin gay | ♀+♀ | ♂+♂ |

im in a crisis

like seriously, i haven't been involved with the boys for almost 5 years (except for listening to harry's music). looking through all these gifs of larry giving each other looks on stage or genuinely enjoying each other's presences hurts me deep in side like it did the first time. I went from knowing which city the boys were in every single day to not even knowing who they are anymore (again, except for harry). It really does hurt, i miss my boys.


sometimes i come back to this blog after years of never touching it or this fandom and think to myself,

did louis and harry fall out of love?


soOooOo long story short, my parents went to a Mötley Crüe concert the other night and they were hanging with the band after and The™ Nikki Sixx recommended Harry’s album to my mom and he also said that he’s reccomending his music to eVERYONE. Now my mom is blasting Woman through our house and i am nOT COMPLAINING AT ALL


The most valuable chart…


yes thanks for colouring it I had a hard time reading that

// I’m going to reblog this to help all RPers when it comes to descriptions

// Even if you’re a great RPer you still need this.

// To describe

// y’know

// the things

Im not a writer but im sure i have some followers that are so here yall go!

taa daa share this with your friends, @charlesoberonn

I shall. It’s a great ref.


so my 14y/o daughter got into an argument with her high school principle yesterday for fighting. an older boy had come up to her and asked her out, but when she said no and tried to walk away he grabbed her by her arm and pulled her back. so she punched him and broke his nose. her principle then told her she should have “heard him out” and “it’s not like the boy actually hurt her” so her response was “inappropriate”. so my daughter then chewed out her male principle in the middle of the school corridor about rape culture and that if that was his attitude then he should probably quit teaching forever because all he was doing was teaching girls to be quiet victims and teaching boys that it was okay to touch girls against their will and then she pointed right in his face and said “men like YOU are why my mum taught me how to punch people properly”. she got a round of applause from 2 female teachers listening in and i have never been such a proud mama

She’s a hero


Stop accusing young bi girls of “making it up”. 

Stop telling young bi girls that they’re too young to know. 

Stop telling young bi girls that they’re doing it to get boys attention. 

Stop sexualizing bisexuality, especially in young girls.


Is Russia even real

I think it is necessary for me to transcribe what she’s saying because it is EXACTLY how I babytalk to my cat:

“Oh Stepa! So little – little Stepa! My little kiss, where’s my little kiss?? Where are my little fingers? Where are my little legs? Where are my little paws? Stepa!” *shakes his paw* “Say hello! Hello my little one! Hello!” *lies down on him* “Oh how nice, how warm. Good boy…”

to be clear, this bear is named the russian equivalent of “steve”


I feel like being friends with Harry is a constant back and forth of “Harry no” and him saying “Harry yes” and you caving bc you’d give him the world and then you proceeding to follow along behind him and pick up whatever mess lays in his wake

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