

@jessicahaleyyo / jessicahaleyyo.tumblr.com

"No one is you and that is your power." || 22||

I just feel this need to share my boy with the world. He was indescribable. He understood me, and I him. I’ve never loved anything like this sweet, sweet Bub.

Everything just feels empty. I feel hollow. It’s like he was a part of my soul. I miss him so so much.



I wrote this thing (while drunk oops).

“We’re older. As I looked around, light dancing on their faces, new lines and creases around their mouths hint at stories they haven’t told me yet. They all sound the same - their tones and inflections indistinguishable from their former selves. Yet, this time they speak of different things. Bigger, more real things. Practical things we were once scared of. We once dreaded the 9 to 5, wondered how to vote, what a mortgage was, how to buy a home. Now we wonder when to take the next step, how to let go, how to quit a job and how to make friends in a new city. I can’t help but to marvel at how the years have changed us. As we sip drinks and send each other short, secret looks across the table, it’s clear that whatever intuition lived in us to bring us together as confidants, supporters and advisors, still flickers.”

I’ve let myself get walked on. I’ve let myself be ridiculed. I’ve let myself be treated poorly. All because I was scared to lose those people. I was scared to lose the people that didn’t care that they hurt my feelings and put me down. Isn’t is sad what we put ourselves through for people that wouldn’t do the same for us?

Chapters from my life (via melindacarolinee)

Everything that frightens because it leaves us alone is what we must seek,

Clarice Lispector, from “The Chandelier,” originally published c. 1946 (via violentwavesofemotion)


public places need to give me a heads up before they start playing fleetwood mac. i’m not ready to have a spiritual out of body experience in the cold & flu aisle of cvs


u ever wake up from a dream like “damn i guess i’m not coping with THAT as well as i thought i was”

Everyone, at some point in their lives, wakes up in the middle of the night with the feeling that they are all alone in the world, and that nobody loves them now and that nobody will ever love them, and that they will never have a decent night’s sleep again and will spend their lives wandering blearily around a loveless landscape, hoping desperately that their circumstances will improve, but suspecting, in their heart of hearts, that they will remain unloved forever. The best thing to do in these circumstances is to wake somebody else up, so that they can feel this way, too.

Lemony Snicket, Horseradish (via wordsnquotes)

It was with my deepest love I loved you. It was for your love I adored you. I was free because I loved you with my heart.

Madeleine Smith, from a letter to Pierre Emile L’Anglier wr. 1857 (via violentwavesofemotion)


Nice things Italians say

(or, a random list of italian expressions that i felt like sharing with the world)

Se son rose fioriranno.” (literally, “If it’s roses, they will bloom.”) It’s usually used to calm down someone (or even oneself) who’s anxious about a certain situation (for instance going on a date), and it means that if something is bound to happen, it will, and hence that there’s no use being nervous.

Non s'ha da fare.” It means “it’s not to be done”/“it’s not to happen”. Although this construct is strictly typical of the Florentine dialect, this fixed expression has become widely used in the Italian language after one of the most famous scenes in Alessandro Manzoni’s I Promessi Sposi (The Betrothed), in the line “Questo matrimonio non s'ha da fare, né domani, né mai.” (“This wedding is not to be celebrated, not tomorrow, nor ever.”)

Hai scoperto l'acqua calda.” (literally “You have discovered hot water.”) Used to ironise about someone’s obvious remark by calling it a revolutionary discovery.

Morto un papa, se ne fa un altro.” (literally, “Once a pope dies, another one is elected.”) It’s usually used after the end of a relationship and it means that once you lose a lover, you just find another one. It can also be used in other situations with an equivalent meaning.

Una volta ogni morte di papa.” It literally means “Once every pope’s death” and it’s used as an informal synonym for “very rarely”. (e.g. “Mi ammalo una volta ogni morte di papa.” -> “I get sick very rarely.”)

La mamma è sempre la mamma.” It means “Mum will always be mum.” and it’s just an expression to state how your mum will always be there for you and will always be your home.

Che pizza!” It literally translates “What a pizza!” but it has the same meaning as the English “Nuts!” (e.g. “Piove.” “Che pizza!” -> “It’s raining.” “Nuts!”). In the same way, the word “pizza” can be used as an adjective to describe an annoyingly boring person (e.g. “Sei una pizza, non vuoi mai fare nulla.” -> “You’re so boring, you never want to do anything”).

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