
Grab a cape and buckle up

@corporalhothead / corporalhothead.tumblr.com

Modern!AU Levi RP Blog. Nsfw will be tagged and under a read more if it's a thread. Not spoiler free

Yes Master? || Closed Thread w/ corporalhothead

It’d been difficult to fixed the damage that Eren had done to his gorgeous locks, but the maid had finally finished with cutting the boy’s hair properly. It was a bit on the shorter side, but it wasn’t that bad actually. At least now it wouldn’t take him nearly a half hour in the shower to get all of his body, and hair washed. 

Coming out from the bathroom, Eren had been handed two spoons, and was escorted in the direction of Levi’s office. He knew where it was, but it’d been such a long habit for the maid’s, and for Eren, that he didn’t bother correcting them anymore.  Entering into the room, Eren at first was a bit shy to even look at Levi after his hair cut, but as he sat down onto the blanket, he let out a deep sigh. “It’s not bad, is it?”

Levi smiled up at Eren, shaking his head as he scooted closer and gently kissed his cheek. “No, it looks great. I love it,” he murmured, slowly running his hand through it. “You looked like this when we first met.”

He leaned forward and gently kissed his lips, taking a slightly tighter grip of the brunette’s now shorter hair. He pulled away shortly after and smirked, nodding a bit. “Oh yeah, this can still be pulled when I’m nailing you,” he teased, nipping at Eren’s jaw softly. “So, ice cream?”


The Boy With the Flower Crown || Closed Thread w/ saintofhunters

Eren’s eyes were wide with shock as he watched Levi tear apart the textbook. He shook his head, each of those books were around a hundred dollars each, so they would definitely be paying for those. Returning back to his book, Eren shut it, and tucked it back into his handbag.

By the time Levi was up by his desk, the brunet was sitting straight back in his seat. His eyes narrowed towards him as he touched his shoulder. Reaching up, Eren took a tight hold of the student’s wrist, and roughly pushed his hand off from his shoulder. “Don’t touch me.” He warned. What most people didn’t know, was that the lad had been enrolled into a martial arts class back when he was little. Sure he forgot most of the lessons, but he still knew how to break someone’s wrist in an instant.  Underneath his desk, Eren’s foot lifted off from the floor and pushed at the male’s stomach. With the other away from him now, he grabbed a hold of his bag, and got out from his seat. He wasn’t willing to put up with any of the other students in the class, and let the teacher know he was leaving, accepting that he’d be getting a detention after school the following day. I can only hope those idiots get suspended. 

Levi grunted and stepped back, coughing softly as he held his stomach and clenched his teeth. He fucking kicked me?! What the hell is his problem?! Levi glared after him as he walked off, only looking away when the teacher cleared her throat. “Don’t bother, I’m already there. I’ll tell Shadis you sent me, I know the drill,” Levi monotoned, grabbing his booksack from under his desk.

Slamming the door behind him, Levi groaned and held his stomach again and leaned against the lockers. Glancing down the hall a little, Levi glared at the back of the pastel dressed student, standing up correctly to walk after him. “Hey! What the fuck was that?! All I did was compliment you and you fucking kick me?! Like, damn I’m sorry for trying to make you smile, you looked like you were having a shit day.”


Yes Master? || Closed Thread w/ corporalhothead

The brunet’s lip pouted out, his plucked brows furrowed. “I’m offended to hear that you ever doubted me.” His smile returned right after speaking. Eren’s lanky arms dropped from Levi’s neck, noticing the maid in the hallway. She bowed her head softly towards the two men, and asked if Eren would follow behind her, wanting to give the brunet a proper haircut.

Even if Levi was fine with his hair, there was wild strands everywhere, and they needed to be dealt with or he’d absolutely lose it. Placing one more kiss onto the business man’s lips, Eren followed behind the woman as she guided him into one of the spare bathrooms in the upper floor hallway. 

Levi watched after his pup, biting his lip softly until he could no longer see the pair. “God I love that boy,” he murmured softly, leaning against the doorframe for a moment. He sighed happily and pushed off to make his way to the kitchen to grab the container of strawberry ice cream from the freezer. On his way back, he stopped one of the women roaming the halls with a simple request, “Have Eren meet me in my room when he’s finished with his hair. Oh, and tell him to bring spoons.”

Waiting patiently, Levi pulled some extra blankets out of the closet in the corner. He laid a few of them on the ground along with some extra pillows to make a sort of make-shift bed on the floor.


The Boy With the Flower Crown || Closed Thread w/ saintofhunters

The sudden contact of a boot against hardwood startled Eren away from reading his textbook. With wide eyes, they followed up the student’s body, unintentionally of course. He wanted to motion for the damn idiot to get off from his desk before he made a fool of himself, but the speech that was pooling from his lips… He was right. What they were being taught wasn’t what suited everyone’s taste of music, mind that Eren figured the male’s type of taste in music involved lots of screaming.

His head turned back down towards his book, choosing to ignore the student behind him. He was going to get himself kicked out of the classroom at this rate, and Eren wasn’t going to have any sort of part in it, or wishing to understand what he was going on about. Bringing his hands up towards his ears, Eren did try to do his best to zone the other out, but soon other students were beginning to join in, and agreeing with the male.  The one damn time that he actually wanted to study in a class, and this is what he got in return. Fantastic, absolutely fucking fantastic. “You guys are being ridiculous, there isn’t even six months left of school and you’re already sounding like you’re wanting to protest against the classes that you’re in! Just shut up!” Certainly the brunet’s outburst surprised some of the students, even the teacher by the sudden look of shock on her face. He rarely spoke out in class, and only ever did when he was called on to do so. “Sit down, idiot, you’ll break the desk.”

Levi glared down at the boy and rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he chose to ignore him. “Whatever, maybe he wasn’t the best example. The point is, it’s not wrong to teach a class in music appreciation, I’m not saying that, but there is no way you can tell me that there’s only one way you can appreciate it. Ma’am,” he concluded as he stepped off the desk, still standing on his chair as he opened his textbook to the first page of the introduction. He turned around to Farlan and motioned for him to follow his actions as he ripped out the first page of the book.

Taking into account the collective gasps of the class, he smirked slightly as he, Farlan, and eventually Isabel continued tearing out the pages until the entire introduction was ripped out. He gathered the stack of papers and walked over to the trash can, graciously dropping them in with a slightly bigger smirk. On his way back to his own desk, he stopped next to Eren’s and knelt down. “How’s that for a protest, cupcake?” he stood up and gently pat his shoulder, still smirking o himself. “That’s a nice color on you, by the way.”


Yes Master? || Closed Thread w/ corporalhothead

Eren was quick, and light on his toes as he followed along in Levi’s footsteps. He’d always had a habit of walking on the tips of the sole of his feet since he was little. Not exactly sure of who to blame, he could only suspect that whoever taught him how to walk, held him up too high and created such a walking position for him. At least it was good for heels, and creating amazing calf muscles. 

His arms were able to catch around Levi’s neck before he was able to walk out from the brunet’s bedroom. Pulling the man back towards him, his lips connected back to the male’s softly. He was addicted to Levi’s kisses, maybe that was one of the reasons he’d always get so moody, and cranky when he was denied affection…

Levi smiled and kissed back, a hand resting softly on Eren’s lower back. Over the years since Eren had been living with him, Levi found himself smiling more and more often, mostly when they’d been locked together in a slow kiss like this.

He pulled away with a soft bite to his pet’s lip, a small smirk lighting up his features as he pulled Eren closer to kiss his cheek softly. “You, my little pup, never cease to amaze me with how good you are at that.”


The Boy With the Flower Crown || Closed Thread w/ saintofhunters

Eren had lifted his head up after a moment once his shoulder was being tapped. He wanted to ignore it, but what if it was important? Coming from where he guessed the tapping was coming from, it was one of the many punks that were in the music class. It couldn’t be that important. 

Turning to look back towards the student, his eyes narrowed towards him for a moment. “Next thing I’m going to see is you pulling out a mirror and showing me my own reflection. I get it, I look funny, but I’ve already heard it a thousand times before, asshole.” It really just wasn’t a good day for him. Bringing his attention down to the top of his desk, Eren pulling out his small music book from his handbag that he carried with him. Setting it down onto his desk, he flipped through a few of the pages, and decided to catch up on the history of music. They didn’t exactly have any sort of music piece to work on for that class period, he could study a bit before the teacher decided to leave, allowing whatever insults that the class decided to throw at him happen. 

Levi was shocked at the kid’s reaction. He just figured if he was gunna try to get this kid in bed with him, he might as well make him laugh. With a shrug, Levi leaned over again with a more sinister smirk, “Well fine then, if you don’t want to see, then cover your ears and look away.”

He stood from his desk and cleared his throat softly, just enough to get the attention from the other student’s, but not the teacher’s as she lectured on and on about “the appropriate and correct way to appreciate music.” A load of bullshit if any of the students were asked. Levi, always up for a good joke, stood up on his chair and stepped onto his desk, clearing his throat again. “Excuse me ma’am, if I may. I think we can learn a lesson here from the late and great Robin Williams in his genius role of Mr. Keating in Dead Poets Society. There’s not just one way to appreciate music; there’s many different ways and everyone in this classroom has a different taste,” he started, motioning to the text book in his hand. “The introduction and just about 75% of this book you handed out to us is wrong and a load of crap.” 

Glancing around the classroom, Levi held up the book again and shook his head. “I mean, who can honestly say they agree with the music tastes of every single person in this room? No one can. And if you do say that, you're lying to yourself. Like, for instance, my taste in music is completely different that... What's your name, kid?” he asked, motioning down to the kid sitting next to him.


Yes Master? || Closed Thread w/ corporalhothead

Nearly daring to go back for another kiss against the man’s lips, but was halted from the sudden affection being placed onto his forehead. The topic of food did have his stomach grumbling, remembering that Levi had brought home strawberry ice cream for the brunet… What he wouldn’t give to eat that right about now.

“I’ll be careful, I promise.” Eren placed another kiss onto Levi’s lips, even gently biting onto his bottom lip before drawing back. “Can I have my icecream?”

Levi smirked at the small bite to his lip and nodded with a small hum. “Yes you can,” he murmured softly, gently scratching behind Eren’s ear again as he quickly but gently peck his lips once more, “If you ask nicely.”

He smirked teasingly and stood up, slowly running his hand through his pet’s hair as he walked backwards towards the door, beckoning Eren closer with his playfully suspicious expression. 


The Boy With the Flower Crown || Closed Thread w/ saintofhunters

Eren hadn’t ever had the best of school experiences, having learned from a young age that he was ‘different’, the boys and girls at school would typically tease him. Calling him such lewd words, he’d practically heard every slur in the book. High school wasn’t any better, having adapted his own style, the students (mainly jocks) had picked up the habit of calling him ‘Ellen’ because of his clothes.

His outfits would consist of pastel colors, typically a skirt would be worn throughout the warmer weather, and jeans, or sweatpants during the cooler seasons. It was genuinely a really nice day, warmer weather than the past week they’d experienced.  With a baby pink skirt, and an even lighter shade of pink sweater to match were all tied together with a pair of white platform shoes. He did previously have on a white rose flower crown, but that’d been ripped off from his head by one of the other students.  Rushing to class because of the jocks that had stopped him in the hallway, Eren groaned at seeing the teacher entering into the room first. Great, that was going to go perfectly… It seemed that the teacher was already against the boy’s sexuality and style, now she had another reason to badger him. He tried to play it cool as he entered into the classroom, and was only a few steps away from his seat when his name was called from behind him. “Jaeger, why were you late?” The teacher piped up, causing the boy to groan, and let out an exhale of air.  “Some kids were getting on my case in the hallway… Sorry, it won’t happen again, I swear.” Taking his seat once the teacher dismissed his claim, Eren groaned, face falling against the surface of his desk. “Fuuuuuuck…

Levi’s eyes lit up with a teasing glint as he watched Eren walk through the door. This is gunna be so fucking easy. They might as well just give me the money now. 

“Hey, isn’t that the kid Dawk and his friends are always picking on?” Levi asked, leaning back to mutter his question to Farlan. The best the taller blonde could answer was a small shrug before the teacher snapped at them, yelling at Levi to turn around and pay attention.

Rolling his eyes with an exasperated sigh, Levi complied, slouching back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. A quick glance to the side had Levi smirking as he waited for the teacher to turn around so he could lean over and tap the pastel clad student’s shoulder. “Hey kid, wanna see something funny?” 


Yes Master? || Closed Thread w/ corporalhothead

Eren’s smile was beginning to return for a split moment before letting it drop once again, he was tired. He hummed in agreement, excited that he’d get to sleep by Levi’s side for the first time in a while. 

Pulling his head out from against Levi’s neck, his hand came up to turn the other’s head towards him. He brought the other closer to him to kiss for a moment, smiling once more, and allowing it to last. What he enjoyed more than having sex with Levi was just being close to him, and being able to kiss him sweetly without any sort of desires hidden behind it. 

Levi smiled a bit against Eren’s lips, one of his hands coming up to cup his cheek gently. He’d never been one for smiling much, or showing any emotion at all for that matter, but one thing that always brought a smile to his face was the soft and slow kisses he’d get from Eren. Levi could have been having the worst day ever, but one little kiss from the brunette would make it seem like the best. 

He pulled away slowly, his smile growing as he gently kissed Eren’s forehead. “Are you hungry, pup? I can make us something extra special. Or if you’d rather, we can order take out and, if you promise to be extra careful, we can eat it on the floor in my room.”


The Boy With the Flower Crown || Closed Thread w/ saintofhunters

Levi Ackerman was exactly the kind of guy parents would tell their kids to stay away from; all of the shirts he owned had the sleeves ripped off to proudly display the tattoos covering just about every inch of the skin until his wrists, a cigarette almost always hanging from between his lips, his dark hair always covering his permanent steel glare, the thick eyeliner always rimming his eyes. Not to mention the idiotic antics his friends always managed to drag him into. Many times, Levi found himself taking the blame for their stupidity.

Levi himself wasn’t a bad kid, per say, he just didn’t care about anything except his friends and the occasional one night stand here and there. Not one to leave his house often, his best friends would often have to check on him at home to make sure he was still breathing to calm their nerves about him. 

This particular day, though, Levi had managed to drag himself out of bed with enough sleep to tolerate school until his the end of his lunch period -or at least that’s what he promised his friends. He’d been sitting quietly with Farlan and Isabel in the music room the whole period, just listening to one of their mind-numbing conversations when Farlan suddenly turned to him with the proposal of a bet that he and some of their other friends had thought up: “If you can get the next person to walk through that door to have sex with you before graduation, we’ll give you $200.” But, of course, with Levi’s luck, the next person that walked through the door happened to be the teacher, to which Farlan quickly shook his head and changed “person” to “student”. 

They all sat quietly again and waited, eyes trained intently on the door.


Yes Master? || Closed Thread w/ corporalhothead

The boy’s body stiffened for a moment, he might have only thought that the confession had just been a slip up, or a way to get Eren to stop crying… but it was true. Levi actually loved him, and now the brunet wasn’t even sure how to react. He’d never really gotten a chance to know what love felt like, all the people that ever came into his life were gone shortly after before he even got a chance to care for them. 

Eren kept his mouth shut, afraid of saying the wrong thing. If he didn’t love Levi, and said that he did to simply return the words, that’d be playing the other on. The brunet did his best to curl up against Levi, trying to find himself a comfortable spot to get into. His finger gently traced circles against the center of the man’s chest, eyes focused on watching the fabric move with it. 

Levi smiled and adjusted himself to lay comfortably back against the pillows, holding Eren close to him as he kissed the top of his head. “You’re so cuddly now, it’s like I have an actual puppy,” he teased, scratching gently behind Eren’s ear. 

“So since I’m off tomorrow, I figured you can stay in my room tonight. We can sleep in late tomorrow, I’ll make some pancakes just the way you like them. We can spend the whole day in bed, if you want. How does that sound, pup? Sound good for you?”


Yes Master? || Closed Thread w/ corporalhothead

Eren’s eyes were shut as he felt the other’s fingers brush through his hair. Both the rocking motion, and the soothing feeling of his hair being played with, even after he’d cut it… He felt as if he could fall asleep right in Levi’s arms. “Yes, yes you did cross over a line.” He wasn’t going to pretend like he forgave Levi for that, no, he was still very well pissed off with him about it. 

Opening his eyes, they blinked on a few occasions to get him readjusted to the light. His eyes stung when they were closed, and he could only hope that the whites of his eyes weren’t as red as he expected they’d be. “You said you loved me earlier… You’ve never done that before.”

“I know,” Levi murmured softly, “I know I crossed a very important line and I don’t expect you to forgive me for it right away.” He pulled Eren closer, as if that was possible and leaned down, gently kissing his pet’s forehead while he spoke.

“Well, maybe it was time I said it,” he shrugged. Truthfully, Levi had known for a while that he loved Eren, loved him more than anything in the entire world, but he was always worried he’d scare the poor boy off if he told him. That fear kept him from admitting it for a good 3-and-a-half years. He could only hope Eren returned his feelings and wouldn’t run from him now because of it.


Yes Master? || Closed Thread w/ corporalhothead

Choking on a sob, the arms that wrapped so strongly around his waist were comforting, and he was more than relieved that they belonged to Levi. It took a while, but eventually, his cries had died down, and his tears had stopped. Crying so heavily really took a lot out of a person, something of which Eren just discovered. 

He curled up in Levi’s arms, face buried against the side of his neck to try his best and hide the hideous job he’d done on his hair. “I feel so stupid for cutting my hair…” Well, he felt more than that, but how could he possibly say that he felt alone, forgotten, upset (which was an understatement), and regretful? The whole day had just been a mess from start to finish, and for the most part… It’d been his fault.  If he hadn’t denied Levi’s act of apologizing, then the two of them wouldn’t have fought. If they hadn’t fought, the door wouldn’t have been split, and his hair wouldn’t have been cut. “I’m really sorry…”

Levi held Eren close, sighing softly as the brunette apologized again. “Stop that. It’s not your fault, it’s mine; I pushed you too hard and crossed over a line I had no business crossing,” he murmured as he slowly rocked them back and forth, as if that would calm Eren any.

Hesitantly raising his hand to his pet’s hair, he slowly carded through it, smiling down at him. “I like it. I mean, yeah, I loved your long hair, but it’ll grow back. Besides, this is how long it was when I brought you here,” he reminded, gently tugging on some of the longer strands. “And anyways, I can still pull on it enough to bring your head back like I want it.” 


Yes Master? || Closed Thread w/ corporalhothead

Eren had pretty much sobbed until his hearts content, thinking that no more tears could have flowed. He was wrong though, the sound of Levi apologizing, and wanting to come in brought on a new cluster of tears that fell, soaking into the blanket that he covered his body with. 

Some of the maids joined with each other, and helped with pushing the door open, and getting the chair out of the way. They took into account of the split door, and would have someone replace it by the end of the week. One of the women went over towards the bathroom to shut the light off, but gasped at the shock of seeing such a large clump of hair in the sink.  The brunet’s sobs were silenced as the maid asked what had happened. He couldn’t hide it, he couldn’t simply stay underneath a blanket for the next several years and wait until his hair was grown out… Eren let out a shaky sigh, and pulled the blanket over his head, pooling the fabric at his waist.  His eyes were shut tightly, fearing that he’d see the disappointment on Levi’s face, or worse, anger. If Levi was going to kick him out of his manner, he’d leave without taking another look at the man. Eren knew he looked hideous, short hair had never been his type of thing, and he knew how much Levi loved his longer flowing locks. “I’m sorry…”

Levi pushed his way through the door to see Eren. He didn’t care about the busted door, he didn’t care about the cost of it, all he cared about was his Eren, who was currently crying his beautiful eyes out.

“Hey, no no no no no, don’t cry, baby,” he murmured softly, quickly sitting on the bed behind him to wrap his arms around his waist and hold him close just as he had hours earlier. “Don’t cry, Eren, it’s okay. We can replace the door, your hair will grow back, don’t be sorry. It was my fault, I pushed you too far. I’m the one that should be sorry, baby, not you.” 

Levi kissed Eren’s cheek gently, hugging him tighter as he sighed shakily and closed his eyes. “I love you, Eren. I know it doesn’t always seem like it, but I do. More than anything in the whole word, pet. I love you so much.”


Yes Master? || Closed Thread w/ corporalhothead

The brunet’s teeth gritted together at hearing his middle name being thrown at him. Never once did he give Levi the permission to use his middle name, it was his mother, and only his mother alone was free to use it. He hated it, but would put up with it only for her. Now that she was gone… He just couldn’t fucking do that! 

Eren didn’t bother taking a second glance towards Levi as he left, soon following in the other’s footsteps towards the doorway as he slammed it shut. It echoed throughout his room, even echoing out into the hallway of the manner it seemed. Jeez, even the wood of the door itself cracked in the middle slightly.  His door was locked, and just for extra reassurance that no one would come inside, one of the chairs in his room was dragged over, and pushed against the door to keep it shut. Fuck that guy, he was a jerk, and knew better than to speak that type of language towards him. Eren was a sensitive child, and yelling at him didn’t help with his already angered state.  Entering into his bathroom, Eren glared at himself in the mirror, wiping at the tears that streamed down his cheeks. There was no point in crying over such an asshole. A strand of hair fell down against the side of his face, frustrating him. Without even thinking, he combed his hair back and put it into a tight ponytail. Grabbing hold of a pair of rather sharp scissors, Eren cut through (with some struggle) his beautiful chocolate locks, ones of which he knew Levi had adored so much.  Once the large amount of hair had been cut off, Eren’s eyes grew wide in shock at what he’d just done. All those years of growing out his hair just for Levi, it was gone in the matter of less than a minute. The locks of hair were thrown into the sink, along with the scissors. No, no, no, no! What have I done? His eyes swelled with tears, allowing them to fall across his cheeks as a sob was released. 

The loud slam of the door clued Levi in to the fact that he’d fucked up yet again that day. Great. Just fucking perfect.

He’d given Eren a few hours to calm down, more than he would have on any other occasion. He knew he messed up by using the brunette’s middle name. All he wanted to do now was hold him and apologize and try to make everything better again.

A soft knock to his door interrupted his thoughts. One of the maids had come to inform him they’d heard crying coming from Eren’s room but were unable to open the door. Fuck! 

Levi quickly rose from his bed, rushing down the hall to knock on Eren’s door and jiggle the handle a little bit. “Eren please let me in. I know I messed up, I shouldn’t have used your middle name, I shouldn’t have tried to make it better with just ice cream. I messed up big time by putting my work before you for the last couple of weeks. Please let me in, though. So I can apologize properly and hold you for a little while.”


send me a ๑ and my muse will roll the dice to see what task they have to perform. [nsfw]:

my muse will…

  1. kiss your muse.
  2. kiss your muse with tongue. 
  3. give your muse a massage.
  4. dress up as a french maid for the remainder of the evening
  5. tie your muse to the bed.
  6. describe a sexual fantasy. 
  7. let your muse tie my muse to the bed
  8. let your muse video tape my muse masterbating.
  9. will go down on your muse.
  10. eat whip cream of a body part of your muses choosing.
  11. confess a fetish or kink. 
  12. strip for your muse.
  13. allow your muse to blindfold them.
  14. blindfold your muse. 
  15. slap your muse’s ass.
  16. allow your muse to slap my muse’s ass.
  17. confess a sexual thought they’ve had about your muse.


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