♡ can you feel the sunshine ♡

@hernandocounty-blog / hernandocounty-blog.tumblr.com


I just realized I never put this online anywhere.  This is a little Knuckles comic I did for a zine that some friends of mine put together for SPX last year.  It’s nothing like the last Sonic comics I did.  Fewer jokes, and just generally more of a cute little Knuckles moment.  But I hope you like it anyway~


u know that like mini naruto series or something where the characters are all chibi-fied and they were having a shower/bath scene or something and when they saw neji’s **** all they thought about was how big it was? didn’t they show like a big worm-like thing in the screen or was that just my imagination 

never mind i found it but is that neji’s….??????

u really thought


Here’s a SAI outline tutorial, you can do it more efficiently in photoshop (I’ll make a tutorial for that later) but here’s a thing anyway LOL

If you can’t read it here’s the whole image

Okay so you can now basically skip the first three steps, I was just told if you ctrl click the layer image it will select it lmao (but I’m assuming you’d use that if you have your drawing merged, otherwise if you ctrl click the lineart it’s going to select inside the lines too.)


one of my favorite tumblr posts thats been lost to the void is about the current owners of the american football house hearing rustling in the bushes at night and their like “goddamn it those kids are back” and they go outside and fire a shotgun in the air and like 12 kids in flannels and skinny jeans with vintage Polaroid cameras scatter into the woods 

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