
making patterns in your eyes

@loupetlapin / loupetlapin.tumblr.com


"Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it larger and better in every way."  - John Muir

"Heidi" illustration by Jessie Willcox Smith (1863-1935)


"We need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. In a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth."

- Henry Beston (The Outermost House)

Photograph: Suffolk brown hare by Michael Rae


The hare runs into the fire.

The hare runs into the fire.

The fire, it takes her, she is not burned.

The hare runs into the fire.

The fire, it loves her, she is free…

(Terry Pratchett I shall wear Midnight)

I have a love of hares which is startlingly uncool for an Aussie.


I am way into critiques, especially snotty critiques of any of the various Fight Club type fitness trends.   But as a no-fun kill joy, I feel like any serious critique really needs to be mindful of gender differences.  

Not only are most of the women I know who are super into bro-cercise, whether it’s crossfit or martial arts or just lifting big weights are pretty into having fitness goals that are less soul-deadening than the pervasive cultural message about being as thin as possible. 

And, I feel this is key,  when crossfit paleo bros talk about using their skills it’s always in some kind of Clan of the Cave Bear/ Walking Dead unrealistic power fantasy.  When women talk about learning how to gauge out someone’s eyes we tend to be talking about gauging out the eyes of the specific dude who creeped us out yesterday while walking home from work. 


Long-term consequences of prematurity

I am daily in awe of the way our species learns to handle our rather awkwardly assembled respiratory/feeding passageways. Suck/swallow/breathe is an amazing skill, and next time some of your tea goes down the wrong way, remind yourself that you had to learn this, and not everyone masters it.


fucking in-laws, how do they work?

So, this Christmas, in a fit of pique my sisters in law have declared everybody spends too much time with their partners' families and thus all of their family must retire to some faraway locale for a week.


What are your opinions on people with type 2 diabetes that was acquired because of their weight? Do you believe that losing weight would be fatphobic of them even though it would most likely aid in their remission?


People don’t get type 2 diabetes because of weight. That is a common but not actually legit misconception. A correlation with weight does not mean it is caused by weight jfcAnd after all the discussion of this that’s gone on on my blog if you can’t figure out the answer to this question then you need to revamp your reading comprehension skills. I’m not repeating myself again.


So, I’m a fat person with diabetes and let me tell you that anti-fat stigma and the assumption that diabetes is fat disease that can be treated or cured by just being less of a big fatty causes a lot of people with diabetes to absorb bad information which prevents them from managing their conditional successfully.  It also sets up fat diabetics with a huge risk of having a lousy relationships with our healthcare providers, which also gets in the way of managing diabetes well.

The smug gotchas of non-diabetic people who want to get one over on fat activism don’t do shit for my health.

"There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”

― Rachel Carson (via projectunbreakable)


Mr. Rogers makes us all look terrible.


Ha. The timing is so bitter.

(why yes today I walked home with a crying child beside me because she'd busted her knee open on the concrete and blood was dribbling down her leg and we couldn't do a damn thing about it but did I sit there and make jokes, sit there telling her that her pain is unworthy of my empathy? No, because I'm not a bloody monster. So I sat on the dirty footpath and hugged her even though the noise and the sunlight made my headache spike, because she deserves at least that much respect and love and truth)


This is so accurate. At school, we literally have children who will watch our facial expressions to see if them falling is as bad as they think it might be.


  • do not react. at the most, maybe wince and go “ooooh”
  • go over to the child to assess panic level and severity of injury
  • if they’re like, dying, remain calm, but they’re probably not.
  • look them in the eye and ask, “you okay?” they will nod. possibly all teary-eyed. then ask, “are we gonna need to cut it off?”
  • the child is thrown off. if they giggle, you’re in the money. if they do not, put a bandaid on and do some sympathetic patting. they are probably a little teary. let the sad little bug sit out for a minute. they will quickly get bored.
  • works every time

"sad little bug" is the cutest and most accurate term ive heard used to describe a child because sometimes bugs are kinda super cute sometimes bugs are really fucking annoying and sometimes bugs are downright TERRIFYING


I am excruciatingly tired of 'do we need to cut it off' as a response to injury. Exceedingly, painfully, exhausted with it. Because it's the first line of the non-responder, the one who doesn't have to carry the wailing hiccuping actually bloody well injured child off to get medical care. It's patronising, with the added edge of lying to small children

AND, just for fun, it means they don't actually want to come to you when they hurt themselves anymore. Which is awesome for you, no more crying child. But for the other people in your life, less awesome?

For the kid? Well, there's an adult they don't trust to treat them with kindness, to tend their wounds, to help them when they're hurt. So that's great.


every episode of GBBO ever

Baker: I tried my best
Mary: You tried your best

don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved Batman since I was a tiny child, but I think we all need to come to terms with the fact that he has the personality of very grim yogurt

Very grim yoghurt


The worst part about liking classical music is when you forget the name of a piece and you can’t google the lyrics because there are none


My kid trying to explain which song she means: "it's the third one after the last one!"

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