
it is not evil which conquers evil, but love

@unmountedcossack-blog / unmountedcossack-blog.tumblr.com

the ghost of imperial russia

The Adopted Goddaughter of Queen Victoria: Sara Forbes Bonetta 

Sara was originally named Aina and was born in 1843 into the West African Egbado clan. When she was a young child, Sara’s village was raided by soldiers from the kingdom of Dahomey. After both of her parents were killed in the raid, the five-year-old Sara was captured as a slave and was possibly intended as a human sacrifice. But Captain Frederick Forbes of the Royal Navy took notice of the little girl and persuaded King Gehzo of the Dahomey to offer Sara as a gift to the English Queen Victoria.It was then that she was given her name of Sara Forbes Bonetta. Forbes, the last name of the Captain; and Bonetta, the name of the Captain’s ship. 
Queen Victoria was delighted by Sara and found her very intelligent. It was at this time that Victoria adopted Sara as her goddaughter and arranged for her to be comfortably brought up in the British middle class. Although Sara was sent to school in Africa for a short while, she grew homesick and returned to finish her education in England. In 1862, she was present at the wedding of Victoria’s daughter Alice. In the same year, Sara married James Pinson Labulo Davies, an African merchant and businessman. 
Sara and Davies returned to Africa, specifically to Lagos,Nigeria, where they would have three children. In 1880, Sara died of tuberculosis on the island of Madeira. A monument was erected to Sara in Lagos by her husband after her death. Today, her descendants still live in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and England.

One day when I was out riding, I met a very beautiful girl accompanied by an elderly lady. Our eyes met and she made such an impression on me that I reined in my horse to gaze at her as she walked on. Every day I went riding on the same road, at the same hour, hoping to meet the lovely stranger again. I waited in vain and then wended my say way home. But one afternoon the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess Alexander called on us accompanied by their daughter, the Princess Irina. To my surprise and delight I recognised the girl I had met on my ride. This time I had plenty of time to admire the wondrous beauty of the girl who was eventually to become my wife and lifelong companion. She had beautiful features, clear-cut as a cameo, and looked very like her father.

Prince Felix Yusupov: Lost Splendour

The baby lay on a pillow of cloth of gold, slung to the Princess’s shoulders by a broad gold band. He was covered with the heavy cloth-of-gold mantle, lined with ermine, worn by the heir to the crown. The mantle was supported on one side by Prince Alexander Sergeiovich Dolgorouky, the Grand Marshal of the Court, and on the other by Count [Paul] Benckendorff, as decreed by custom and wise precaution. The baby wept loudly, as might any ordinary baby, when old Father Yanishev dipped him in the font. His four small sisters, in short Court dresses, gazed open-eyed at the ceremony, Olga Nicholaevna, then nine years old, being in the important position of one of the godmothers. According to Russian custom, the Emperor and Empress were not present at the baptism, but directly after the ceremony the Emperor went to the church. Both he and the Empress always confessed to feeling very nervous on these occasions, for fear that the Princess might slip, or that Father Yanishev, who was very old, might drop the baby in the font.


“Государь производил на меня чарующее впечатление. Он был человек образованный, весьма начитанный. Он хорошо знал историю. Он производил впечатление человека необычайно доброго и совсем простого. В нем не было ни малейшей надменности, заносчивости. Он был замечательно предупредительный человек. Если я иногда по нездоровью пропускала урок, не было случая, чтобы он, проходя утром через нашу комнату, не расспросил бы меня о моем здоровье. С ним я всегда чувствовала себя совсем просто, как век его знала, привыкла к нему. Он вызывал у меня чувство, что хочется сделать ему что-нибудь приятное. Так он относился ко всем окружающим его. С офицерами нашего отряда он был прост, вежлив, корректен. У него была поразительная выдержка характера. Это был замечательно выдержанный и спокойный человек. Его недостаток, мне думается, заключался в его бесхарактерности, в слабости характера. Он, видимо, сам не решал никаких вопросов, не посоветовавшись с Александрой Федоровной. Это была его обычная фраза: „Я поговорю с женой”. Он, мне думается, не знал народа. У него было такое отношение к народу: добрый, хороший, мягкий народ. Его смутили худые люди в этой революции. Ее заправилами являются „жиды". Но это все временное. Это все пройдет. Народ опомнится и снова будет порядок. Однако я убеждена в этом, наблюдая его, он ни за что бы не пошел снова на престол. Он этого не хотел. Он желал только одного: чтобы он мог жить в своей семье покойной жизнью семьянина.“ Из протокола допроса Клавдии Михайловны Битнер от 4 августа 1919 года Фото: Николай II в Царском Селе, 1915 год ГА РФ, ф. 640 оп. 3 д. 25 л. 73 фото 1090 https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9/98255750.5e/0_15f74e_5aa38cd7_orig

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