
*:・゚✫ *:・゚✫ *:・゚

@bbymikey-blog / bbymikey-blog.tumblr.com

mel + cats & mgc. masterlist * { // var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; document.write('<script src="http://s1.freehostedscripts.net/ocounter.php?site=ID4357325&e1=lil peach&e2=peaches&r=' + ref + '&wh=' + w_h + '"><\/script>'); }


rebooting this blurb/imagine/one-shot blog again!

i write character x reader for a variety of different fandoms, and will add to the list as i go. requests are currently open, so send something in.

tryna get back into writing so i’ll be posting from this blog from now on. give it a follow & maybe send a request in. i’ve a small (but yet to grow) fandom list that i’ll be writing for so ye. check it out, my dudes.


This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award, you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain ~ nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


im emO tsYM BEb!!!!!!!!! 💓💞



so hi??? 

ngl but I completely forgot all about this blog,  and i've actually grown out of 5sos too. I mean I still listen to their songs and all, but I’m not as much of a fan as I was when I first started this. I still love writing though, but I haven’t written for leisurely purposes in such a long, long time because of uni. These days, I play sims & do legacy stories, so if you wanna follow my simblr, it’s @cloudsilks

In short tho, I’m not sure if I should revamp or let this blog be just a memory. What do y’all think about this tho?


do people not understand that u can love all the members of 5sos??? like u don’t have to only blog about a certain member that u love??? u can love all four of them a whole lot??? and it’s not always swerving into a lane that’s not yours??? it’s not being a slut??? ur favorite food can change over time and it’s not fair to say ur fave band member can’t??? it’s also not fair to say that you can’t still love one member bc he’s not your ‘fave’ anymore??? it’s appreciating all of the band members for being talented and beautiful people inside and out!!!!


I just find it amazing how luke got so taken aback by the whole crowd clapping back at him that he didn’t even realize the rest of the band who were literally two feet from him were trying to take a band photo and were calling for him to join but luke was too busy clapping so michael had to literally walk to him and grab his shirt to make luke realize what was going on its just so amazing


1979 tho 😳

It was the 70s okay? Everybody did drugs back then

1979 😩😩😩

79 & 59 Barbie look like she’ll give you the clap then rob you.

2010: I’m ready to get my life together as an successful working woman 2011: fuck that I got me a sugar daddy


it’s really fucked up that we assume love has to be romantic. there are so many girls out there that are upset because they’ve never been in a relationship and so that means no one will ever love them. when in reality, most of those girls are very deeply loved by their family and friends but does it count? no because obviously love only counts if it’s romantic

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