mountain-thousand, ocean-thousand

@sempervirentis /

Summer dies. Autumn dies. Winter's death itself. But spring is eternal.

The Lockless Door

Cursed to roam the earth until its very twilight, Todoroki Shouto was trapped in between the worlds of life and death as an immortal being, a wanderer that must not rest.
Still, in the most unlikely of places, he met Midoriya— someone who taught him to believe in love (and the sacrifices it entailed) even if your fate was already sealed.
A story about the journey of choosing to harbor love and hope, amidst destiny and duty.

A piece that sits very close to my heart, and an ode to solitude when your only company is yourself, for years on end. 

My @tododekubigbang‘s 2020 contribution, which serves as a companion to Purble’s adorable and wonderful soon to come art. 

The Lockless Door by sempervirentis.


Being up at 4-5 am is like loading in a level but the textures haven’t loaded all the way through yet.

i like this text post a lot because it’s a comparison between two extremely different styles of humor despite it, effectively, being the same joke


make no mistake i love the ocean with my whole heart but deep water terrifies me so much.. what’s goin on down there? nothing i want to be a part of


Gonna tell y’all what I can hear now that I got my hearing aids

Birds! They chirp and it’s so beautiful.

Far away cow moos

My friend has this is his back yard and to say I cried is an understatement.

My best friends singing voice

Chickens: *chicken noise*

Me, sobbing:

The filter for my fish tank! Bubble bubble bubble

I sit in the bass section in band. Today I could clearly hear the flutes up at the front! They’re not great, but I can finally hear them!

The sound of walking in sand.

Soft but kinda crunchy? Very nice sound 10/10

Me playing guitar for the first time. Took the hearing aids out. Not a very good sound… yet

Tree leaves in the wind. I got a little spooked at first because it’s 1 am and I’m alone in the park but it’s a real good sound.


Let me say, it was really fucking terrifying walking past the flowering tree in my backyard and hearing zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz coming from it.

“sunlight” by Hozier

I sat in my car alone while listening to it. I knew it would be special but wow, that was a religious experience.

Their hooves make sounds in the grass but they are completely silent. Beautiful creatures. Beautiful sound

Pine needles and pine cones make crunchy sounds!!! Oh my! Very nice

Colored pencils make a real nice scratch noise when I’m drawing. I didn’t know they did that

I forgot to add this is the beginning! But that little sniffing noise that dogs make when they’re smelling the air or the ground? Wonderful!


So there was just an entire booth full of wind chimes for sale at mountain fair. It started to get a little windy and they all went off at once. It was so pretty.


what is it about fungi that’s so mythical and freaky and set in humanities heads as “fable and Other Folk” fodder

the lore

the vibes

the spooky feeling in the Ghosts and Aliens Section of my brain that goes off

like, look at this and tell me that magic isn’t real and doesn’t want to strip us bare and use our souls as bartering chips in cosmic games of poker

mushrooms are an ancient force of growth and decay, life and rot, collapse and creation; they have been here long before us and will remain long after we’re gone- devouring that which kills us and creating that which forgets us.

it is best you tread carefully.

I’m studying biotech and every time someone brings up mushrooms our current professor will look either extremely exited or pained and go “listen.. mushrooms are neither plants nor animals nor something in between. They elude all attempts to categorize them. We do not know what they are. Some are immortal. Some produce live saving substances. Some are so closely related to humans that eating them may cause an allergic reaction against your own body. I cannot teach you about the mushrooms”

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