

@aquarium44 / aquarium44.tumblr.com

BLOG IS NO LONGER UPDATED! Experienced with small tanks, some fish, dwarf shrimp and snails. Sharing inspirations, aquatic plants, tank progress and -planning, settings, knowledge and equipment. Header image by Henning Buck.

Acva Blog: My scape #3 – The great Danish (5'th of May 2015)

This is a Danish Style Aquarium, with red plants. The setup was started in october 2014. I am using Dennerle liquid fertilizers and nutritive substrate (Deponit Mix Professional), Dennerle heating cables with Duomat DeLuxe, CO2 adition controller by a Dennerle pH controller Evolution DeLuxe, and Giesemann bulbs.
Source (you can click through an read what plants are used etc.)

Such a dream tank… I love red plants, here you can see why.

Source: facebook.com
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