

@my-blood-ignites / my-blood-ignites.tumblr.com

obsessed with HURTS

I’ve never done a follow forever post before but it’s about time I get to it. I mostly focus on HurtsFamily and Sherlock blogs and I really hope I didn’t miss anyone here. All the listed blogs are the ones I absolutely love seeing on my dash, I adore you all and hope to see such fine content for the rest of my life. ♥

0 - 9

@07cupid​  •  @20secondssince​  •  @221btardisgirl​

A - G

@acrossthesevern  •  @anothersecondinthesunshine  •  @astormonthestreets  •  @bambithepenguin  •  @best-way-out  •  @be-there-now-in-a-minute  •    @bloodisintheroom  •  @bolcia208  •  @crazydreamergirl10  •  @crimson-winter  •  @didieremia  •  @dontthinkwedontnoticeyou  •  @forever-in-exile  •  @forlackoflovealone  •  @fuckoff-imacting  •  @gabrielthequeenofsass

H - N

@happinessinexile  •  @herfrozenhand  •  @hudders-and-hiddles  •  @hug-adam-and-theo  •  @hurtsbeibi  •  @hurtsettefromgallifrey  •  @hurtslove  • @hurtsparadise  •   @johix  •   @johnlocktentacles  •   @johnlockville  • @junejuly15  •   @katehurts  •   @lullabiesofthemachine  •  @meetmeinwildestdreams  •   @meggiethecat  •  @miaintheskywithbubbles​ • @mojoflower​  •   @no-goldfish-required  •  @no-love-left  • @nothingwillbebiggerthanus

O - T

@ohlayahurts​  •  @pleasecassiel​  •  @purplesky47​​  •  @queerdraco​​ •  @queersherlockian​​  •  @reachingfortheopensky​​  •  @rozy-m​​  •  @sassyadamanderson​​  •  @severino4ka​​  •  @shootyourarrows​​  •  @silentauroriamthereal​​  •  @soulmatescoexist​​  •  @surrender-happiness​​  •  @suziamazingwoman​​  •  @theobsessedxanon​​  •  @thescienceofjohnlock​​  •  @thetwelfthpanda​​  •  @thundergrl​​  •  @totheharlequin​​  •  @toxisch​

V - Y

@vanetti​  •  @vitruvianwatson​​  •  @watsonsdick​​  •  @weareinexile​​  •  @wedontneedyourtruesalvation​​  •  @welcometotheworldofartpopsexile​​  •  @wewatchedtherocketskissthesky​​  •  @whenifellintoyourarms​​  •  @wherethestreetlightsend​​  •  @xtired​  •  @yoebagginsholmes​  •  @you-keep-me-right-jw​  •  @youtookmyheartforalittlewhile​

oh good god how precious, thank you love!

Anonymous asked:

Question time: Your Hurts song of 2015? Your favourite Hurts performance (incl. cover version of another song), quote and music video of the year? This is important. Thank you!


My Hurtssong of 2015 would be Lights. No explanation needed because groovy as fuck.

Favourite performance is this one or this one, I can’t decide since I’ve been at bothgigs (you even see me on the aspekte record, unfortunately) and they were bothsuch amazing occasions to see them. When they played Lido it felt like they didn’tdisappear off the screen after the Exile tour and festivals in 2014, just as if they were nevergone. It was so familiar I felt right at home with them (plus the crowd’s mood was exceptionally welcoming and cheerful and THEY WERE SO MOVED BY IT).

And aspektewas very intimidate as you can tell, they were both so joyous and relaxed andcharming as usual and I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO CLOSE TO THEM EVER BEFORE, like itwas in a studio, there were no barriers, Theo sang to me, I HAD MASSIVE EYECONTACT WITH ADAM and we even met them before the show. Theo was babbling without hesitation, pulling off some jokes, signing things diligently and drawing hearts on everything he got hold of. I remember being quite intimidated by his self-confidence though. I hugged both of them and Adam called me darling (THEYARE SO FULL OF LOVE FOR US I’M TELLING YA) and I’m basically crying typing thiscan you feel my pain. I feel so blessed and lucky I finally met them after what’s been more than5 years. It made 2015 the best year of my life so far.

Myfavourite cover is def this one. I don’t know how they manage but every coverthey ever made and presumably will further make is by far and away better than theoriginal.

And hm myfavourite quote, that’s a tough one. Right now I can’t think of any other thanwhat Theo had to say about pop music’s reputation and music elitism for DigitalSpy (I was probably born to be a pop advocate) so there’s that.

“Ithink a lot of people are confused by it. Every band that is successful has popsongs. I don’t really know what people mean by it. I know what we mean andthat’s songs that are in the business of forever. Those songs that last. Wewant to write songs that sound great in 10 years’ time. That to me is a popsong. People often get confused by what it means. Do they mean music that’s inthe charts? Do they mean Rihanna? But then if they mean that, do they also meanELO? Or The Beatles? The derision comes from snobbery, which I think is theworst thing for art and music. I don’t think there’s any place for it and itcomes from insecurity. You either like something or you don’t like it. Nothingis a lower form of anything else. Classical music is a genre of music. It’s nomore complex or less complex than pop music or R&B. The elitism isweird.”

At thispoint I also have to add that he said that he - and it completely changed myview - considers pop music to be nothing but an aim to actually TOUCH abig variety of people. That was at the Apple Meet the Musician Event back inOctober.

And myfavourite music videos - I can’t decide either I’M SORRY - would be Lights andWings, they are the best videos they’ve ever ever produced in my eyes.

Sorry ittook me so long to answer this and thank you for asking. Here’s to 2016, theyear of Surrender (fuck yes), filled with concerts, new interviewsand quotes and everything else these two sweet peas do that makes our lives so much more thrilling and joyful.



Nailed it 👌🏻👏🏻


Something definitely worth to be looking forward to - meet you soon @adamhurts @theohurts 😆😂🎶👍🏻😉


Theo: Okay! A comb… (Adam: Umbrella.) And an umbrella. And these are… two items that we requested when we signed our record contract. We, um… asked for… we wouldn’t sign our record deal unless they gave us a comb and (an) umbrella. And they gave us them. And they wrote in a contract and the lawyer had to write in the contract, and then we got given them. And, ah… we’ve got them to this day.

Adam: In 2010, I decided that I would go one year without getting any rain on me. It was like a new year’s resolution that I made. And, uh… this item really helped me achieve that. And I went a whole year without getting wet except in the shower.


♛ ☤ ✒ and ✦


Name your top 5 music videos.

In no particular order: Hurts - Somebody to Die For, Bush - Letting the Cables Sleep, A Life Divided - Heart on Fire, Evanescence - Lithium, Florence and the Machine - Spectrum

Do you most pay attention to the melody or the lyrics?

Both. When I first listen to a song I usually try to listen to the overall package, afterwards I focus on the melody, then the lyrics and them I’m going back to the overall package. 

If you were a song, what song would you be and why?

Nine Inch Nails - Every Day Is Exactly the Same. It pretty much sums up what my life is like and how I feel, especially when it comes to work.  

What musicians did you like 5 years ago? 10 years ago?

5 years ago, mostly the same that I still like now, but I was more into musicals at that time. 10 years ago I was more into gothic metal / gothic rock etc and I was completely obsessed with Lacrimas Profundere (I still count them as one of my favourite bands ever even though I barely listen to them nowadays).

Thank you!! :) 

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