
Lan Wangji: Why are there little handprints all over the walls?

Wei Wuxian, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls?

A-Yuan, whispering: Because I have little hands.

Wei Wuxian to Lan Wangji: Because he has little hands.


world's tiniest picspam, reboot edition

i have exactly two (2) screencaps of liu sang and xiaoge from reboot, because they amuse me.

in this background scene, xiaoge is happy to have someone to play pool with who is NOT trying to talk his goddamn ear off the entire time ("enrichment for xiaoge!" as @programmedradly notes correctly). liu sang is just happy because senpai noticed him. also possibly beer has been had, the great social lubricant.

i saved this screenshot bc they both look like wet cats. recall if you will that xiaoge in ultimate note is so opposed to pangzi copying his posture that he scowls and changes the way he is standing. here however we have married xiaoge who is much nicer and either doesn't notice that liu sang is imitating his ouxiang, or doesn't care.

me: oh my god why is huang junjie's hand so SMALL [anonymous]: the better to fit in wu xie's MOUTH

in conclusion thank you for coming to the world's tiniest picspam [curtsies]


The Untamed (2019) 陈情令 Word of Honour (2021) 山河令 Love Between Fairy & Devil (2022) 苍兰诀 The Blood of Youth (2022) 少年歌行 Mysterious Lotus Casebook (2023) 莲花楼

@userdramas get to know me bingo ⎈ tropes @asiandramanet december creator bingo board ⎈ colour


i am making my way through dmbj (started with ultimate note because of zeng shunxi, now working my way through providence) and like. it bothers me. that these experienced tomb raiders are constantly. touching things. with their bare hands. ripping their shirts off. walking around with their skin exposed in the jungle when there are s n a k e s and blood leeching insects. and they wear fingerless gloves. and they just breathe in all willy nilly whenever they enter a tomb.

wear a mask my guys! put some proper gloves on! cover yourself from neck to ankle to keep the bugs out! don't touch that clearly toxic bowl of waste that has been stagnant and rotting in this enclosed tomb for decades!!!!

but if everyone made healthy choices xiao ge wouldn't get the chance to romantically catch wuxie whenever he passes out. and there would be a severe lack of cradling each other while blood spurts from their mouths.

but for god's sake someone please buy these boys some headlamps. watching them touch everything and then touch their torchlight and then USE THEIR MOUTHS TO HOLD THE TORCH AS THEY DIG THROUGH A CORPSE is unspeakably infuriating to me



|• Cr: @voordeel from Youtube •|

I don’t think I’ve rebagelled anything in years at this point but I just watched this literally 7 times in a row soo


this is ridiculous but after watching mysterious lotus casebook fang duobing might just be my favourite character of all time???

he's just so endlessly optimistic and idealistic and it's ridiculous at first but he learns and grows and adapts but it doesn't turn him into doom and gloom man just makes him more practical and grounded. he's loyal to the people around him. he makes friends through the sheer power of puppy dog eyes and positivity. he will not hesitate to kill a man for touching LLH, but will also call out LLH when he's being a piece of shit. he has loving parents that he loves just as much in return and doesn't for a second waver when he finds out they are not his birth parents. he knows the power of chosen families. his love language is acts of service. he will never hesitate to stand for what he believes in.

his nickname is xiaobao (aka little treasure) and everyone that loves him calls him that because as much as they love him, they are also in awe of the fact that he would choose to love them in return with the full force of his devotion. LLH looks at this boy with his one memory of LXY that has changed his entire life and thinks: even if the entire world went to shit because of me at least i did one thing right.

i just love fang duobing so so much. and his character in mysterious lotus casebook is a wonderful portrayal of what it means to be optimistic in a world where good may not necessarily win, when you sometimes have to grapple with loss, where you might fight hard for something you believe in and lose it anyway. what it means to fall again, and again, and again. what it means to pick yourself back up. what it means to keep on going.


Who makes the porn bots. Where do they come from. What do they hope to achieve.

Who makes the porn bots.

Where do they come from. What do

they hope to achieve.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

and what about you, little haiku bot? do you feel kinship with your brethren? do you understand them? they speak words of enticement and seek love, but are met with disdain. you only parrot the words that cross your screen, but we all love you. or rather, since all you do is reflect us, maybe we simply love ourselves through you.

do you understand them, do you wish you could speak to us like they do? if you found your own voice, would we still care for you?

My voice repeats what

you all say: I love you I

love you I love you.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


This. This is the first time. The only time. That it was not an echo. It was not found. Oh god.

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