
Maybe there are no good guys.

@my-sky-clarke / my-sky-clarke.tumblr.com

'If you need forgiveness, I'll give that to you. You're forgiven.' Anna//18//England. The most crucial things to know about me are that I regularly stay up till 4 AM for no reason, drink way to much coffee, and obsess over fictional characters. None of these things are related to each other, obviously.

Today I got a job, got a 2.1 on my essay and submitted by dissertation proposal

Yay go me for being productive for once 


MY BLOG IS TURNING 1 ON April 17th!! I can’t believe it’s been a years with you guys! Thanks so much for everyone who made it through this entire journey with me and stuck with me and sent me love and good vibes! you are all amazing people and i appreciate it so much. When i started this blog, I never though i would have over 3.6k people who like what i am doing on here (after 1 year!) I AM FLASHED <3333

So i am doing a little follower forever to give some of this love back to the people i adore!

faves are bolded (but not all faves since tumblr just randomly unbolds some of them???? WHY???) + I adore all of your blogs anyways, otherwise i wouldn’t follow you, right? :D <3333


@abeautifulbroom, @adamparrisih, @adorablecresta, @ahsagreyjoy, @alaskayoung, @alayneestone, @alecbass, @aleclightwqqd, @alecljghtwood, @alecslightvvood, @aliciacareys, @allisonscott, @allisvnargent, @alyciadorknamcarey, @amourbellarke, @amyskhaleesi, @angelmonty, @anniecrsta, @antebellamy, @aphrodihtes, @aprhrodite, @atwells, @azqeda, @b-llarke, @badassblake, @badassmurph, @baksuns, @baumanselise, @bbellamyblake, @belamygrifin, @beliarke, @bell-clarke, @bellaarke, @bellamiclarke, @bellamigo, @bellamy-blake, @bellamyblake, @bellamyblakeish, @bellamyblakesrifle, @bellamybutts, @bellamyfrecklefaceblake, @bellamyhblake, @bellamyis, @bellamyqlake, @bellamysfreckles, @bellamysgirl, @bellamysking, @bellamyslady, @bellamysstorm, @bellamyyclarke, @bellarkeism, @bellarkerevolution, @bellarkism, @bellefrench, @belleliqhtwood, @bellemy-blake, @bellsclark, @bellsqueen, @belomitrikru, @bensolcs, @bericdondarrion, @bi-clarkegriffin, @biparrish, @bisexualraven, @bisexualsclarke, @blake-family, @blakeoctavia, @bluesagrnt, @bluesargennts, @bluesgnt, @bobmorleyisking, @brave-clarke, @braveknightbellamy, @brightindie, @bringmebellamy, @calrissain, @captainsaracold, @capuleth, @careysalycia, @cathelynstark, @celestialbell, @centralpeark, @chancellor-clarke, @chaoticbellamy, @chiefbellamy, @chosentobeafangirl, @cierrawells, @clarke-grifffin, @clarke-griffin, @clarkegiffrin, @clarkegriffen, @clarkesbellmy, @clarkescurves, @clarkesgriffin, @clarkeslight, @clarkesmartin, @commanderanya, @commanderlexasquad, @commanderraven, @cosmicclarkegriffin, @crestadeen, @crestadream, @crestaes, @creztas, @crooked-queen, @cupcakeclarke, @cuteclarke


@daisvrildey, @danwilds, @darling-we-are-all-just-dreamers, @deadallisonargent, @delinquentsoftheground, @districtfourmermaid, @doryldixon, @dracosabraxas, @drunkkyloren, @dxranmartell, @earthbellamy, @easytroyee, @egertontaron, @elektramurdck, @eliaamartell, @elizalbetholsen, @etherealfinnick, @evanwalkr, @everdeenns, @fallenfromtheark, @fat-walda, @fearwanheda, @feistylexa, @felicetysmoak, @felicithysmoak, @fggynelsn, @fiinpoe, @finncresta, @finnick-and-his-annie, @finnickeodair, @finnicklovesannie, @follieadux, @for-the-love-of-odesta, @forbellamy, @frankecastle, @freckledrebelking, @freddiemclair, @fxwkes, @georqeweasley, @gisabarrow, @goddessclarke, @goldenheadfreckledheart, @gorgeouscresta, @griifinclarke, @gwendolynmstacy





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