
Uber, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

@saveoursestras / saveoursestras.tumblr.com

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Anonymous asked:

for your other anon if you think it's appropriate:

first of all, STAY.

I'm a Certified Professional Life Coach who teaches people how to take back control of their lives and start over again after they discover that life didn't work out exactly the way they planned.

2 concepts I think will help you, if you are open:

1) feel your feelings. you control your emotions, they do not control you. allow yourself to feel however you feel, but recognize that you are choosing to feel this - you are choosing to grieve the loss of your friendships, your history, and your future and this is how you are going to express that grief (through writing, crying, yelling, screaming, throwing axes, etc) but NOT through hurting yourself. when you are done, thank yourself, and then move on to the next emotion. feel them all, it's part of what makes us human. love yourself for that.

2) there is no blame, only misalignment. not everyone will like you and that's ok. I wear my dislike count as a badge of honor because it means that I am aligning myself with the right people and everyone else sees themselves out. we attract and repel people by being 100% authentically true to ourselves. for people who don't like us, that is entirely their issue. it DOES NOT mean there is anything wrong with you.

i don't like the color green. that doesn't mean green is a horrible color and should be removed from the color palette, it just means it's not for me. no judgement, it just doesn't align to my taste in color. other people probably love the color green. no judgement if they do. it means it does align with their taste in color.

go find people you align with and forget the rest. let them say what they want to say - it's a reflection of the kind of people they are. all you can do is focus on the kind of person you are and you want to be. go be a good person for yourself. i promise you, other people already think you are.

i love all sorts of strangers on the internet for things they've probably never imagined anyone could love them for. life is beautiful in that way - that we can find love all around and within us.

find a way to love yourself and never let that go

For the previous Anon.


I’d like to add from my personal experience here.

Firstly, to that Anon, please stay. You have no idea right now how much your life impacts and enriches others and that’s because you’re feeling overwhelmed and feeling at your worst.

I totally understand how that feels. I’m not a professional life coach, but let me share what has helped me through these times, and don’t worry: some of this will take time to process.

It sounds like you are in a situation where you’re surrounded by a lot of unsupportive people and it feels like that’s all there is. But I promise you, there are people who are on your frequency and will be there for you as you will be there for them. I promise you. You have to be a little patient sometimes in order to find them, but they are there. I found some of my closest friends because of connecting over tv shows and other common interests online and one of those people now lives with me and helps me take care of my parents who are both in their 80s and have dementia. She is a miracle to me and I found her on Twitter talking about a show we have in common. It turned out she lived really close by and now, a few years later, she’s like a sister to me.

When I’m feeling overwhelmed, and this might seem silly, but I remember a song from Frozen 2 when Anna is stuck in a crevasse of ice. She’s lost, thinks the people she loves are dead and is broken emotionally. She doesn’t know where to start to fix things, some of which seem unfixable. So you know what she does? The next right thing.

What does that mean in my life, and maybe yours?

Find little things to do, and complete them. Take one small step at a time. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had to relearn this lesson in life that it’s okay to fail and not get things perfect the first time and to forgive myself for my missteps. And most importantly not to psyche myself out of trying something because I don’t have it all figured out. This helps me in my art just as much as it helps me with organizing the house for my folks and for taking care of their needs.

In your case, it might be you plan for different things, different schools, different options. And know it’s okay no matter what happens. My original plan was to go to school for my art and be a comic book artist. I ended up instead in secretarial school because I couldn’t afford the tuition for what I wanted. I worked in that field for awhile, then worked for myself doing graphic and web design and now I do that while I care for my parents.

NONE of my life is anything like I had planned, but I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m meant to be here in this moment in this house, taking care of my parents and writing this out for you or anyone else to see.

Most importantly and this is another lesson I’m learning all the time, help is out there. The fact you wrote @leighlew3​ tells me you instinctively know this. And it’s okay to ask for help in fact that tells me that through this particular struggle, you have the wisdom to reach out. It took me so long to get there. I thought I was failing my parents if I needed to ask for help. In truth, the failure is believing we can be all things to all people and still live a healthy and balanced life. I’m still working on that part but that’s okay. I’m a work in progress.

Gosh, I don’t even know if you’ll ever even see this. But if you do, please take heart, dear Anon. Take a walk and notice the beauty in the little things. Then take a breath and know it’s okay to feel all the things you’re feeling. Then challenge yourself to take the next step and know there are people like me rooting for you.


Kara not remembering other big, important events (that almost killed her) that happened throughout her life vs. remembering the entire timeline of her friendship with Lena to the extent of quoting her word for word at an exact moment from three years ago


If you hear a heavily annoyed sigh all the way from Texas, that’s just me.


I think Kara saying how she spent almost a decade in the phantom zone was purposefully done and not a writing mistake. Everyone knows she spent way longer there and her tone was teasing. The way I see it, she didn’t want to make Lena feel worse and that made the whole situation even sadder.

Okay fuck. Now im imagining them making a rescue plan for Kara and Alex casually says “She already spent 24 years there I don’t want her spending more.” and Lena just whips towards Alex and goes, “ 24? She didn’t tell me that, she said-” and then it dawns on her that Kara had tried to alter the truth again to protect her.


Let’s talk about a few things:

1) In the first gif, right after Kara says goodbye to Alex, she only half turns to Lena and Lena nods in understanding that now both of them know it’s time to say goodbye. But she doesn’t want to say goodbye to Lena, she can’t. And Lena.. Lena can’t say goodbye to Kara. So they stand there, in silence for a few seconds, staring at each other, knowing the other can’t and won’t say goodbye but hoping one of them will say goodbye first, but they don’t. They both inhale deeply thinking of what to say. Cause god there is SO much to say, but what is allowed to be said? Is it the right time? Will there ever be another time? Until Lena initiates the good luck, and Kara responds with you too. And you can see the pain in Kara’s eyes when she says you too. She wants to say SO much more, but that will just have to do, because goodbye is not an option.

2) In the last two gifs, Lena gives Kara one last look before she walks away through the portal. And then we see Kara, who inhales then exhales deeply and hangs her mouth open as it all hits her at once and the weight of the world comes crashing down on her shoulders. Lena is gone, and that might’ve been the last time she’d ever see her. They left so much unsaid and now Kara is all alone, about to sacrifice herself, not knowing if she’d ever get to say what she needs to say to Lena, but at least she can sacrifice herself knowing Lena was the last person she got to see.

Can I add a couple things? Bc this has me so emotional

Alex leaves first, knowing she needs to give Kara a moment alone with Lena. She does this knowing Kara will want Lena’s face to be the last one she sees.

Lena looked physically pained having to walk away from Kara, she walked so slowly..as if she wanted to turn back around and run into her arms..but neither of them know if it’s okay to do that again yet.

Then Kara…the look on her face is just heartbreaking. She knows there’s so much left to say to Lena. But I’m guessing shes relying on the superfriends to find her recording on the Crystal she left behind. So as much as it pains her to not pour her heart out to Lena right then and there…she probably knows Lena will hear it one way or the other. But it still hurts knowing she may never get the chance to say it to her face


Okay I’m gonna say something that might be kind of controversial, but I’ve been thinking about it literally all day.

I had a third interpretation of the episode. It seemed like, the whole time, but especially during this scene, that Kara was really guarded and closed off to Lena. Like every time she confirmed to Lena that she trusts her and knows she’s a good person, she has a wall up. The way she walks away quickly when Lena is talking about what she can do to slow Lex down and here where she doesn’t quite face Lena all the way; the way she swallows after she says “you too”.

I think Kara is hurting a ton inside, but wants Lena to feel that she’s forgiven, even if Kara’s still hurting inside. I think she’s putting on a brave face, but as we say in the fandom, it doesn’t reach her eyes. I saw Lena’s hesitation and slower-than-normal walk through the portal as her sensing something was wrong but deciding not to push the point when they didn’t have the time.

It’s like when someone is mad at you, and you KNOW they’re mad, but they keep insisting they’re not, but you can SEE it written all over their face and you don’t know what to do because if they don’t admit it, then you can’t fix it.

It’s like when you break up with someone but try to stay friends even though you’re both really hurt and it’s just not the same and every reminder that it’s not the same is like a knife to the heart (see Lena watching wistfully as Kara and Alex hug, no hugs for Lena). You’re still friendly and cordial, but you’ll never open that part of yourself back up again. The warmth doesn’t reach her eyes.

Anonymous asked:

I thought Kara was in the Phantom Zone for 21 years? But Kara just said she was "stuck" replaying the death if her planet for "nearly a decade" so...was that just how long she was awake? Did she minimize it to try to spare Lena the weight and brutality of it? Or am I just mistaken?

I think they just (as is so sadly common) made a mistake and had a continuity error... ?


The pilot episode starts with Kara saying 24 years ago, Krypton was in peril and Kal-El and she were sent to earth.

We know he left as a baby and, as she puts it in her opening monologue, he was already Superman by the time she arrived.

“Almost a decade” is an obvious and stupid continuity error.


Don’t mind me, just thinking about the LENA LUTHOR PROTOCOL saving Kara from imminent death whereby Lena’s light literally being the one thing that protects and rejuvenates Kara, giving her life and strength bc Kara’s physical powers may come from the sun but her true powers, her emotional fortitude, her will, her hope, comes from those she loves and there’s no one she loves like Lena

It’s Lena saying I’m not just gonna be here when you’re weak and in need; I’m gonna be here to give you strength and help you get back up because life may be able to knock you down but it won’t ever be able to keep you down when you have me to lift you up. And even when I’m not with you, I’m still here always thinking about you and protecting you from the worst life has to offer.

And I just think it’s beautiful that Lena who will always fall into the light will always be there to let her light shine on those she loves. And that when she’s there, darkness can never truly fall bc she’ll always be Kara’s guiding light, her saving grace. The one thing Kara can always count on even especially in her darkest moments

I mean it's just patently obvious to me. And if they for whatever reason don't go there, it will absolutely ruin the show and most of it will make no sense whatsoever.

Lena is exactly who Kara has wanted and needed all her life. They are each other's person. They are each other's hope and light. And when they break, they break hard because they are stronger together and weaker apart.

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