
listen i'm usually above taking potshots at reborn baby dolls but the sound I made upon opening Facebook Marketplace and being met with this thing sent my cats flying across the house


17/12/23 this masterlist has been completely, vetted, revamped and reformatted with free access to all reading and viewing material. It will be updated and edited periodically so please try and reblog the original post if you're able.

The Big Damn List Of Stuff They Said You Didn't Know

(Yes, it's a lot. Just choose your preferred medium and then pick one.)

  • Podcasts
  • Backgrounders and Quick Facts
  • Interactive Maps
  • Teach-Out Resources
  • Reading Material (free)
  • Films and Documentaries (free)
  • Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Social Media
  • How You Can Help


Backgrounders and Quick Facts


The only retail job I miss is being the cashier at a local Hardware Store in a small town surrounded by other small towns, because I was essentially a high fantasy GuildMaster.

I worked there three summers in a row, and every laborer from every nearby town would come there for whatever supplies they needed, and man could they gossip like there was an Olympic medal for it.

At 8 AM, every morning, every plumber, roofer, electrician, and landscaper in the county was at the door waiting for me to unlock it, and they’d come back throughout the day.

I knew every tradesman in a 30 miles radius, and I knew too much about everyone in town because of, like I said, the tradesman gossip. It’s shocking that people basically tune out an entire person in their living room and say whatever they want, because they don’t see the guy fixing their light fixture as real somehow.

Then your average citizens, the townsfolk, would come in to ask for labor recommendations. The cashier at the local hardware store is a god among yelp reviews.

A woman needs her roof repaired. A man wants central air installed in his 100 year old house. Someone needs to break into a safe they inherited without the combination.

And I would make recommendations. I’d take down names and information so when a plumber I liked walked in an hour later, I could say, “come here, I have a job for you” like I needed them to clear a village of Redcaps.

There is no difference between your local mom-and-pop hardware employee and Greed Karga sending the Mandalorian on bounty hunting jobs.

If Geralt of Rivia walked in, I could have found him something to do.

I believe all plumbers dual-wield drain snakes and arcane magic, because you’d be surprised how often Liches come up in septic tank repairs.

You can belong to a monster hunters’ guild and a welders’ union, if you have the time. Always good to diversify your portfolio.


it's not that I need a quiet day or a day off exactly; it's that I need a pocket of time that exists entirely outside of linear time as we know it that would allow me to get things done without time passing in the real world, and frankly, I don't think that's too much to ask.


I desperately need someone to convince my nervous system that the tiger does not exist.

Have a strawberry

...👀will it help?

OK, so not long after I started studying Buddhism, I was told a story at our discussion group.

There was a guy walking through the forest when he spotted a tiger stalking him. He took off running, but the tiger was keeping pace. Putting on a burst of speed, he shot right over a cliff

He grabbed at a vine to keep from plummeting to his death. The tiger was there, at the top of the cliff, snarling, so the guy decides to climb down. Suddenly he hears a snarling from below. He looks down, and there’s another tiger, tail lashing, waiting for him to get down. Looks up, and there’s the first tiger staring at him. He sees that the vine is starting to break. Something will happen soon, and it will end with him inside a tiger

Just then he notices a small strawberry plant clinging to the cliff next to him, with a single ripe berry on it.

It was, without a doubt, the best strawberry he had ever tasted

When you’re surrounded by tigers; find some small joy near you. It won’t stop the real tigers, but it will let you have what joy you can.

And if they’re metaphorical tigers? Ignore them long enough and they’ll go away

Finally, an anxiety metaphor that actually describes what it's like to have anxiety...


when you call your reps to ask them to pretty please stop taking away your rights, remember:

  • In deep red areas you're a republican who is thinking of voting for someone else if they don't vote what you want on this specific bill because it impacts your republican ideals so very much
  • In swing states you're an undecided voter who's gonna go blue if they don't vote how you like

remember to call because that way their phone is going off and their peers can hear it because their offices are close together (emails and letters don't work like that), so it can rattle them if they get high volumes. remember that you gotta make them feel like they're losing something.


Talking points I've been using in my blood red state:

  • "I'm a small business owner and [example: anti-drag bill] is making me lose money!" OR "[Anti-drag bill] is going to cost us millions in taxable sales" - If you talk about how it's making you personally lose money and absolutely need to bullshit, you run a bar or do freelance photography. The intern they have on the other line does not have the resources or the know-how to check that.
  • "I'm concerned that [anti abortion bill] is the government infringing on my personal rights." - Self explanatory.
  • "[Anti-gay bill] goes against family values in my church." - They aren't going to call your local Pentecostal chapter to fact check this. You don't even need to be Pentecost, you just need to assert that you're part of a community and a major voting bloc.
  • Remember: In smaller towns, literally every vote counts. And voters generally don't call in, so your call can carry quite the advantage.

"As a taxpayer," "As a parent," and "As a homeowner" are key phrases.


I'm gonna reblog with some videos of people speaking various American Indian/indigenous American languages, because I think most people don't even know what they sound like. Not to be judgement of that—just, you know, I think people who want to be informed should know what they sound like!

Former president of the Navajo Nation, Joe Shirley, giving an address in Navajo.

Nora Marks Dauenhauer telling a story, "Raven and Deer", in Tlingit.

Albert White Hat, a well known Lakota teacher, translator, and activist, speaking Lakota.

This YouTube user, Grahm Wiley-Camacho, has uploaded a bunch of videos in Colville Okanagan Salish, but I'm not sure who all the speakers are.

Multiple people speaking Cherokee and talking about revitalization of the language.

This guy speaking Yucatec Maya (guest starring: adorable small child).

There's a ton of material in Greenlandic on YouTube, but it's hard for me to find, because the titles and other metadata are also in Greenlandic! Of course, this represents a huge win for the language, since this is a biproduct of being in vibrant use by a community of speakers. Greenlandic has been an official language of the territory of Greenland since 1979, and the sole official language since 2009.

Here are some proceedings of the Greenlandic parliament, the Inatsisartut, which are conducted in Greenlandic.

Here is a radio show in Greenlandic, from Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa.

And here is a video of Aki-Matilda Høegh-Dam, Greenlandic MP in the Danish parliament (Folketing), causing some upset by speaking in Greenlandic instead of Danish.

Conversation between Loran Thompson and Francis Boots in Mohawk.

Interview with Yup'ik elder Raphael Jimmy about qaneryaraq "words of wisdom/right living".

Blackbird by the Beatles, sung in Mi'kmaq by a student from the Eskasoni Nation.


do you ever just

happy 10 year anniversary to this game changer thank u @joscribbles for your services


can’t believe it’s been 10 years since i learned to always put my name on my art, even if it’s just a shitpost, bc u never know what’s going to blow up

anyway here’s a signed version if you wanna use it to shut up people who are trying to tell you their Opinions

World Heritage Post

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