
The Bitch of the Light

@bitchofthelight / bitchofthelight.tumblr.com

Norilain Nightbane, a strong, independent woman that's far from afraid to point out your faults, and yet will be your best friend if the situation allows. She's mean, she's cruel, she's strict as can be. Yet, at her core she is good, moral and kind. This is her story.

Meet Sondae!

NAME: Sondae Sunbearer


AGE: 120

BIRTHPLACE: Temple of the Shadow's Blade, Uldum.


GENDER: Female

SEXUALITY: Bi-sexual


PERSONALITY SUMMARY: Very kind and generous to those that return/deserve such things. Always greets everyone warmly, and tries to put a smile on their face. She's very open, but not so much about her past, seeing as it's a complete secret-- for her own protection, and those around her. She's wise beyond her years, and will almost always pull you into meaningful conversation! She's very outgoing and always an optimist, even in the darkest situations. Never give up, never surrender!

GENERAL APPEARANCE: In short, this elf is a beauty. From her red hair, to her long legs, Sondae was something to behold. She was formed like a lithe athlete, with wonderful curves, a nice bum, and breasts to match! Her smile was warm, gorgeous just like the rest of her body.

VICES: Though she may look pretty, and act like a flower, make no mistake: Sondae can kill, and do so without batting an eye. She's an expert assassin, trained by some of the best on Azeroth. It's also very easy for her torture. Once she goes into hunter mode, morals are out the window.

SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): She's single, so feel free to mingle!

CONNECTIONS: She has a number of contacts all over the world, many of which she's obtained on her own, and many that are connected to the Shadow's Blade.

FAMILY: Mother and Father.

EMPLOYMENT: Handmaiden and secret bodyguard of Lady Elenaara Sau'res  Dawnlight


TATTOOS: Only the brands that Shadow's Blade left on her body.

PIERCINGS: Her belly button, and both ears. GENERAL AESTHETICS: She always appears in nice clothing, only the nicest of dresses from the best tailors money can buy, thanks to her wealthy boss. HOBBIES: • Working out

• Parkour

• Philosophy

• Reading

• Exotic Dancing (Something she picked up when she was an assassin)



The ground beneath her feet rumbled violently, causing Norilain to stumble around for several seconds “Holy shit...” She said, looking to her feet-- it shook again. Without wasting another moment of time, the woman dove to her right to safe ground. The dried dirt at her feet was cracking, and pushing up as if something were digging out of it.

There were a few moments of calm silence, Nora dared not move, trying desperately not to piss off whatever it was that had hunted her down. “Damn, Aelirin!” She hissed, blaming her brother for not being there, even if this wasn't in the slightest his fault. The ground cracked again! A low, terrifying hiss came from beneath the earth. Laina's eyes went wide as she was hit, something sending her through the air, only to tumble to a stop several feet away!

“Oh, fuck” The woman groaned, pushing herself from the dried soil and shook her head just enough to get her bearings. When she opened her eyes, Norilain saw something she had never hoped to see in her life. Actually, it was something that her and Aelirin avoided at all times. Thrashing about in front of her was a massive, angry scorpid, with eyes trained right on her.

“Alright, fucker, calm down.” Norilain slowly circled to the side, eyes never leaving the beast-- then he lashed out. Her first instinct was to dodge the tail, leaping from its path, leaving the creature's stinger to plant itself in the dirt. Nora took this as an opportunity to strike. Pulling the ax from her side, Laina charged forward, pulling herself onto the beast's back, where she was tossed around like a ragdoll and sent flying once more.

The Scorprid eyed the woman, hissing violently as he measured his prey. Laina glared daggers right back at him, her ax held firmly. “Come on then, try me!” Both creatures, elf and scorpid, charged forward, meeting in the middle. The scorpid's armored tail was met with the sharpened edge of Norilain's ax, neither tool able to push passed the other. It was only by the massive size difference that the scorpid was able to out play the elf in their game.

Norilain rolled once more, still bringing herself back to her feet. She refused to surrender, refused to give her life up so easily. The scorpid's tail bled, but he to refused to give in. Norilain had came to HIS land, HIS hunting grounds-- he WOULD defend it.

Their fighting would go on for what felt like an eternity, neither party wanting to give in. However, a time came that both of them were far too tired to continue in such heated, violent combat. Dirtied, bloodied, and bruised, Norilain pushed herself toward the scorpid, whom was now trying to dig into the ground and take his temporary retreat. Laina knew that if he was allowed to escape, the beast would only kill her later. If a move were to be made, it had to be made NOW.

The elf through herself on the scorpid's back once more, her ax burying itself deep in his shell, right above his head. This blow would not kill the beast, no, it would give Norilain CONTROL of him. No matter which way she pulled the ax, the scorpid was forced to follow, or face the alternative of having his head cut from his body.

The beast fought for his freedom, tossing the woman into the air, striking at her with his tail, but he could not shake this crazy, determined elf from his back. Norilain found her leverage, found her power over the beast and continued to fight for her own life. She could have killed the creature, but who was she to do such a thing? He was simply defending his home, doing what his nature told him to do, and he fought so hard-- he deserved to live.

It would take hours of endless of struggle before the scorpid finally gave in and realized that Norilain was going nowhere. Both creatures were tired, and so they collapsed upon the ground, no fight left in either of them. It was then that Norilain noticed her new “friend” had lost a lot of blood, and his life dwindled in the hands of the Fates. Today was not his day to die, not if the elf had any say in it.

Cradling his head, Nora began to gently stroke the softer tissue between the scorpid's head and back, her hand blessed by the Light-- healing his wounds. Still tired after the long battle, the scorpid slipped from consciousness, taking a long sleep. Laina soon joined him, curling herself around the beast's neck..

When the sun raised that morning, Norilain found that her companion had gone, left her there in the soil. Not really shocked by this, the elf took off back to the safety of her tiny oasis. To her surprised, she felt that same rumbling under her feet as before, but this time it only moved when she did, inching forward with each step she took. This continued for several days, everywhere she went, there was something following her under the earth.

A day came that the curiosity finally got the best of Norilain, and she began to dig at the soil with her ax, tearing it up to discover what sat underneath. After digging several inches under the surface, Nora found the head of the scorpid she had fought, his face still scarred from her ax. There was a moment of silence and exchanged glances, neither creature sure of how to react to this situation. Laina moved on, leaving the scorpid to do as he pleased, but completely unsure why.

It wasn't until weeks later, when Laina was attacked by a pack of hyenas that she discovered why the scorpid had been following her. The massive beast lunged from the desert, tossing hyenas left and right, ripping them apart with his pincers, and impaling them on his stinger. They both exchanged glances once more, Norilain and her stalker. A smile settled on her face as she spoke only one word to the beast “Skorpios” The name she would call him from that day on.

Despite his bitterness, fighting so hard only to kill the elf, Norilain had not only spared Skorpios, but she had saved his life, healing his wounds and allowing him to live freely. Being one of the wiser creatures on Azeroth, Skorpios realized what had happened, and chose to defend this woman rather than continue to try and kill her.

Showing respect and kindness toward this wild beast saved not only the life of Skorpios, but Norilain's as well. If she had not healed the scorpid, he would not have came back to save her from those hyenas, leaving both of them to be consumed by the desert. Instead of inflicting senseless death upon one another, both creatures went on to survive, thrive, and live in harmony together. Their bond was deep, they had saved one another, and many times followed after that. Life long companions brought together by pure instinct. End.


One Note

One note: That's all it would take to change a life, to send someone into a downward spiral that would not end until that person crashed down against the cold, hard ground. Norilain's head spun as she read over the letter Satheair had left. She had never told him, but Nora loved this man deeply, more than any she had ever been with. Sadly, the woman had never built up the courage to tell him; she found it hard to reveal such things to a life long friend.

That note was placed on the table at her side, her head still spinning like a top, but some how she managed to make her way back home from Satheair's. Casually pushing the door open, Norilain stepped inside, taking a deep breath of the air as if it were the last time she would ever breathe it. The woman moved then to her room and began to sift through all of her drawers, pulling out only the essentials.

With her things gathered, Nora began to pack her bags-- repeating a ritual she had done so many times in the past. In her line of work it was rare for the woman to be home more than a few months at a time; mercenaries are busy people. The luggage was tossed downstairs, some of the more fragile item shattering on impact with the floor. Laina could care less, she was on a mission.

Next, Norilain gathered up her blade, Lightfury, and made her way downstairs. The blade was sheathed over her shoulder, hanging down her back. Once downstairs, she would come to a halt, taken back by the sight. This was nothing new for the woman, was it? She'd gone through these very steps every time she left in the past. No, no this was different. How? Because this time she had no intent on ever returning. With most of her home destroyed, and the love of her life gone forever, what did she have left in Silvermoon?

Aelirin would undoubtedly follow her, so Norilain worried not about her brother, or the small cub, Duskmane. With a deep breathe, and mental kick to her own ass, the woman headed for the door. Something would tell her to stop, but no, she pushed right through and out onto the street. With a bag on each arm, packs around her waists, and sword on her back: Norilain headed out for the greatest adventure of her life.

Would she had done the same if she knew what this lead to? Would Norilain had made the conscious decision to leave the comfort of her home had she known that it would lead to not only herself, but her brother being trapped in a desert for ten years? Absolutely. There was nothing that could equal the pain she felt in those moments. Though she would never show it, being abandoned by the love her of life, knowing that she would never get the chance to reveal her feelings to him... it torn the woman apart. She had missed everything, had not a single clue as to why Satheair left her, but she did know that she had to leave Silvermoon.

Never speaking a word or looking at a single person as she departed, Norilain made her way toward the gates of Silvermoon. Those around whispered about her, speaking of how she abandoned her home in a dire time of need, but she paid no mind. Her mind was clear, goal singular; she was running. End.  

((Check this guy out for THE note: Satheair Bloodshadow))


An Unusual Meet

Like the sounds of her boots on the ground, Norilain's heart pounded, so loud that she could hear it in her ears. The woman's breaths were rapid, keeping up with the pace at which she moved. Sweat rolled down her brow-- dirt covered her face, sticking to the moisture. “Stop!” She called out, taking a dive over a seven feet high cliff, in which the person she was following just leaped from.

THUD! Her body smacked against the ground shoulders first, sending her into a quick forward roll. Being smaller than most warriors, Nora relied on her speed and agility to keep her alive most times, so she wore leathers. The two handed sword on her back rolled uncomfortably, the cross-guard pressing into her shoulder, causing her to wince. “Fuck!” She growled, rolling her shoulder and tossing the blade fully on her back.

The chase continued! Both runner and pursuer made their way through the forest quickly, running like frightened deer-- quickly. Soon their run would come to an end as they both met with a river. The man that Nora had been chasing dove in before her, attempting to swim across, but was swept down stream. “Damn it!” She called out and dove in after the man.

After several minutes of battling the relentless current, both figures would pull from the water and onto the muddy bank. Seeing as both were tired and completely out of breath, they simply stared at one another. Norilain had been chasing a tall, dark haired, human man through the forest. As she lied there staring him dead in his bright green eyes, she couldn't help but to notice how handsome his rugged and chiseled features were. “Let's grab a drink before you try and kill me, sweetheart.” The man side; quickly springing to his feet and taking off again.

As her target darted off once more, Laina growled and flung herself forward. With some great amount of speed, the paladin was able to catch the man, and send him tumbling down to the ground. The man grinned as he was sent tumbling down, catching himself easily “Woah there, you're gettin' a bit serious for my tastes, love.” With that, Logan was on his feet. The green-eyed wolf stalked around the white-haired woman, eying her quickly “Ya' really are pretty, s'a shame ya' gonna' make me kill you.”

Norilain laughed, shaking her head “You're no different than your father, Lockley. Just like, only a bit more sure of yourself.” She charged forward, blade raised from her back and swung toward the human's left shoulder. Logan quickly retaliated; both his blades brought up to cross the paladin's flaming broadsword. The two of them looked through crossed blades into each others eyes, grins placed on both sets of lips.

Pushing apart, both fighters took only a few steps away from one another, preparing for the next assault. Seeing that the Elf planned on jumping for the strike, Logan lunged ahead. Both of them would meet in the center once more, but Logan would spin his weight to the right, his left elbow swinging through the air to catch Laina in the side of the head.

Norilain hissed as her ears ringed, a snarl spreading on her lips. “You're going to pay for that one, little Lockley.” Logan smiled at her words, being cheeky as usual. “Oh, sweetheart, if you believe that, then you didn't really prepare yourself for this fight.” Cocky as usual, the man charged in, this time from the woman's side. Nora had prepared herself now. Quickly, she stepped back from the hunter's path, and ducked low, right arm swinging out to sweep the legs out from under the man.

With a thud, Logan skid across the ground only to find himself stopped by the weight of Nora on his back. Using those lightning fast reflexes of his, Logan would sweep his right arm behind him, grab Laina's leg then shift his and her weight so that he would end up on top of her, slid nicely between her legs; a hand on the woman's throat. “You mistake my being young for being stupid, Elf. That was your first mistake. Your second mistake,” He paused, placing a kiss on her lips “Was assuming that I'm like my father, you one you fight along side of.”

Norilain smirked at the young man's words, hand brushing through his long, raven locks “Yes, I suppose that was my mistake, hm? Your father is a brute, both in combat and bed. You're much more...smooth.” She nipped his lip, then slid from underneath him “We should both be heading out of here, though. You need to get back to fighting your war, and I need to return to my brother. I do hope we'll share another night like last again. You know your way around a woman.” Laina teased, patting the boy on the head.

With that the two of them would go their separate paths, never to meet again. Logan had been taken captive by Orcs and Norilain, along with her brother were both lost in Tanaris for several years, absorbed by the vast desert. The cruel world that the two of them lived in tore apart what could have been a very beautiful relationship. Well, aside from the fact that Norilain had been sleeping with Logan's father for years. That made both of them a bit uncomfortable.

((I couldn't help myself with this both. I love both of these characters, and I decided to link them together in just the tiniest of ways. One short encounter they shared in the past. Both are my own characters, so I can do what I want! Norilain Nightbane, Logan Lockley))


The Decision

Norilain dropped to her right knee, the other leg extended in front of her, knee bent, foot placed flat against the ground. The woman glanced around to make sure that she was alone, then she pulled the mask from her face. The look that this action revealed was one of pure anger. In front of anyone, Norilain wouldn't have shown such emotion, it made her look week. Part of her power was the ability to always look calm, even in tough situations.

The blade on her back was pulled from its sheathe, the driven into the soft soil, just far enough that it would stick straight up on its own. The black, leather gloves were pulled from her hands before being tossed to the side. "Does this really have to happen?" She asked herself, mumbling under her breath.

"Yes, yes it has to happen." The decision was made in that exact moment, Laina knew what she was going to do. A smirk spread on those plump, red lips as she ran long, nimble digits through her own hair; a comforting sensation.

The shadows that casted over her eyes would hide every feature, only allowing that eerie, fel green glow to shine through them. From this and the wicked grin on her face, one could have sworn she was a demon. Reaching out for her gloves, Nora would slowly slide the things back on, never once changing her posture.

Teeth clamped down on her bottom lip, grinding it ever so gently. The grin still set on her face, making her look like a hungry monster, or something of that sort. “You fucked with my family, Wrathrim...” She said aloud, handing lifting her blade from the ground, then promptly flipping it around and sheathing it. “Enjoy your last hours of light.” The End.


Send me asks!

Send me asks, please! I’d love to answer some, I really would. Not to mention it would help decide what to write for the day. 

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