
Eat The Rich

@cocorobo / cocorobo.tumblr.com

I like robots and robot accessories. Mainly a transformers blog! Commission Info!

Will people get the joke? I hope so

I cannot imagine I am the first person to make this joke


‪Me, remembering that though I miss my aunt, she was a bully and made fun of me for a lot of my interests and how I behaved, and whether it was meant to be friendly/playful didn’t matter bc it always made me feel bad afterwards. And realizing it made me just not feel comfortable talking about my interests to my family:

Growth is realizing this was a trauma response and she wasn’t sure how to feel about the times I was just Me and she was afraid of what happened to her happening to me.

If she wasn’t brought up the way she was, she and I would’ve been best friends. I miss her even though she was like that. She would’ve loved knowing how strong I am now and how I own that shit.


Got my phone case designed by @cocorobo in the mail a few days ago.

I’m absolutely in love with this witch and am so glad to be showing off Coco’s beautiful art to the world


Hey where are y’all finding good references for drawing König? I know ppl broke down his model to find out what his mask is made of I need those 😂


I don’t really go here anymore, I’m mostly on twitter @KnbsJck42069


How do celebrities just have the energy to jump into dating again? I’ve tried and it’s the same patterns over and over for me and I don’t know how to fix them anymore??????? 


When Mother Earth tells you to clean out your car, you do it


I would much rather have people tell me the truth even if it hurts vs telling me nothing/lying/downplaying things to soften the blow

I can always get over the hard truths tbh


As much as I love Katamari Damacy and Spla2n I gotta get pokken DX and BOTW

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