She blinded me with magic

@moonedge-blog /

Zack Ledger Indie OC RP Blog Selective Not affiliated with any fandom Entirely original All character artwork are originaland drawn by Clockwings and other artists.
This has been on my mind for long but I’m gonna do this - please reblog this if you’re comfortable with pre-establishing relationships. I do not mean “met at the grocery store two weeks ago” or “have a common friend”, but rather stuff like “have been best friends since kindergrden”, “go for a beer every friday”, “friends with benefits”, “dated in highschool”, “hate each other’s guts because -insert reason-”  etc. Something meaningful (but not necessarily shippy) and I mean with muns/characters you have not interacted with, because I cannot believe I am the only one who prefers jumping right into the heart of the human interaction.

This has been something that has been bothering me for a while, especially when individuals in this comm try to use faceclaims that are mixed. I’m going to try and get this as cohesive and intelligible as possible, but basically :

If someone is mixed, please acknowledge all parts of their identity when you use them as a face claim!

What does this mean, you might ask? I mean that if you use Troian Bellesario as a faceclaim for your character, you acknowledge that she is part black/creole! She’s not just white! This means including it in your character- if your character is supposed to be full white, sorry bud. Go use someone else as your face claim. 

Recognizing someone’s race to their entirety is extremely important, and not doing so can be really hurtful and harmful. Personally, I am mixed white and Mexican, but often times those aspects of my race are overlooked because of how I look. I am lighter than my mom, and because of this I have been told to my face that she isn’t my mother. I’ve been asked if she was my babysitter. I have been told that I need to prove that I am Mexican because I don’t fit someone’s stereotype of what a Mexican person looks like. Don’t be mistaken- things like this happen to people who aren’t white-passing as well! I have friends that are not white-passing who have had the same experiences when they are out with their parents who don’t look exactly like them, and it’s just as uncomfortable of an experience. 

All I’m asking is that you please, please, please do your research before selecting a faceclaim and building a character. By taking away part of a mixed person’s heritage just because you want to use them as a face claim, you are erasing part of their identity. It’s not a good feeling, and only adds onto the stereotype that you need to look a certain way in order to fit into a certain racial group. 


“I try my best not to kill, but sometimes fate deals you a hand that forces you into a corner. To protect this world sometimes my blades must be unsheathed to those that want to ruin what we have. It still bothers me today.”


      She looks over to her companion, a frown on her lips as she possessively shifts her ice cream cone away.  “– I am not sharing this with you.” 


“Well I’m not sharing my donut then.” He pouted, taking a bite into the pastry and having melted chocolate ooze into his mouth. 

Friggan Laura Kinney.

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