
screw hard to get tbh i wanna lick ur abs

@acciowalnuts / acciowalnuts.tumblr.com

im gay for remus lupin ☆ demisexual sirius black is all i care about on this earth
I have a theory he might wear things big enough for two people to fit in them. Exactly calculated so that two people can fit in there. 
  • fandom please I implore you all to talk about Dean Thomas more
  • literally yelling for a red card during a Quidditch match
  • painting a potter for president banner for his friend HOW CUTE
  • offering to forge a signature so that same friend could go to the village with the rest of them
  • actually he paints banners supporting Harry on two separate occasions four years apart 
  • is it weirder that he keeps doing that or that Harry keeps getting himself into situations where he requires banners
  • good with a quill be still my beating heart the boy is an artist
  • literally not giving a single fuck that their teacher was a “dangerous half-breed” because he respected the hell out of him as a person and educator
  • and he grew up as a muggle so he had already been exposed to werewolf folklore and he had every excuse to be afraid or prejudiced and instead decided to judge him on a human level, even without the familiarity the trio etc. had to him
  • standing up for that same teacher time and time again
  • including to a ministry official who he just generally gave the sass to anyway
  • never losing his faith in Harry even when his very best friend in the whole world and approximately 89% of the wizarding community basically thought the bloke was a nutjob
  • convincing his best mate to join DA 
  • there was a fair bit of an anti-dean sentiment in HBP best to ignore that then
  • never having any animosity towards his friend for getting together with his ex-girlfriend so soon
  • completely supporting and defending Harry while on the run because OBVIOUSLY why stop now after seven years of doing literally that at every single opportunity
  • being completely bemused by but always kind towards Luna
  • helping to dig the grave on the beach
  • running out into the final battle without a fucking wand 
  • evidently winning one at some point
  • everything to do with him and Seamus however you want to view their relationship but frankly I could do a whole other post on that
  • also I met Alfie once and he was so pretty

in every fandom, there’s a section of 30-year-old women who write astonishingly kinky fanfiction and interact with these really self-conscious, cringey jokes and anyway they’re arguably the worst 


Is it really?

So Rowling had no way of knowing the political climate during the 19 Years Later epilogue, but we do now. So consider this: what kind of world does the Golden Trio live in right now?

Their country is in the middle of Brexit talks, with racism and protectionism at their worst and the magic community isn’t far behind. 

Young Pure Bloods march the streets with torches and capes, shouting “They will not replace us!” They wear Deatheater masks and temporary tattoos (oh it’s not the real thing, they’ll wash it off and be back at the office on Monday).

In the news, the authorities call for a cease of violence and ask people not to fight the young pure bloods. In the streets, people talk about talking to them calmly to fix things. Ron is livid. “You don’t reason with bloody Deatheaters! You throw curses at them!”

Hermione’s work for equality in the magical world gets harder every day. She starts getting death threats in her mail, many howlers that leave her in tears. She keeps going. When people insist that every werewolf is dangerous to society and they should all be banned from country, she tearfully remembers Lupin giving his life to protect them all, she remembers Dobby with a knife in his heart and Hagrid with his half giant blood and his giant heart. She keeps fighting. 

As much as he hates it —and he hates it a lot— Harry becomes a vocal public figure again, constantly condemning blood purists and calling for action against them. His office calls horrified after the first interview, telling him he can’t be calling for violence against this people who are only protesting. “They are Deatheaters and this is how we deal with them,” he snarls back. “Have you forgotten Voldemort?” On the other side of the line, he can feel them flinch. 

No one who fought the war has forgotten it, but so many others seem to, it pains Harry. It’s been barely twenty years since he saw children die in the grounds of Hogwarts, killed by grown angry men who believed themselves superior. It’s been barely twenty years since Tom Riddle’s death body laid on the ground and he thought they could finally have peace. 

The trio sends their kids on the Hogwarts Express and they can’t help but remember their experiences there in a time much like this. They never thought their own children would have to suffer as they did, they pray they won’t have to. 

Harry touches his lighting scar and reminds himself it hasn’t hurt again for years. All is well. A quiet voice inside his head wonders bitterly: “Is it, really?”

Sirius with a sleepy Remus on his lap: awww, you are adorable
Remus, sleepily: I could beat the shit out of you
Sirius, lovingly: I know...
Anonymous asked:

heyyy ! sorry to bother you, but do you happen to know of a fic where they are all in boarding school and remus is a trans man but the marauders dont know ( they assume he's cis ) and at some point remus is outed by snape and bellatrix and co start to bully him ? it was on ao3 and it was abandoned i think

It’s not abandoned, but I think picascribit’s fic comes the closest to what you’re describing. Maybe that’s the one you’re looking for?

TransFigured, by picascribit“We thought you might be a werewolf,“ said Sirius."What?” Remus almost laughed at the absurdity.“Last year. James and I thought — but the dates didn’t quite match up. With the full moons, I mean.”“Well, I’m not.”“I know. All I meant was, we thought you might be, and we still wanted to be friends. Whatever you’re not telling us — how much worse can it be?”


I've read the fic anon is describing, and it's not transfigured or any work by the amazing picascribit. I can't find it no matter how hard I look, but it's an unfinished story set in somewhat of a university context. I thought the title was Queer as Folk but I can't find anything by that name. In it bellatrix and snape try to sexually assult remus, and mcgonagall is in it. ???


snape could’ve been an awesome teacher if he wasn’t a disgusting waste of a human being. he knew from age 16 that the instuctions that the textbooks were giving weren’t as good as they could be. he improved the potions and recorded his methods at age 16. if he weren’t such a shitbag, he could’ve either written the damn textbooks himself, or taught his students his alternate methods. he could’ve revolutionized how potions were being brewed, teaching whole generations a superior method of potion brewing. instead, he spent his time bullying children. 

He could have become rich and famous and been one of the most well regarded wizards of his age with his knowledge of spells and potions

But instead he decided “The girl i hurled racial slurs at put me in the Friend Zone so I’m gonna go become a Magic Nazi and then spend the remainder of my adult years emotionally abusing twelve year olds”


He could have become everything a Slytherin should have been instead of the epitome of what everyone else thinks they are.


turns out the real chosen one was kingsley shacklebolt the whole time


Things sadder than Snape’s death - every other characters death - Mrs Norris being petrified - Hagrid’s flobberworms eating too much lettuce and dying - Harry’s Nimbus 2000s tragic demise..gone but never forgotten - Lavender Brown’s rabbit dying - The whomping willow suffering some damage in chamber of secrets - Malfoy’s tragic hippogriff injury in third year - the dead flies that went into potions…RIP - The thought of any of Mrs Figg’s cats perishing - Rita Skeeter having to sell some of the jewels in her glasses

mrs mason being triggered by that post delivering owl in chamber of secrets


James Potter: - Was a bully - Jinxed people when he was bored and laughed at it - Was totally okay with Remus being a werewolf - Became an unregistered animagus so that his werewolf friend wouldn’t have to suffer through the full moon alone - Realized within a few years what a douche he was to people - Changed for the better - Loved his wife and his son with all his heart and wanted only what was best for them - Joined the Order of the Phoenix as soon as he left Hogwarts - Faced Lord Voldemort without a wand, in hope of buying Lily and Harry time, knowing that he stood no chance of surviving

Severus Snape: - Thought muggle-borns were inferior - Called his only friend “mudblood” - Became a Death Eater - Told Voldemort about the prophecy, bc he was 100% okay with killing an infant - When he got to know that it was Lily’s son, he asked Voldemort to spare HER, not caring how she would feel to have her son and husband killed - Bullied Harry simply because he was James’ son - Bullied Neville until he became the poor boy’s WORST FEAR (that same poor boy who witnessed his parents get tortured to insanity by Bellatrix, yet SNAPE was his worst fear.) - Shamed Hermione for her teeth until she cried. And then she permanently changed them. - Threatened to kill Trevor when Neville failed to do a potion - Used his position of power as a teacher to make students’ lives miserable - Told everyone Lupin was a werewolf, and intended to get him fired - Knew that Sirius didn’t tell Voldemort the Potters’ location (I could explain how but I can’t bother now) but still wanted him to get a dementor’s kiss bc of what happened when they were 16 - Helped Harry in the end

But sure, go ahead and tell me Snape was a better person than James.


Otter Potter Potter, you were named after Hermione’s patronus and a fantastic profession, look at this clay pot, it’s beautiful 


werewolves are gay culture, whichever angle you look at it there’s nothing heterosexual about being a werewolf

…. How?

Let me explain:

Werewolves: gay

I hope that answers your questions, for more information please contact your local werewolf society.

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