
lost in confusion

@iwetbiebersbed / iwetbiebersbed.tumblr.com

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I just wanted to have a moment of appreciation for my favorite female-led non-romantic comedies

Can we appreciate how feminist all these movies are in completely different ways?

Pitch Perfect and Bridesmaids proved that yes, a comedy with an all girl cast is possible, and both guys and girls will fucking love it

Easy A is filled to the brim with slut-shaming and how fucking ridiculous it is

She’s the Man has the traditional type of plot of a tomboy girl succeeding in a male-dominated area (typical does not mean bad)

Mean Girls is all about the cattiness of girls and how that shit has got to stop. (“You’ve got to stop calling each other sluts and whores. It just makes it okay for guys to call you sluts and whores”)

And Legally Blonde is a personal favorite. Beauty does not mean ignorance, femininity does not mean inferiority. You can be kick-ass, intelligent and feminist even when you’re wearing pink. This kinda message seems a little harder to come by when it comes to “empowered women” in the media.

Basically, these movies are progressive gold

Don’t forget

Feminists don’t have to be anti-feminine. Being badass doesn’t mean you can’t wear a dress.


her smile goes from so wide, to nothing. You can tell in her eyes she’s just been dissapointed, and hurt. I actually hate this when it happens. forcing a smile then not been able to keep it there.

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