


-- skaret / ♑ / ♂ --

Just a lil banner I made for myself. Go check me out in other sites!

-New Furaffinity (still have to set it up)


hey guys, I still have thousands of followers in this account so this is the yearly reminder that I haven´t used this account in years, but if you want to keep up with me, you can follow me in any of those websites, or in my other tumblr account, canis-infernalis !

lots of good stuff has happened in these years, I have moved to finland to live with my boyfriend now, I managed to bring Codex here and things are looking good in general

hope you guys are doing well!


hey, I haven´t used this blog in a year since I moved to this blog

I accidentally logged in to this one so I guess I would make a reminder post lol

For the ones that dont follow me there and want an update of my life, well, I´m finishing school this year and will get my Ilustrator title, and I will be moving to finland as soon as possible (this summer if everything goes well) to live with my boyfriend and fiancé Jere

so anyways Im stressed as usual with school projects and other stuff going on but Im very happy with the direction my life is taking

so YE thats it

again if you want to follow my other blog (since I dont use this anymore), it´s this 


ok so my boyfriend went back to finland today and I'm back home from the airport. I had such an amazing time with him and did so many things and I've been so happy during this time, and I'm really going to miss him until next time we can be together. Not having him around feels so weird. 

Also, I'm going to delete this account. I'm just going to use my other account, inferorum-canis , from now on. The whole KYAAAAAAAAAAA thing over fandoms isnt really my thing. The behaviour i see on my dash is too much for me, lol, i really don't want to be part of it. I'll enjoy things by myself but not here, Sorry to all my followers who liked this blog

anyways you can still follow me on the other account if you like what i put there, will post my art and personal posts and pictures there

so yee that's all, thanks for reading!


hello people sorry for not posting anything for like two weeks

i wasnt dead tho, quite the opposite

I've been at my summer place far away from home with my boyfriend during these weeks, now we are at my actual home so I have internet so I'm posting this

taken at the summer place's beach at night (i'm the blue haired one ofc )

had an amazing time there and got awesome new memories and I'm still having an incredible time

Thank you Jere for everything, I love you and I love every second i get to spend with you

Anonymous asked:

I'm so happy you'll see your loved one again!!! Don't worry about posting, you should enjoy your time with him :)

thank you!

Will totally enjoy it so so so much ahh 

excited skaret mode activated


Jere is coming tomorrow and i have to take a 5 hour bus to the airport and then once im there with him take another one to go to my summer apartment in the ~*mediterranean*~ and eare gonna be there for a little over two weeks and then we will come to my city and he will stay here for some days so yeee very excited about being with him again hnnn would be better if i was already living with him though. But anyways, until then, this. Will try to update as much as i can but yea I will be busy (happily busy) so idk when i will. anyways yeea that's it, cya guys wheneverrrr

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